Getting started with X-CUBE-ISP


1. X-CUBE-ISP v1.1.0

The X-CUBE-ISP package provides the functionality to control and tune the DCMIPP ISP present in STM32N6x products.

It contains:

  • Embedded ISP library middleware (running on the target) hosting 2A algorithms (auto exposure and auto white balance) and mechanisms to control the ISP and load the sensor tuning file.
  • A tuning application (running on the target) allowing interaction with the STM32 ISP IQTune desktop application, executed on the host computer and connected through USB.

To take control of the DCMIPP ISP:

  • The host computer must execute the STM32 ISP IQTune desktop application and connect to the target with a USB-C cable on the USB1 (CN18) connector of the board.
  • The ISP IQTune app must be loaded and launched on the target.
N6 board connection.png

2. Demonstrated features

  • Control of all ISP parameters via desktop application
  • Image analysis function for camera sensor tuning
  • Generation of sensor ISP tuning file
  • Embedded auto exposure algorithm (AE)
  • Embedded auto white balance algorithm (AWB)
  • IQTune application

3. Hardware support

  • MB1939 STM32N6570-DK board
    • The board must be connected to the onboard ST-LINK debug adapter CN6 with a USB-C to USB-C cable to ensure sufficient power.
    • An additional USB-C cable is necessary to connect USB1 (CN18) to the host computer for the STM32 ISP IQTune desktop application connection.
  • Two camera modules are supported:
    • MB1854B IMX335 (default camera module provided with the MB1939 STM32N6570-DK board)
    • STEVAL-66GYMAI VD66GY camera module

4. Prerequisites

5. Install X-CUBE-ISP ISP package

Download the X-CUBE-ISP package from github.

6. Boot modes

STM32N6 devices have no internal flash memory. To retain firmware after a reboot, program it in the external flash memory. Alternatively, load the firmware directly from SRAM (dev mode).
In dev mode, if the board is turned off, the program is lost.

Boot modes:

  • Dev mode: load firmware from debug session in RAM (BOOT1 switch to the right, BOOT0 switch position unimportant)
  • Boot from flash: program firmware in external flash memory (BOOT0 and BOOT1 switch to the left)

7. Quick start using prebuilt binaries

The X-CUBE-ISP/Projects/DCMIPP_ISP/Bin directory hosts the ISP IQTune prebuilt application, which is the tuning application (running on the target) that allows interaction with the STM32 ISP IQTune application executed on the host computer and connected through USB.

Applications are available for the MB1939 STM32N6570-DK board.

  1. Toggle BOOT1 switch to the right position
  2. Program X-CUBE-ISP/Projects/DCMIPP_ISP/Bin/STM32N6_ISP_IQTune_App-v1.1.0-trusted.bin
  3. Toggle BOOT0 and BOOT1 switches to the left position
  4. Reset board

8. Quick start using source code

Make sure the boot switches are in dev mode (BOOT1 is on the right side).

8.1. STM32CubeIDE

Double-click on X-CUBE-ISP/Projects/DCMIPP_ISP/ISP_IQTune_App/STM32N6570-DK/STM32CubeIDE/.project to open the project in STM32CubeIDE.
Build and run using the build and run buttons.

8.2. Change the camera module

The software is natively compatible with the MB1854B IMX335 and STEVAL-66GYMAI VD66GY camera modules. Simply change the camera module and restart the software. No software reconfiguration is needed.

8.3. Create binary for boot from flash memory

Make sure the STM32CubeProgrammer bin folder is added to the path before executing the following command:

STM32MP_SigningTool_CLI -bin STM32CubeIDE/release/STM32N6_ISP_IQTune_App.bin -nk -t fsbl -hv 2.3 -o STM32N6_ISP_IQTune_App-trusted.bin

8.4. Program bin files using command line

Make sure the STM32CubeProgrammer bin folder is added to the path before executing the following commands:

export DKEL="<STM32CubeProgrammer_N6 Install Folder>/bin/ExternalLoader/MX66UW1G45G_STM32N6570-DK.stldr"

STM32_Programmer_CLI -c port=SWD mode=HOTPLUG ap=1 -el $DKEL -hardRst -w X-CUBE-ISP/Projects/DCMIPP_ISP/Bin/STM32N6_ISP_IQTune_App-trusted.bin 0x70000000

9. Known issues and limitations

  • In rare situations, the auto white balance (AWB) algorithm can flicker between two AWB profiles (a bug fix is currently in development).