All the peripherals receive one or several clocks that are generated via RCC internal peripheral. RCC relies on several clocks sources (LSI, LSE, HSI, HSE, CSI) and four PLL in order to provide adequate input frequencies to all the peripherals. The clock tree covers all the system clock distribution aspects, from the clock sources to the consumer peripherals (internal and external), except clock gating management that is locally controlled by each peripheral driver.
1. Overview[edit | edit source]
The clock tree is managed via RCC internal peripheral hardware block and it is configured at different steps from the Cortex-A7:
- When the device is reset, all RCC registers take their reset values: the four PLL are disabled and most of the clock source selectors are pointing to the HSI.
- The ROM Code configures the minimum clock tree needed to boot on the selected boot device.
- TF-A BL2 has the same strategy as the ROM code, configuring the minimum clock tree needed for its execution, thanks to the configuration given in the device tree.
- OP-TEE completely configures the clock tree as expected, all the way up to Linux, thanks to the configuration given in the device tree.
- Linux may partly modify clock tree at runtime thanks to SCMI clock services provided by OP-TEE secure OS. Information related to SCMI are taken from the device tree:
- Linux binding is available in Documentation/devicetree/bindings/clock/clock-bindings.txt (and surrounding files): 'fixed-clock' compatible, 'clocks' and 'assigned-clocks' properties are important concepts to understand the management of clocks providers/consumers.
2. How to build a clock tree?[edit | edit source]
Building a clock tree is quite complex as it needs to take into account the constraints set by each internal and external peripheral, including external clock sources.
We encourage the use of STM32CubeMX to build the clock tree, and avoid having to know all internal peripherals details: the tool allows to select the peripherals that will be present on the board, fix the clock sources frequencies and automatically find an optimized clock tree. It is then able to generate the device tree that is directly consumed by the boot chain and the secure OS. Linux kernel will be able to modify clock tree at run time thanks to SCMI clock services provided by OP-TEE.
3. ST boards clock tree[edit | edit source]
This chapter ensures that all peripherals receive clocks with characteristics compatible with the specification (frequency, duty cycle, precision) on each ST board.
![]() |
See How to change the CPU frequency article for more information about the CPU frequency setting (PLL1P), including dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) configuration. |
3.1. STM32MP135F-DK Discovery kit
case[edit | edit source]
This chapter shows the result of the boot time clock tree set by the FSBL, overlaid by the run time clock tree set by the Secure OS on STM32MP135F-DK Discovery kit .
Linux eventual runtime modifications are not covered here.
3.1.1. Clock tree[edit | edit source]
The following table shows what STM32MP135F-DK Discovery kit clock tree looks like, as a result of the boot chain execution with the device tree built with STM32CubeMX.
Component | Parent | Frequency | Used? | Comment | -----------------------|---------|-----------------|--------|-----------------------------------| LSI |N.A. | 0.032000 MHz | yes | Mandatory for IWDG, DAC IWDG1 |LSI | 0.032000 MHz | yes | IWDG2 |LSI | 0.032000 MHz | yes | LSE |N.A. | 0.032768 MHz | yes | Mandatory for DTS RTC |LSE | 0.032768 MHz | yes | TAMP |LSE | 0.032768 MHz | yes | DTS |LSE | 0.032768 MHz | yes | HSI |N.A. | 64.000000 MHz | yes | I2C1 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | Rpi and peripherals I2C2 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | I2C4 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | PMIC I2C5 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | Rpi and peripherals USART1 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) USART2 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | Bluetooth USART3 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | UART4 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | Linux console UART5 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | USART6 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | UART7 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | yes | Arduino UART8 |HSI | 64.000000 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) HSE |N.A. | 24.000000 MHz | yes | RTCDIV |HSE | 1.000000 MHz | yes | Only used when RTC source is HSE USBPHYC |HSE | 24.000000 MHz | yes | USB PHY Ctrl for USB Host and OTG USBPLL |USBPHYC | 48.000000 MHz | yes | USBO |USBPLL | 48.000000 MHz | yes | USB OTG USBH |USBPLL | 48.000000 MHz | yes | USB Host STGEN |HSE | 24.000000 MHz | yes | FDCAN2 |HSE | 24.000000 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) ck_per |HSE | 24.000000 MHz | yes | ADC2 |ck_per | 24.000000 MHz | yes | Analog watchdog PLL1 |HSE | xxx MHz | yes | PLL1P |PLL1 | xxx MHz | yes | MPUDIV |PLL1P | xxx MHz | yes | Cortex-A7 |PLL1P | xxx MHz | yes | 650 MHz or 1 GHz, see the information box above PLL2 |HSE | 533.000000 MHz | yes | PLL2P |PLL2 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | AXI |PLL2P | 266.500000 MHz | yes | 266.5 MHz FMC |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | no | QSPI |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | no | SAES |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | TZC |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | SYSRAM |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | ROM |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | AHB5 |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | < 266MHz CRYP1 |AHB5 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | HASH1 |AHB5 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | BKPSRAM |AHB5 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | PKA |AHB5 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | AHB6 |AXI | 266.500000 MHz | yes | < 266MHz CRC1 |AHB6 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | MDMA |AHB6 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | MCE |AHB6 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | APB4 |AXI | 133.250000 MHz | yes | < 133MHz GPIOA-I |APB4 | 133.250000 MHz | yes | APB5 |AXI | 66.625000 MHz | yes | < 133MHz BSEC |APB5 | 66.625000 MHz | yes | < 67MHz ETZPC |APB5 | 66.625000 MHz | yes | DBGAPB |AXI | 133.250000 MHz | yes | JTAG & Coresight DBGMCU |DBGAPB | 66.625000 MHz | yes | PLL2Q |PLL2 | 266.500000 MHz | yes | DCMIPP |PLL2Q | 266.500000 MHz | yes | < 533MHz PLL2R |PLL2 | 533.000000 MHz | yes | DDRPHYC |PLL2R | 533.000000 MHz | yes | DDRC |PLL2R | 533.000000 MHz | yes | DDRPERFM |PLL2R | 533.000000 MHz | yes | PLL3 |HSE | 417.755859 MHz | yes | PLL3P |PLL3 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | MLAHB |PLL3P | 208.877930 MHz | yes | < 209MHz SRAM1 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | SRAM2 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | SRAM3 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | DFSDM |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) AHB1 |MLAHB | 104.438965 MHz | yes | < 104.5MHz AHB2 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | < 209MHz DMA1 |AHB2 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | DMA2 |AHB2 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | DMA3 |AHB2 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | DMAMUX1 |AHB2 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | DMAMUX2 |AHB2 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | APB1 |MLAHB | 104.438965 MHz | yes | LPTIM1 |APB1 | 104.438965 MHz | no | TIMG1 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | TIM2 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 TIM3 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 - Rpi (not used by default) TIM4 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 - Rpi (not used by default) TIM5 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 TIM6 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 TIM7 |TIMG1 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 1 TIMG2 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | TIM1 |TIMG2 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 2 TIM8 |TIMG2 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 2 - Rpi (not used by default) TIMG3 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | TIM12 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 TIM13 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 TIM14 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 - Rpi (not used by default) TIM15 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 TIM16 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 TIM17 |TIMG3 | 208.877930 MHz | no | TIM Group 3 APB3 |MLAHB | 104.438965 MHz | yes | LPTIM2 |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | no | LPTIM3 |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | yes | LPTIM4 |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | no | LPTIM5 |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | no | SYSCFG |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | yes | VREFBUF |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | yes | HDP |APB3 | 104.438965 MHz | no | APB6 |MLAHB | 104.438965 MHz | yes | I2C3 |APB6 | 104.438965 MHz | no | SPI5 |APB6 | 104.438965 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) AHB4 |MLAHB | 208.877930 MHz | yes | < 209MHz PWR |AHB4 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | RCC |AHB4 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | EXTI |AHB4 | 208.877930 MHz | yes | PLL3Q |PLL3 | 24.573874 MHz | yes | PLL3R |PLL3 | 11.290699 MHz | yes | PLL4 |HSE | 600.000000 MHz | yes | PLL4P |PLL4 | 50.000000 MHz | yes | ETH1 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | yes | 50MHz from the SoC ETH2 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | yes | 50MHz from the SoC SDMMC1 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | yes | µSD card SDMMC2 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | yes | Wifi SPI1 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | no | SPI2 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | no | SPI3 |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | no | SPDIFRX |PLL4P | 50.000000 MHz | no | PLL4Q |PLL4 | 10.000000 MHz | yes | LTDC |PLL4Q | 10.000000 MHz | yes | LTDC display pixel clock SAI1 |PLL4Q | 10.000000 MHz | no | Rpi (not used by default) SAI2 |PLL4Q | 10.000000 MHz | no | SPI4 |PLL4Q | 10.000000 MHz | no | PLL4R |PLL4 | 50.000000 MHz | yes | ADC1 |PLL4R | 50.000000 MHz | no | RNG |PLL4R | 50.000000 MHz | yes | CSI |N.A. | 4.000000 MHz | yes | Mandatory for IO compensation -----------------------|---------|-----------------|--------|-----------------------------------|
3.1.2. Device tree[edit | edit source]
As mentioned in previous chapters, RCC configuration is done in two steps, first by the first stage boot loader (FSBL TF-A) and then by the secure OS (OP-TEE).
Here are the corresponding device tree rcc sub node properties in fdts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts consumed by the first stage boot loader (FSBL TF-A) to configure the clock tree required to boot on STM32MP135F-DK Discovery kit :
&rcc { st,clksrc = < CLK_MPU_PLL1P CLK_AXI_PLL2P CLK_MLAHBS_PLL3 CLK_CKPER_HSE CLK_RTC_LSE CLK_SDMMC1_PLL4P CLK_SDMMC2_PLL4P CLK_STGEN_HSE CLK_USBPHY_HSE CLK_I2C4_HSI CLK_USBO_USBPHY CLK_I2C12_HSI CLK_UART2_HSI CLK_UART4_HSI CLK_SAES_AXI >; st,clkdiv = < DIV(DIV_AXI, 0) DIV(DIV_MLAHB, 0) DIV(DIV_APB1, 1) DIV(DIV_APB2, 1) DIV(DIV_APB3, 1) DIV(DIV_APB4, 1) DIV(DIV_APB5, 2) DIV(DIV_APB6, 1) DIV(DIV_RTC, 0) >; st,pll_vco { pll2_vco_1066Mhz: pll2-vco-1066Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL12_HSE>; divmn = <2 65>; frac = <0x1400>; }; pll3_vco_417Mhz: pll3-vco-417Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL3_HSE>; divmn = <1 33>; frac = <0x1a04>; }; pll4_vco_600Mhz: pll4-vco-600Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL4_HSE>; divmn = <1 49>; }; }; /* VCO = 1066.0 MHz => P = 266 (AXI), Q = 266, R = 533 (DDR) */ pll2:st,pll@1 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <1>; st,pll = <&pll2_cfg1>; pll2_cfg1: pll2_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll2_vco_1066Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <1 1 0>; }; }; /* VCO = 417.8 MHz => P = 209, Q = 24, R = 209 */ pll3:st,pll@2 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <2>; st,pll = <&pll3_cfg1>; pll3_cfg1: pll3_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll3_vco_417Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <1 16 1>; }; }; /* VCO = 600.0 MHz => P = 50, Q = 10, R = 100 */ pll4:st,pll@3 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <3>; st,pll = <&pll4_cfg1>; pll4_cfg1: pll4_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll4_vco_600Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <11 59 5>; }; }; };
Here are the corresponding device tree rcc sub node properties in core/arch/arm/dts/stm32mp135f-dk.dts consumed by the secure OS (OP-TEE) to configure the clock tree above:
&rcc { st,clksrc = < CLK_MPU_PLL1P CLK_AXI_PLL2P CLK_MLAHBS_PLL3 CLK_RTC_LSE CLK_MCO1_HSE CLK_MCO2_DISABLED CLK_CKPER_HSE CLK_ETH1_PLL4P CLK_ETH2_PLL4P CLK_SDMMC1_PLL4P CLK_SDMMC2_PLL4P CLK_STGEN_HSE CLK_USBPHY_HSE CLK_I2C4_HSI CLK_I2C5_HSI CLK_USBO_USBPHY CLK_ADC2_CKPER CLK_I2C12_HSI CLK_UART1_HSI CLK_UART2_HSI CLK_UART35_HSI CLK_UART4_HSI CLK_UART6_HSI CLK_UART78_HSI CLK_SAES_AXI CLK_DCMIPP_PLL2Q CLK_LPTIM3_PCLK3 CLK_RNG1_PLL4R >; st,clkdiv = < DIV(DIV_MPU, 1) DIV(DIV_AXI, 0) DIV(DIV_MLAHB, 0) DIV(DIV_APB1, 1) DIV(DIV_APB2, 1) DIV(DIV_APB3, 1) DIV(DIV_APB4, 1) DIV(DIV_APB5, 2) DIV(DIV_APB6, 1) DIV(DIV_RTC, 0) DIV(DIV_MCO1, 0) DIV(DIV_MCO2, 0) >; st,pll_vco { pll1_vco_2000Mhz: pll1-vco-2000Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL12_HSE>; divmn = <1 82>; frac = <0xAAA>; }; pll1_vco_1300Mhz: pll1-vco-1300Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL12_HSE>; divmn = <2 80>; frac = <0x800>; }; pll2_vco_1066Mhz: pll2-vco-1066Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL12_HSE>; divmn = <2 65>; frac = <0x1400>; }; pll3_vco_417Mhz: pll3-vco-417Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL3_HSE>; divmn = <1 33>; frac = <0x1a04>; }; pll4_vco_600Mhz: pll4-vco-600Mhz { src = <CLK_PLL4_HSE>; divmn = <1 49>; }; }; /* VCO = 1300.0 MHz => P = 650 (CPU) */ pll1: st,pll@0 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <0>; st,pll = <&pll1_cfg1>; pll1_cfg1: pll1_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll1_vco_1300Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <0 1 1>; }; pll1_cfg2: pll1_cfg2 { st,pll_vco = <&pll1_vco_2000Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <0 1 1>; }; }; /* VCO = 1066.0 MHz => P = 266 (AXI), Q = 266, R = 533 (DDR) */ pll2: st,pll@1 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <1>; st,pll = <&pll2_cfg1>; pll2_cfg1: pll2_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll2_vco_1066Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <1 1 0>; }; }; /* VCO = 417.8 MHz => P = 209, Q = 24, R = 11 */ pll3: st,pll@2 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <2>; st,pll = <&pll3_cfg1>; pll3_cfg1: pll3_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll3_vco_417Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <1 16 36>; }; }; /* VCO = 600.0 MHz => P = 50, Q = 10, R = 50 */ pll4: st,pll@3 { compatible = "st,stm32mp1-pll"; reg = <3>; st,pll = <&pll4_cfg1>; pll4_cfg1: pll4_cfg1 { st,pll_vco = <&pll4_vco_600Mhz>; st,pll_div_pqr = <11 59 11>; }; }; st,clk_opp { /* CK_MPU clock config for MP13 */ st,ck_mpu { cfg_1 { hz = <650000000>; st,clksrc = <CLK_MPU_PLL1P>; st,pll = <&pll1_cfg1>; }; cfg_2 { hz = <1000000000>; st,clksrc = <CLK_MPU_PLL1P>; st,pll = <&pll1_cfg2>; }; }; }; };