STM32 MPU device tree

Revision as of 12:49, 5 February 2020 by Registered User

1. Purpose and scope[edit source]

This article shows the structure of the device tree files as it is implemented in STM32MP15 for the following software components: Linux® kernel, U-Boot and TF-A.

The purpose of this article is not to explain the device tree concept and the device tree configuration supported by STM32MP15. A good knowledge of the concept is a prerequisite before reading this article. The articles regarding the configuration can be read afterwards.

2. Device tree structure for Linux, U-Boot and TF-A[edit source]

2.1. Introduction[edit source]

The device tree files are used during boot time by the FSBL (TF-A / U-Boot SPL), the SSBL (U-Boot), and eventually by the Linux kernel.
These files are stored in different repositories, but source code reuse is maximized from one repository to another:

  • The initial device tree files supporting STM32MP15 are created in the Linux kernel.
  • In U-Boot, Linux files are copied and overloaded with U-Boot properties (including DDR configuration).
  • In TF-A, Linux files are partly copied (for device tree blob size optimization), and then completed with the DDR configuration copied from U-Boot, and with the security configuration (firewalling).

The figure below shows the device tree creation flow for Linux, U-Boot and TF-A:

Color legend:

  •  Linux  in dark blue
  •  U-Boot  in green
  •  TF-A  in pink
  •  STM32CubeMX generated parts  in light blue

The above color codes are used for all the figures included in this article.

2.2. Upstreamed device tree[edit source]

2.2.1. Overview[edit source]

As explained in the STM32 MPU Embedded Software Open Source Software (OSS) philosophy, STMicroelectronics maximizes the usage of open source software and the upstreaming to the communities.

As a result, the device tree files supporting the evaluation board and the Discovery kit are upstreamed to Linux , U-Boot and TF-A repositories.

2.2.2. Linux[edit source]

2.2.3. U-Boot[edit source]

2.2.4. TF-A[edit source]

Note: The hashed areas on Linux device tree files represent the fact that these files are partly copied in TF-A.

2.3. Manual customization of STM32MP15 reference device tree[edit source]

As you can see on the sections above, current ST board device tree structure is based on STM32mp157c configuration. So anyone could wonder how to proceed in case of other STM32MP15 reference (see STM32MP15_microprocessor diversity for reference).
Here is below how to proceed.

2.3.1. First step[edit source]

This step will allow you to boot with any STM32MP15 reference but you will get some warning or error message on the console (without consequence with the boot success).

  1. Whatever your chip reference, include "stm32mp157c.dtsi": this is the super set of device tree declaration corresponding to the larger feature set of STM32MP15 microprocessor
  2. Include the pinctrl reference file corresponding to your package size (a, b, c or d)
    • stm32mp157caa-pinctrl.dtsi for 18x18 package
    • stm32mp157cab-pinctrl.dtsi for 16x16 package
    • stm32mp157cac-pinctrl.dtsi for 14x14 package
    • stm32mp157cad-pinctrl.dtsi for 12x12 package

2.3.2. Clean up[edit source]

2.4. STM32CubeMX generated device tree[edit source]

2.4.1. Overview[edit source]

STM32CubeMX can be used to generate the device tree files for a given project. The tool generates the files  highlighted in light blue  in the following diagrams, including the upstreamed files shown in the previous chapter.

The device tree files generated by STM32CubeMX can be built with the Developer Package or Distribution Package:

2.4.2. Linux[edit source]

2.4.3. U-Boot[edit source]

2.4.4. TF-A[edit source]