SFI for STM32H5

Revision as of 14:45, 1 September 2023 by Registered User

1. introduction

The STM32H5 series provide a trusted execution environment security framework: the Secure Manager. It simplifies the security development cycle of embedded applications by providing ready to use security services that are developed according to best practices.

The OEM can choose to develop its application with or without the Secure Manager.

2. OEM applications developed with Secure Manager

When the OEM wants to securely install its application (developed with the Secure Manager), there are several additional components to prepare, to test and to install.

Here is an overview of the preparation and installation flow:

Security Secure Manager ecosystem.png

ST provides the SFI solution to perform the preparation and installation flows.

2.1. Preparation flow

2.1.1. Overview

The purpose of this step is to:

  • Prepare the encrypted firmware image to install (called SFI image). It is composed of the OEM application and additional components: OEM secrets, Secure Manager and modules.
  • Provision the OEM key within an HSM or within a global license.

2.1.2. SFI image Overview

Here is an overview of the SFI image creation flow. SFI image generation

Once the OEM application has been developed with the SMAK, the OEM must prepare and test the SFI image to be installed in manufacturing.
For that purpose, the OEM must use the SMAK in production preparation phase. This allows to correctly generate the SFI image (for instance, setting the Secure Manager configuration according to the OEM application) and test it before manufacturing.

The output of the SMAK production preparation phase is the tested SFI image, ready to be installed in manufacturing. Description of the SFI image inputs

The OEM must provide the following inputs:

  • the OEM application
  • the Secure Manager
  • the modules
  • the OEM secrets

Followings chapters gives more details of the inputs. OEM application

The OEM must provide its application binary developed with the Secure Manager. Secure Manager

The Secure Manager binary is available as an encrypted image from STM32TRUSTEE-SM[1]. Modules

Secure Manager offers the possibility to install secure modules.Secure Manager requires these modules to have an specific format. Only SMDK provides this format.
The OEM modules must be developed via the SMDK.
The 3rd party modules will be integrated via the SMDK. OEM secrets

The OEM secrets are the OEM data, the OEM keys and also the Secure Manager OEM configuration.
The OEM secrets are described in detail in the Secure Manager configuration.

During the SFI procedure, the OEM must set its secrets and must especially pay attention of the following secrets:

  • Factory Internal Trusted Storage (ITS)
    • The OEM can change the factory ITS blob default content to include its own keys and data.
  • Secure Manager keys
    • The OEM must update the default Secure Manager keys and use their own keys.
  • Secure Modules configuration
    • The OEM must set the license type for each module (no license, global license or chip specific license).
    • The OEM must set the licensed modules installation model (same model for all licensed modules).
    • The OEM must set the secure SRAM size used by the modules (one secure SRAM area shared between all the modules).
  • Option Bytes
Warning white.png Warning
The Flash Memory configuration to install via the SFI procedure must be the same than the one used during the OEM application development. SFI image output description

The Trusted Package Creator encrypts the SFI images inputs with the OEM key and generates a SFI image.
The SFI image is then an encrypted image containing the Secure Manager, the OEM application, the OEM secrets and the modules.

2.1.3. OEM key provisioning

The OEM must provide its OEM key to the CM manufacturing in a way the OEM key cannot be read or extracted clearly by the CM manufacturing. Only STM32 can handle the OEM key.
There are 2 ways to provide the OEM key to the CM manufacturing:

  • either the OEM provisions (via the Trusted Package Creator) its OEM key in a HSM, or
  • the OEM provisions (via the Trusted Package Creator) its OEM key within a global license file.


  • Only STMicroelectronics STM32 microcontrollers can securely install the SFI image.
  • Authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality of the SFI image content is ensured

Using HSM allows to count the number of STM32 chips to program.

2.2. Installation flow

There is one additional input compared to other platforms: the module license information file.
This file indicates if the module to install is licensed or not.
In case the module is licensed, the file either gives the module global license file path or the file indicates the HSM slot ID (HSM card provisioned with the module secret key and initialized with a max counter of licenses), in case of module chip specific license.

The installation procedure is similar to generic SFI installation procedure deployed on other STM32 product when SFI is supported.

Info white.png Information
Refer to AN4992 §6 "SFI image programming by OEMs or CMs" for an overview of the SFI image programming.

2.3. Step by Step SFI procedure

Follow How to start SFI on STM32H5 with Secure Manager to run a SFI procedure on STM32H5 with Secure Manager.

3. OEM applications developed without Secure Manager

The SFI procedure on the STM32H5 series is similar to the SFI procedure applied on other platforms. Follow SFI Step-by-step on STM32 boards to run an SFI procedure on STM32H5 without Secure Manager.

4. References