STM32CubeMP2 Package release note - v0.3.0

Revision as of 17:21, 30 November 2023 by Registered User
Applicable for STM32MP25x lines

This article aims to describe the content of the software release included in the STM32CubeMP25 Package, version v.0.3.0.

1. Delivery purpose and scope[edit source]

The STM32CubeMP25 Package is a software package running on Arm® Cortex®-M33 processor.

This release includes:

  • The STM32Cube HAL: STM32 abstraction layer embedded software ensuring maximized portability across the STM32 portfolio. HAL APIs are available for all peripherals.
  • Low-layer APIs (LL APIs) offering a fast lightweight expert-oriented layer that is closer to the hardware than the HAL.
    LL APIs are only available for a limited set of peripherals.
  • A consistent set of middleware components such as AzureRTOS.
  • All embedded software utilities delivered with a full set of examples.

It also includes:

  • BSP for the STM32MP257F-EV1 Evaluation board More info green.png (LED, button and COM ports)
  • Projects: several projects (examples, applications) are implemented in IDEs.
    • STM32CubeIDE delivered by ST
      • All the STM32MP257F-EV1 More info green.png projects are available on STM32CubeIDE.

2. Intended Audience[edit source]

The targeted audience is STM32 MPU customers and partners.

3. Licensing[edit source]

All licenses applicable to STM32CubeMP25 package are available here.