How to manage OpenSTLinux projects in STM32CubeIDE

Revision as of 10:50, 26 August 2020 by Registered User

This article explains how import OpenSTLinux projects into STM32CubeIDE version 1.4.0 on Linux workstation.

1. Overview[edit source]

It is possible to import into an existing STM32MP15x Project some OpenSTLinux projects inside the Cortex-A (in CA7) hierarchical project. This support is starting with OpenSTLinux version 2.0 a.k.a. 5.4-dunfell.

This is done with Import an OpenSTLinux project... contextual menu.

OpenSTLinux Project Menu

2. OpenSTLinux Project Structure[edit source]

All the OpenSTLinux projects follow the same project structure approach with three main part:

  • Eclipse artifact, in order to ease project usage
  • build artifact, identifying clearly the project output
  • the sources, as they appear in yocto environment
OpenSTLinux Project Structure

Device Trees generated by STM32CubeMX are located inside the directory DeviceTree/ and are automatically included inside the OpenSTLinux project via:

  • a source file link
  • a dedicated Build target

3. Linux Project[edit source]

4. U-Boot Project[edit source]

5. TF-A Project[edit source]

6. Optee Project[edit source]

Under construction.png Coming soon