1. Article purpose
The STM32MP15xx device errata sheet[1] lists the different device limitations and explains the corresponding workarounds (software and/or hardware) if any.
The objective of this article is to explain which of the workarounds, described in this errata sheet, are applicable and implemented in ecosystem release v4.1.0 .
This article lists
- errata to be workaround by the customers,
- errata workaround implemented in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases,
- and errata not applicable in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases.
Errata, present in STM32MP15xx device errata sheet[1] and not listed in this article, have no workaround implemented in STM32MPU Ecosystem releases.
2. Legend
The section column refers to the number of the erratum chapter in the errata sheet document.
Rev.Y columns , present in the tables below, refer to the availability and status of a given errata workaround for the described erratum in errata sheet document:
- A = workaround available
- P = partial workaround available
- N = no workaround available
OpenSTLinux and CubeMP1 columns , present in the tables below, refer to the availability of a workaround for a given STM32MP13 ecosystem release:
- U = workaround to implement by User
- I = workaround Implemented
- NA= Errata Not Applicable in ST software release
Wave your mouse over a status in the table to display the corresponding legend.
3. Workarounds to implement by customer
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Z | ![]() |
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Arm® Cortex®-A7 core | 2.1.1 | Memory locations might be accessed speculatively due to instruction fetches when HCR.VM is set | A | U | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution does not activate Arm® Cortex®-A7 Hypervisor mode and hence the Virtual Memory second stage of translation. The customer should implement the workaround if the Hypervisor mode is used in his/her product. |
Arm® Cortex®-M4 core | 2.2.1 | Interrupted loads to SP can cause erroneous behavior | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP15_Package: Limitation only on hand-written assembly code. The customer should implement the workaround in the product assembly code. |
2.2.2 | VDIV or VSQRT instructions might not complete correctly when very short ISRs are used | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP15_Package provided as example. The customer should implement the workarounds according to the user code and product configuration. | |
2.2.3 | Store immediate overlapping exception return operation might vector to incorrect interrupt | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP15_Package: Minor impact on the system. The customer should implement the workaround according to the MPU configuration. | |
System | 2.3.22 | Improper isolation of protected secure resources | P | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: Errata and workaround described in Security advisory TN1500. | |
2.3.23 | Improper MCU resource isolations | A | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The customer should implement the workaround. | ||
DDRPHYC | 2.4.2 | DDR_CLK jitter out of JEDEC requirement for 32-bit LPDDR2/LPDDR3 at low device Tj | A | U | U | ST boards use DDR3 instead of LPDDR2/3. The customer should implement the workaround if he uses LPDDR2/3 in his board design. |
2.4.3 | Data corruption at low device Tj combined with low 32-bit LPDDR2/LPDDR3 I/O supply voltage | A | U | U | ST boards use DDR3 instead of LPDDR2/3. The customer should implement the workaround if he uses LPDDR2/3 in his board design. | |
DMAMUX | 2.7.4 | Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR register write coinciding with synchronization event | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP15_Package: The customer should provide the right DMAMUX signal polarity configuration when calling the HAL_DMAEx_ConfigMuxSync() function provided in STM32CubeMP15_Package Src/stm32mp1xx_hal_dma_ex.c . |
FMC | 2.8.1 | NOR Flash memory/PSRAM incorrect bus turnaround timing | A | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: Delays to applied by customer device tree. | |
ADC | 2.11.4 | ADC_AWDy_OUT reset by non-guarded channels | A | U | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the device tree.
STM32CubeMP15_Package: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the application. |
2.11.7 | ADC ANA0/ANA1 resolution limited when Gigabit Ethernet is used | P | U | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The customer should implement this workaround by limiting the ADC data resolution in the device tree
STM32CubeMP15_Package: The customer should implement this workaround by limiting the ADC data resolution in the application. | |
2.11.8 | ADC missing codes in differential 16-bit static acquisition | P | U | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the device tree
STM32CubeMP15_Package: The customer should implement this workaround by configuring only ADC channels that are guarded by a watchdog in the application. | |
DAC | 2.13.1 | Invalid DAC channel analog output if the DAC channel MODE bitfield is programmed before DAC initialization | A | NA | U | STM32CubeMP15_Package: Both Normal and Sample and hold modes are supported by the HAL drivers. The user should call properly HAL_DAC_Init before HAL_DAC_ConfigChannel to avoid the issue. |
LPTIM | 2.18.1 | Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when entering Stop mode | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The LPTIM interrupt is not used.
STM32CubeMP15_Package: The customer should implement this workaround in MspDeinit(). |
I2C | 2.20.2 | Spurious bus error detection in master mode | A | U | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: The LPTIM interrupt is not used.
STM32CubeMP15_Package: Issue visible only in interrupt mode, not in DMA mode. Bus Error should be handled by a Timeout at application level.). |
4. Workarounds implemented in STM32MP15 ecosystem releases
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Z | ![]() |
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Arm® Cortex®-A7 core | 2.1.2 | Cache maintenance by set/way operations can execute out of order | A | I | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Implementation accepted by the community since Linux® kernel v5.3 in arch/arm/Kconfig (refer to ARM_ERRATA_814220). |
System | 2.3.3 | HSE external oscillator required in some LTDC use cases | P | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Implemented in device tree.
Hardware implementation of the external oscillator connected to the HSE pins available on STM32MP157x-EV1 MB1263 Rev.C (aka "MB1263C") and STM32MP157x-DKx MB1272 Rev.C (aka "MB1272C"). | |
2.3.4 | RCC cannot exit Stop and Low-power Stop modes | A | I | |||
2.3.5 | Incorrect reset of glitch-free kernel clock switch | P | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: By default, STPMIC1 performs a VDDCORE reset on NRST activation. | ||
2.3.6 | Limitation of aclk/hclk5/hclk6 to 200 MHz when used as SDMMC1/2 kernel clock | P | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Implemented in device tree with a clock tree that uses a SDMMC1/SDMMC2 kernel clock source different from the aclk/hclk5/hclk6 bus clock. | ||
2.3.9 | Cortex-M4 cannot use I/O compensation on Standby mode exit | A | NA | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: The examples delivered with STM32Cube use only IOSPEEDR[1:0] settings 00 and 01. | |
QUADSPI | 2.9.1 | Memory-mapped read of last memory byte fails | P | I | ||
VREFBUF | 2.14.2 | Overshoot on VREFBUF output | A | I | ||
DTS | 2.12.1 | DTS incorrect operation with LSE as reference clock and PCLK enabled | P | I | ||
LPTIM | 2.18.2 | MCU may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when clearing event flag | P | NA | I | |
RTC and TAMP | 2.19.2 | Calendar initialization may fail in case of consecutive INIT mode entry | A | I | ||
I2C | 2.20.1 | Wrong data sampling when data setup time (tSU;DAT) is shorter than one I2C kernel clock period | P | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Workaround implemented in device tree with a clock tree that configures the I2C kernel clock source to a frequency higher than 20 MHz. |
SPI | 2.22.1 | Master data transfer stall at system clock much faster than SCK | A | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: SPI is disabled after each EOT
STM32CubeMP15_Package: SPI is disabled after each EOT. |
2.22.3 | TXP interrupt occurring while SPI disabled | A | I | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: all interrupts are disabled before the SPI is disabled. | |
ETH | 2.25.2 | Rx DMA may fail to recover upon DMA restart following a bus error, with Rx timestamping enabled | A | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Workaround is implemented in stmmac driver. When a bus error is detected, a SW reset is done and all the descriptors are cleared (Rx and Tx), the queues and descriptors are reinitialized | |
2.25.6 | ARP offload function not effective | A | I | |||
2.25.10 | DMA spurious state upon AXI DMA slave bus error | P | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: Workaround is implemented is stmmac driver |
5. Workarounds not applicable in STM32MP15 ecosystem releases
Function | Section | Limitation | Rev.Z | ![]() |
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System | 2.3.19 | DLYB limits SDMMC throughput | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Errata impacts only HS200 abd SDR104 modes which are not enabled in OpenSTLinux distribution. A warning can be found on this topic on SDMMC device tree configuration. | |
2.3.21 | Wrong value in Coresight M4 ROM table | A | NA | NA | STM32CubeMP15_Package: DeviceID not used. All the examples provided are compiled for MP15. | |
DMAMUX | 2.7.1 | SOFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_CFR register | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA synchronization event is not used. | |
2.7.2 | OFx not asserted for trigger event coinciding with last DMAMUX request | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA Trigger event is not used. | ||
2.7.3 | OFx not asserted when writing into DMAMUX_RGCFR register | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA Trigger event is not used. | ||
2.7.4 | Wrong input DMA request routed upon specific DMAMUX_CxCR register write coinciding with synchronization event | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: DMA synchronization event is not used. | |
FMC | 2.8.2 | Incorrect FMC_CLK clock period when CLKDIV value is changed on-the-fly in continuous clock mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CLKDIV can't be changed on-the-fly. | |
2.8.3 | NAND Flash memory IREF/IFEF flags wrongly asserted just after enabling in FMC_IER | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: IREF/IFEF flags are not used. | ||
2.8.4 | Command sequencer accesses NAND Flash memory device while PBKEN bit is cleared in FMC_PCR | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: PBKEN bit is set at probe time and never cleared on the flag. | ||
2.8.5 | NAND Flash memory IREF flag wrongly asserted after reset | A | NA | |||
SDMMC | 2.10.1 | End-of-buffer status flag not cleared when the last burst data is delayed by the slave | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Not applicable in OpenSTLinux, as IDMABTC status flag is not used in our driver. | |
2.10.2 | The first word of the transfer following a linked list error may be wrong | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Not applicable in OpenSTLinux, as the linked list is built and ready before starting the data transfer (ABR bit always set to 1) | ||
2.10.3 | Command response and receive data end bits not checked | N | NA | NA | Not an issue from SW side as not visible by the SW. | |
ADC | 2.11.1 | New context conversion initiated without waiting for trigger when writing new context in ADC_JSQR with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0 | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: JQDIS = 1, this issue occurs only when JQDIS = 0. | |
2.11.2 | Two consecutive context conversions fail when writing new context in ADC_JSQR just after previous context completion with JQDIS = 0 and JQM = 0 | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: JQDIS = 1, this issue occurs only when JQDIS = 0. | ||
2.11.3 | Unexpected regular conversion when two consecutive injected conversions are performed in Dual interleaved mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Dual mode is not implemented. | ||
2.11.5 | Injected data stored in the wrong ADC_JDRx registers | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Injected conversion not implemented. | ||
2.11.6 | ADC slave data may be shifted in Dual regular simultaneous mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Dual mode is not implemented. | ||
DAC | 2.13.1 | Invalid DAC channel analog output if the DAC channel MODE bitfield is programmed before DAC initialization | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution:The Linux DAC driver uses only the Normal mode. It never needs to modify the MODE bitfield. |
LPTIM | 2.18.1 | Device may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when entering Stop mode | A | NA | U | OpenSTLinux distribution: LPTIM interrupt is not used |
2.18.2 | MCU may remain stuck in LPTIM interrupt when clearing event flag | P | NA | I | OpenSTLinux distribution: LPTIM interrupt is not used | |
RTC and TAMP | 2.19.5 | REFCKON write protection associated to INIT KEY instead of CAL KEY | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: REFCKON is not implemented in linux driver | |
I2C | 2.20.3 | Spurious master transfer upon own slave address match | P | NA | STM32CubeMP15_Package: The multimaster mode implementation of I2C HAL driver prevents such case from happening. | |
2.20.5 | Transmission stalled after first byte transfer | P | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Condition never reached in Linux OS thanks to the specific implementation (TXDR always filled before transmission). | ||
USART | 2.21.1 | Anticipated end-of-transmission signaling in SPI slave mode | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: SPI slave mode is not implemented | |
2.21.3 | Received data may be corrupted upon clearing the ABREN bit | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Condition never reached in Linux OS thanks to the specific implementation (ABREN bit never cleaned up in USART_CR2 register). | ||
2.21.4 | Noise error flag set while ONEBIT is set | N | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: Not applicable as Linux Framework doesn't handle the Noise error indication. | ||
SPI | 2.22.2 | Corrupted CRC return at non-zero UDRDET setting | P | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CRC is not supported | |
2.22.4 | Possible corruption of last-received data depending on CRCSIZE setting | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: CRC is not supported | ||
ETH | 2.25.3 | Spurious receive watchdog timeout interrupt | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: This bug does not affect OpenSTLinux because of the specific implementation of the driver. | |
2.25.11 | Incorrect DMA transfer state in TEB[2:0] and REB[2:0] on bus error | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: No functional impact because only the DMA transfer state is incorrect. | ||
2.25.13 | Fatal bus error interrupt not generated when the descriptor posted write is enabled | A | NA | OpenSTLinux distribution: No impact as the register DSPW bit if the ETH_DMAMR register is never used in dwmac driver. It remains set to 0 in any condition. |