Zigbee Certification Process for STM32WB and STM32WBA

Revision as of 17:15, 27 September 2023 by Registered User

1. Introduction

Zigbee is widely used in smart home, commercial and industrial applications. To ensure interoperability between Zigbee devices, the CSA has established a certification process that involves rigorous testing.
Depending on the scope of the certification, 2 types of certification are defined:

  • Platform Certification
    • Zigbee Compliant Platform (FFD/RFD)
  • End Product Certification
    • Zigbee 3.0 Certified Product (FFD/RFD)
    • Zigbee Smart Energy Product (FFD/RFD)

Zigbee Certified End Product must be built on a Zigbee Compliant Platform.

2. Zigbee Certification Process

To obtain a Zigbee certification, companies must follow a general set of steps. First, they must join the Zigbee Alliance. Next, they must select the type of certification they wish to pursue, such as Zigbee Platform Certification or End Product Certification, and prepare the product for certification by ensuring that it meets the necessary hardware, software, and functional requirements. If the company wishes, they can also conduct an in-house pre-certification to identify and address any issues before submitting the product for testing. Once the product is ready, the company must select an authorized test house and submit the product for testing. If the product fails any of the tests, the company must address the issues and resubmit the product for testing. Once the product passes all the tests, the company will receive the appropriate certification, such as the Zigbee Certified logo.

3. Zigbee Platform Certification

Zigbee Platform Certification is a process that certifies the compliance of a specific hardware or software platform with the CSA standards and requirements for interoperability with other Zigbee devices. The certification process involves rigorous testing of the product's hardware, software, and functionality to ensure that it can communicate effectively with other Zigbee devices and operate within a Zigbee network. This certification is typically obtained by manufacturers of chips and software stacks.

Zigbee Platform Certification Process
Connectivity zigbee platform certification.png

The Test House requires completed versions of PICS documents. The Pics is a checklist (Yes/ No) of capabilities for the platform. From this documents, Test House can drive the test cases during certification.

PICS sample
Connectivity Zigbee PICS.png
  • Depending on device type, FFD or RFD, dedicated tests set will be applied.
  • Green Power Proxy tests (GPP) are run as part of Zigbee Platform certification to ensure that the platform or device can support GPP functionality and can communicate with low-power devices using GPP.
  • 802.15.4 MAC & PHY certification has to be performed before running Zigbee Compliant Platform certification tests.

3.1. Setting up ST Test Harness for Zigbee Pro Compliant Platform Testing

By conducting in-house testing using a test harness, companies can simulate the testing environment and identify any potential issues that may arise during formal certification testing. This can help save time and money.

Test specification defines the list of test cases to be run, detailing methods to be used and expected outcomes and observables.

For STM32WB certification, we need :

Hardware requirements:

  • Device Under Test (DUT): refers to the product or device that is being tested, in our case it is the STM32WB
  • Golden Unit (GU): is used as a reference platform. It is certified by the CSA and considered to be the standard. Exegin Q55 Golden Units are used in our pre-certification testing.
  • Sniffer (we use the NXP USB-KW24D512 - Development Board)
  • Laptop

Software used:

  • DUT:
    • For M0: stm32wbxxxFFD.bin or stm32wbxxxRFD.bin, it depends on the test/role
    • For M4: in-house developed application
  • GU: Exegin firmware
Test Harness
Connectivity Zigbee Certif testbench.png

3.2. Certification status

  • STM32WB is Zigbee R22 certified, and is referenced on Connectivity Standards Alliance website.
  • Ongoing certification for STM32WBA Zigbee R23.

4. End Product Certification

Is a process that certifies the compliance of a final product or device that incorporates Zigbee technology with the CSA standards and requirements. This certification is typically obtained by manufacturers of consumer/ commercial products that use Zigbee technology, such as smart home devices or lighting systems. So it is up to our customers to obtain the End Product Certification.

4.1. Zigbee 3.0 Certification

This certification intends to check Zigbee End Product interoperability & application middleware (ZCL cluster library / BDB)

Depending on device type (FFD/RFD), dedicated BDB tests set applies.

Zigbee Green Proxy cluster (GPP) is mandatory to get Zigbee 3.0 certificate in FFD device case.

Zigbee Compliant platform certification has to be performed before running Zigbee 3.0 certification tests.

4.2. Zigbee Smart Energy Certification

Zigbee SE Certification can only be performed with a real End Product with dedicated Hw such as Power Meter / Gas Meter. As a result, Zigbee SE Certification is not applicable to STM32WB.

2 versions of SE certification are defined : ZigBee Smart Energy v1.2b / ZigBee Smart Energy v1.4

Zigbee SE certification intends to check Zigbee End Product interoperability & application middleware (ZCL cluster library / BDB)

Zigbee Compliant platform certification has to be performed before running Zigbee SE certification tests.

5. Certification Tools

5.1. Chai Tool ?

5.2. Zigbee Unified Test Harness (ZUTH)

It is the official CSA test tool for certification testing. It is used for formal testing by Alliance Authorized Test Laboratories (ATLs) and is also available to all Alliance members for pre-certification testing.

6. Acronyms and definitions

Term Definition
BDB Base Device Behavior
DUT Device Under Test
FFD Full Feature Device
RFD Reduced Feature Device
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PIXIT Protocol Implementation Extra Information for Testing
ZTT Zigbee Test Tool
ZCL ZigBee Cluster Library
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