DCMIPP ISP example utility

Revision as of 12:18, 23 November 2023 by Registered User
Applicable for STM32MP25x lines

1. Overview[edit source]

isp is a utility developped by STMicroelectronics to demonstrate the DCMIPP ISP capabilities regarding image correction based on STMicroelectronics basic correction algorithms. Refer to How to use the DCMIPP ISP article to have some details on how to implement such a utility and put in place your own custom correction algorithms.

2. Usage[edit source]

DCMIPP ISP test application
-b, --black-level LEVEL     Set the Black Level control
-B, --BLACK-LEVEL           Read the Black Level control
-e, --exposure TYPE         Set the exposure
                            TYPE  0 : None
                                  1 : Red   x 1.25
                                  2 : Green x 1.25
                                  3 : Blue  x 1.25
                                  4 : R/G/B x 2
                                  5 : R/G/B x 0.75
-c, --contrast TYPE         Set the contrast
                            TYPE  0 : None
                                  1 :  50%
                                  2 : 200%
                                  3 : Dynamic
-x, --color-conv TYPE       Set the color conversion settings
                            TYPE  0 : Disabled
                                  1 : Grayscale
                                  2 : Sepia
-X, --COLOR-CONV            Read the color conversion settings
-w, --white-balance         Set the white balance (gray world model)
-P, --BAD-PIXEL             Read the number of bad pixel
-p, --bad-pixel LEVEL or *MAX
                            Set the Bad Pixel level detection
                            LEVEL 0    Disable detection
                                  1..8 Detection level
                            *MAX (eg *200) Find a level which has MAX bad pixels
-d, --demosaicing-control [p=PEAK] [h=HLINE] [v=VLINE] [e=EDGE]
                            PEAK  0..7 : Strength of peak detection
                            HLINE 0..7 : Strength of horizontal line detection
                            VLINE 0..7 : Strength of vertical line detection
                            EDGE  0..7 : Strength of edge detection
-s, --stat                  Read the stat
-S, --STAT                  Read the stat continuously
-r, --region TYPE           Set the stat region
                            TYPE  0 : None
                                  1 : 320 x 240 @ (160, 120)
                                  2 :  64 x  64 @ (  0,   0)
-h, --histogram COMPONENT   Set the component of stat histogram/bin
                            COMPONENT  R : Red
                                       G : Green
                                       B : Blue
                                       L : Luminance
-a, --average TYPE          Set the component filter of for stat average
                            TYPE  0 : None
                                  1 : Exclude if 16 �≤ component < 240
                                  2 : Exclude if 32 �≤ component < 224
                                  3 : Exclude if 64 �≤ component < 192
-l, --location TYPE         Set the stat capture location
                            TYPE  0 : Before pixel processing
                                  1 : After demosaicing

3. Examples[edit source]

Refer to V4L2 camera image correction article for examples of usage.

4. References[edit source]