Last edited 5 months ago

How to monitor the GCNANO GPU load: Difference between revisions

Revision as of 16:35, 30 September 2021

When a GPU animation is running on the display, the related GCNANO estimated GPU load can be monitored from the GCNANO driver level, by using the following command:

Board $> (while true; do 
gpu1=$(cat /sys/kernel/debug/gc/idle); \
sleep 4; \
gpu2=$(cat /sys/kernel/debug/gc/idle); \
echo $gpu1 $gpu2 | tr -d '\n' | tr -d ',' | tr -d 'ns' | awk -F" " '{printf("gpu load %.0f%%\n", ($10-$2)*100/($10+$12+$14+$16-$2-$4-$6-$8))}'; \
done) &

The GCNANO estimated GPU load is then periodically output in the user console as a percentage "%":

gpu load 75%
gpu load 75%
gpu load 75%


  • Stop monitoring the GPU load with the command "kill -9 `ps -o ppid= -C sleep`".
  • Adjust the GPU load update period by modifying the "sleep" value (4 seconds in the example).
  • Use the command "dmesg -n8" to mix both user and kernel console outputs.
  • Debugfs configuration needs to be enabled.
  • The detailed calculation is: GPU load = (On-previous_On) / (Total-previous_Total) with Total=On+Off+Idle+Suspend, all variables coming from the command:
Board $> cat /sys/kernel/debug/gc/idle
On:                2,071,009,284,477 ns
Off:              11,480,071,864,263 ns
Idle:                              0 ns
Suspend:           1,242,043,838,898 ns