Product state for STM32H5

Revision as of 12:30, 12 December 2023 by Registered User (→‎Usage and Boot)

1. Introduction

It is advised to start by reading the New product state article.
From the development phase until the maintenance phase a product can be configured under many product states ( also called lifecycle states).
The lifecycle controls the access to code and data.

This article lists in which product states a STM32H5 can be configured.

2. Product states

2.1. Usage and Boot

SECURITY Product state H5 Usage and Boot table 3.png

* Link to wiki sfi

2.2. Ressources access overview

2.3. STM32H5 Interfaces

3. Lifecycle

The figure below shows the product states of the product along the lifecycle phases :

  • Development phase, offering full debug capabilities to the developer.
  • Provisioning phase, the main asset areas are protected (no longer accessible)
  • Final phase, the product is in the field.
  • Maintenance phase, including field return management.
SECURITY H5 Lifecycle.png

4. References

  • RM0481 Reference manual for STM32H573/563/562
  • RM0492 Reference manual for STM32H503