How to build an example using libcoral API

Revision as of 16:16, 15 June 2022 by Registered User
Applicable for STM32MP13x lines, STM32MP15x lines

This article explains how to build an example using the libcoral API[1]. The libcoral is a C/C++ API which is used for three main purposes:

  • Inferencing : facilitates the implementation of neural network inference on Coral Edge TPU
  • Pipelining : provides functions to pipeline a model on multiple Coral Edge TPUs
  • Transfer learning : enables on board transfer learning

Several examples can be found on the libcoral GitHub[2]. This article will only show how to build a simple image classification example from scratch. The method used here can easily be applied for other examples.

1. Description[edit source]

This simple example is based on two image classification models which allows identification of the subject represented by an image.

libcoral API image classification example

The purpose of this example is beyond the image classification aspect to demonstrate how to use the libcoral API to realize inferences of two models alternatively on only one Google Coral Edge TPU[3]

This example depends only on the TensorFlow Lite[4] interpreter and the libraries associate to the Edge TPU.

The models used with this example are two variants, Inat_bird and Inat_plant respectively for bird and plant classification of the MobileNet v2 downloaded from the Coral GitHub testing models[5].

2. Installation[edit source]

2.1. Install from the OpenSTLinux AI package repository[edit source]

Warning white.png Warning
The software package is provided AS IS, and by downloading it, you agree to be bound to the terms of the software license agreement (SLA0048). The detailed content licenses can be found here.

After having configured the AI OpenSTLinux package you can install the X-LINUX-AI components for this examples:

 apt-get install packagegroup-x-linux-ai-tflite-edgetpu

Then restart the demo launcher: - For OpenSTLinux distribution with a version lower than 4.0 use

 systemctl restart weston@root

- For other OpenSTLinux distribution use :

 systemctl restart weston-launch

2.2. Source code location[edit source]

The source code and the header files of this example are located in the libcoral API examples GitHub [6].

3. How to use the example[edit source]

3.1. Installation of the X-LINUX-AI SDK[edit source]

First of all, the installation of the X-LINUX-SDK is required to be able to cross-compile AI applications for STM32 boards. To do this, follow the wiki article How to install and use the X-LINUX-AI SDK add-on[7].

3.2. Start the SDK[edit source]

Once the OpenSTLinux SDK installed, go to the installation directory and source the environment :

 cd $HOME/STM32MPU_workspace/STM32MP15-Ecosystem-v4.0.0/Developer-Package/SDK
 source environment-setup-cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-ostl-linux-gnueabi

3.3. Setup file tree[edit source]

This example require the following file tree to operate out of the box :

 mkdir -p source/coral/example
 cd source/coral/example

3.4. Download the example[edit source]

As mentioned before the source and header files must be downloaded from the libcoral API examples GitHub [6] :


3.5. Create the Makefile[edit source]

The cross-compilation of the example for an STM32 board is realized through a Makefile.
This Makefile is defined as follow :

TARGET_BIN = two_models_one_tpu

CXXFLAGS += -Wall $(shell pkg-config --cflags absl_base libglog)
CXXFLAGS += -I../../
# Fix undefined reference during the link
CXXFLAGS += -std=c++11

LDFLAGS  = $(shell pkg-config --libs absl_base libglog)
LDFLAGS += -lcoral -ledgetpu -ltensorflow-lite -lglog

		-labsl_flags_internal \
		-labsl_flags_marshalling \
		-labsl_flags_reflection \
		-labsl_statusor \
		-labsl_flags_parse \
		-labsl_strings \

OBJS = $(

all: $(TARGET_BIN)

$(OBJS): $(SRCS)
	$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $^

	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
	rm -rf $(OBJS) $(TARGET_BIN)

Minimal required libraries like Abseil, Glog, Tflite, Edgetpu and Coral are linked during the cross-compilation.

3.6. Download and prepare test data[edit source]

An additional package is necessary on the host PC to preprocess data for this example : imagemagick

 apt-get install imagemagick

First create the directory to store test data :

 mkdir edgetpu_cpp_example

Next download the models and the test pictures :

 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_plant_edgetpu.tflite
 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_bird_edgetpu.tflite
 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_plant_labels.txt
 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_bird_labels.txt
 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/bird.jpg
 wget -O edgetpu_cpp_example/plant.jpg

Finally pre-process pictures to make them fit with the inputs shape of the models :

 cd edgetpu_cpp_example && convert bird.jpg -resize 224x224! bird.rgb && convert plant.jpg -resize 224x224! plant.rgb

3.7. Cross-compilation and launch[edit source]

Run the cross-compilation :

 cd ..

Once the compilation is finished, a binary file named two_models_one_tpu has been created.
Copy the binary file and the test data directory on the board :

 scp -r edgetpu_cpp_example/ root@<board_ip>:/path/
 scp two_models_one_tpu    root@<board_ip>:/path/
Info white.png Information
The Coral Edge TPU must be plugged on the board before launching the script

Connect to the board and launch the example :


After 2000 inferences if everything went well, the result should be something like that :

Running model: edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_bird_edgetpu.tflite and model: edgetpu_cpp_example/inat_plant_edgetpu.tflite for 2000 inferences
[Bird image analysis] max value index: 659 value: 0.652344
[Plant image analysis] max value index: 1680 value: 0.964844
Using one Edge TPU, # inferences: 2000 costs: 106.278 seconds.

Where the max value index represent the index of the class detected and the value represent the confidence. On these particular pictures the bird detected is a Poecile atricapillus (Black-capped Chickadee) and the plant is a Helianthus annuus (Sunflower). The index and the name of each class are available in the inat_bird_labels.txt and inat_plant_labels.txt stored in the edgetpu_cpp_example directory.

4. References[edit source]