How to build LVGL applications using STM32CubeIDE

Revision as of 14:36, 4 July 2022 by Registered User
Applicable for STM32MP13x lines, STM32MP15x lines

This article gives information about how to easily develop a LVGL application on STM32MP1 using STM32CubeIDE

1. Architecture overview[edit source]

1.1. Component presentation[edit source]

1.1.1. LVGL[edit source]

1.1.2. SDL2[edit source]

1.1.3. DRM / KMS[edit source]

2. How to generate SDK for the configuration[edit source]

2.1. Purpose to generate SDK[edit source]

2.2. Generate SDK for SDL2 with GPU configuration[edit source]

2.3. Generate SDK for SDL2 without GPU configuration[edit source]

3. How to build lvgl project with STM32CubeIDE[edit source]

3.1. Get LVGL project[edit source]

3.2. Configure CubeIDE with SDK[edit source]

3.3. Proposed modifications on LVGL project[edit source]

3.4. Run the demo[edit source]

3.5. Display performances[edit source]

4. To go further[edit source]

5. References[edit source]