Bluetooth® Low Energy audio - Content Control

Revision as of 14:16, 2 July 2024 by Registered User (→‎Introduction)

1. Introduction

The Bluetooth® LE Audio Content Control section regroups :

  • the Call Control Profile (CCP)
  • the Generic Telephony Bearer Service (GTBS)
  • the Telephony Bearer Service (TBS)
  • the Media Control Profile (MCP)
  • the Generic Media Control Service (GMCS)
  • the Media Control Service (MCS)

These profiles and services are used to either control or provide status information on Call features and Media features.

As specified in the in the section 2.2 of the Common Audio Profile[1], the CAP Acceptor or the CAP Commander can operate in the MCP Client role and the CCP Client role, and the CAP Initiator can operate in the CCP Server role and the MCP Server role.

The GTBS, the TBS, the GMCS and the MCS are defined as Content Control services.

2. Call Control Profile

The Call Control profile defines roles and procedures to handle call control for bearers on device that can make and receive phone calls. It's specified by the Bluetooth® SIG and the full specification is accessible on their website[2].

2.1. Roles

The CCP introduces 2 roles:

  • Call Control Server: handles calls on one or more telephone call bearers. This role can be used by cell phones or tablets.
  • Call Control Client: makes requests to the server to make, receive, and manage calls. This role can be used by an headset and speaker that have microphones, or devices like a watch that might not have a speaker or microphone but can manage telephony calls.

The section 3 Bluetooth® Low Energy audio stack configuration of the wiki page [3] describes how to configure and initialize the CCP role and allocate requireed ROM, RAM and GATT resources.

2.2. Telephone Bearer

Within a Call Control Server, there can be zero or multiple instances of Telephone Bearer Service (TBS) and there is a single, mandatory instance of Generic Telephone Bearer Service.
The BLE Audio Stack provides two APIs declared in cap.h header file to register the Telephony Bearer Instance associated to the Telephone Bearer Service and the Generic Telephone Bearer Service(Table 2.1)

Table 2.1 CAP functions dedicated to Telephony Bearer Instance registration
Functions Description Header File
CAP_RegisterGenericTelephonyBearer() Register the Generic Telephone Bearer. cap.h
CAP_RegisterTelephonyBearerInstance() Register the Generic Telephone Instance. cap.h

In case of Call Feature is supported, the CAP_RegisterGenericTelephonyBearer() function shall be called (mandatory to expose a Generic Telepne Bearer) and the CAP_RegisterTelephonyBearerInstance() function could be called according to the number of separate bearer instances.

Each registered Telephony Bearer instance is identified by a unique identifier value named Content Control Identifier (CCID).The CCID value identifies a Content Control service (GTBS or TBS) and is unique for that service instance across all instances of Content Control services on a device.

2.3. Call Control Profile Linkup

The linkup operation of the Call Control Profile could be initialized by the CAP Acceptor or the CAP Commander supporting the Call Control Client role, thanks to the CAP_Linkup() function. This process is described in section 4.1 Audio profiles linkup of the wiki page [3]

During linkup of the Call Control Profile, the CCP META Event CCP_CLT_GTBS_INFO_EVT and CCP_CLT_TBS_INFO_EVT are reported in CAP Callback when Generic Telephone Bearer Service and Telephony Bearer Service Instances are discovered in remote CAP Client supporting CCP Server role. Once the Call Control Profile link is up, the CAP_CCP_LINKUP_EVT event is notified.

2.4. Call Control Profile Functions

All the Call Control Profile functions, defined in the header file ccp.h, are used to control the Call features in CCP Server and CCP Client role.

All the structures, types, callback events related to the Call Control feature are defined in the ccp_types.h header file.

3. Media Control Profile

4. Content Control Procedure

As specified in the Common Audio Profile specification, the Content Control service instances (Media and/or Call) could be associate to an Audio Stream by using their CCID values, when the Audio Stream carries content controlled by these Content Control service instances.

To inform a remote CAP Acceptor or CAP Commander that an Audio Stream is associated with one or more Content Control service instances, the CAP Initiator specifies the corresponding CCIDs in the CCID_List LTV structure in the Audio Stream's Metadata.

In Unicast procedures, when a remote CAP Initiator indicates that a Media Content Control instance or a Call Content Control instance is activated/deactivated through the metadata associated to an Audio Stream Endpoint in ENABLING/STREAMING state, the Bluetooth® Low Energy audio stack reports the CAP events listed in the Table 4.1 :

Events Description Header File
CAP_CCP_INST_ACTIVATED_EVT Event notified when a telephone bearer instance of the call control profile is activated and associated to an audio stream. cap_types.h
CAP_CCP_INST_DEACTIVATED_EVT Event notified when a telephone bearer instance of the call control profile is deactivated. cap_types.h
CAP_MCP_INST_ACTIVATED_EVT Event notified when a media player instance of the media control profile is activated and associated to an audio stream. cap_types.h
CAP_MCP_INST_DEACTIVATED_EVT Event notified when a media player instance of the media control profile is deactivated. cap_types.h

Table 4.1 Content Control events

The CAP Acceptor/Commander could perform Call control operation and Media control operation on active CCP instance or MCP instance thanks to functions declared in ccp.h and mcp.h header files.
The Generic Audio Framework reports call control events (see CCP_NotCode_t in ccp_types.h) and media control events (see MCP_NotCode_t in mcp_types.h) trough dedicated CAP_CCP_META_EVT and CAP_MCP_META_EVT events

5. References

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