How to install the Yocto Project SDK in STM32CubeIDE

Revision as of 13:53, 25 August 2020 by Registered User

This article explains the way STM32CubeIDE is managing Yocto SDK provided by OpenSTLinux.

1. Overview[edit source]

Two flavors are proposed for installing Yocto SDK:

  • Yocto SDK is already installed on host workstation, after a download of the STM32MP1 OpenSTLinux Developer Package. In that case, only a setup is needed for STM32CubeIDE to use it.
  • Yocto SDK is not present on host workstation, it can be installed via STM32CubeIDE:
    • embedded inside the STM32CubeIDE; Yocto SDK removal is managed by STM32CubeIDE
    • external, on host workstation disk, outside STM32CubeIDE scope; Yocto SDK removal is under final user responsibility

The choice is proposed after the Setup OpenSTLinux menu, selecting Use existing.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
OpenSTLinux SDK Installation Menu

Note that Setup OpenSTLinux phase also includes download and installation of OpenSTLinux Sources plugin.

2. Using already installed Yocto SDK[edit source]

You have then to give the Yocto SDK Install Root Path in the STM32Cube Preferences.

OpenSTLinux SDK Manager

3. Installing Yocto SDK via STM32CubeIDE[edit source]

This corresponds to the Download choice.

Warning white.png Warning
OpenSTLinux development requires specific packages on host workstation. See PC_prerequisites
