How to use an RTOS with Secure Manager on STM32H5

Revision as of 12:17, 28 November 2023 by Registered User (→‎Introduction)

1. Introduction

In the context of the Secure Manager, an RTOS can be used. In this article, we will explore how an RTOS can be used with the Secure Manager, with a focus on the mechanism provided to ensure secure thread-safe calls. To do this, we will take the example of a non-secure application like SMAK that uses the Secure Manager service. We will see the differences to implement for the non-secure application to use the Secure Manager in multi-thread.

The different steps and prerequisites to integrate a non-secure application with the Secure Manager can be find here Security:Secure Manager STM32H5 How to Intro - stm32mcu which details: Secure Manager installation, non-secure application development, firmware update, etc.

2. Implementation example

2.1. Thread-safe secure calls

We will need to protect the API calls. There is a mechanism in the middleware that allows interfacing with the secure handler. This mechanism, based on functions defined as __weak, will need to be re-implemented by integrating our protection based on mutexes. The use of mutex as a mechanism to synchronize access to the PSA API is essential when using multithreading.

The functions ns_ipc_seq_begin and ns_ipc_seq_end, which are declared by default in the secure manager library in the file tfm_ns_interface.c, will need to be re-implemented in the FreeRTOS project due to multithreaded use.

Figure 1 : tfm_ns_interface functions

2.2. Step by step implementation

1. Declare a mutex and initialize it to 0:

static SemaphoreHandle_t nsIpcMutex = { 0 };

2. Create a function that creates the mutex and assigns it to the nsIpcMutex variable. If the mutex creation fails, log an error:

void tfm_ns_interface_init( void )
  nsIpcMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
  if(nsIpcMutex == NULL)
   // Logging Error

3. Implement the acquisition and release of the mutex with functions defines in semphr.c from library FreeRTOS, in the ns_ipc_seq_begin and ns_ipc_seq_end functions, respectively. This ensuring that shared resources are not accessed simultaneously:

void ns_ipc_seq_begin(const ns_ipc_seq_info_t* info)
  /* Lock mutex */
  if(nsIpcMutex != NULL)
    xSemaphoreTake(nsIpcMutex, portMAX_DELAY );
void ns_ipc_seq_end(const ns_ipc_seq_info_t* info)
  /* Unlock mutex */
  if(nsIpcMutex != NULL)

For more concrete examples, an actual implementations can be found in X-Cube-AWS & X-Cube-Azure using the Secure Manager with a real-time operating system.

2.3. Memory Management

SRAM 3 can be configured with heap RTOS configuration. The heap_5 implementation of FreeRTOS dynamic memory allocator is selected to use non-contiguous memory regions in SRAM1 and SRAM3. During initialization, prvInitializeHeap() needs to be set up.

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