BLE smartphone applications

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1. BLE smartphone applications for STM32WB

1.1. Android

Here is a list of ST BLE applications on Android:
ST BLE Sensor: ST BLE Sensor Android application
ST BLE Sensor application shows different interfaces based on the data types exported by the firmware, including: environmental data, board button status, accelerometer measurement. The app also allows to pilot the board LED from the smartphone.

ST BLE Toolbox: ST BLE Toolbox Android application
The ST BLE Toolbox application allows to interact and debug ST Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.

ST BLE Mesh: ST BLE Mesh Android application
ST BLE Mesh application allows to create Bluetooth® Mesh networks by provisioning and configuring nodes, and interact with the different nodes through supported models.

1.2. iOS

Here is a list of ST BLE applications on iOS:
ST BLE Sensor: ST BLE Sensor iOS application
ST BLE Sensor application shows different interfaces based on the data types exported by the firmware, including: environmental data, button status, accelerometer measurement. The app also allows to pilot the board LED from the smartphone.

ST BLE Toolbox: ST BLE Toolbox iOS application
The ST BLE Toolbox application allows to interact and debug ST Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices.

ST BLE Mesh: ST BLE Mesh iOS application
ST BLE Mesh application allows to create Bluetooth® Mesh networks by provisioning and configuring nodes, and interact with the different nodes through supported models.