Last edited 2 weeks ago

How to build bootloaders for Android

This article explains how to build the Android™ bootloader binaries for a selected STM32 device. It is intended for Distribution Package users.

This article explains how to rebuild the primary and secondary bootloaders for the STM32 device families. It is intended for Distribution Package users.

1. Prerequisites

The environment must be installed using the distribution package adapted to the selected microprocessor unit.

To execute the following instructions, work from the distribution root directory and initialize the environment with the following instructions:

source build/
lunch aosp_<BoardId>-userdebug

2. Partition layout

The Trusted Firmware (TF-A) is used as the primary bootloader in the OpenSTDroid distribution. The TF-A binary file is part of the FSBL partition.

The Universal Bootloader (U-Boot) is used as the secondary bootloader in the OpenSTDroid distribution. The U-Boot binary file is part of the FIP partition.

The binaries are available in device/stm/<STM32Series>-bootloader/prebuilt.

3. Load the bootloader sources

By default, the bootloader sources are not part of the OpenSTDroid distribution. To load the sources, execute the following instruction:


It will load both the TF-A and U-Boot sources.

The bootloader sources are located in:

  • TF-A: device/stm/<STM32Series>-bootloader/tf-a-<STM32Series>
  • U-Boot: device/stm/<STM32Series>-bootloader/u-boot-<STM32Series>

4. Build the bootloaders

To build both the FSBL and the SSBL, run:


This instruction generates both the TF-A and the U-Boot for every available board, memory, and boot mode in the optee configuration.

To get more details on available options, run:

build_bootloader -h

Hereafter, this is the result for version 1.8:

Usage: build_bootloader [Options] [Mode Options] [Board Options]

  This script allows building the bootloaders source (TF-A and/or U-Boot)

  -h / --help: print this message
  -v / --version: get script version
  -i / --install: update prebuilt images
  --verbose=<level>: enable verbosity (1 or 2 depending on level of verbosity required)

  -p / --programmer: build dedicated programmer version (-i option forced)
  -g/--gdb: generate .elf files useful for debug purpose
  -t / --tools: generate fiptool for the HOST machine

Board options: (default = all possibilities)
  -b <name> / --board=<name>: set board name from following list = eval (default: all)
  -m <config> / --mem=<config>: set memory configuration from following list = sd emmc (default: all)

5. Integrate the bootloaders

To update prebuilt images add -i option:

build_bootloader -i

To integrate the updated prebuilt images, execute from the root directory:

make -j

Then update associated partitions on your device. Refer to How to populate boards for Android