How to start with SFI on STM32H5 with Secure Manager

Revision as of 18:09, 26 July 2023 by Registered User

under construction

1. Prerequisites

- HW - SW

 - CubeFW
 - XCube security

- Tools:

 - CubePrg

2. Package structure overview

windows directories tree

3. SFI Image creation

3.1. inputs

- Key - IV - OEM FW - SSFI - OEM OBK

 - DA
 - HDPL1 STiRoT Data
 - HDPL2 for 3NS Config
 - HDPL2 for 3NS Data

- Modules - OB

3.2. output

.sfi file

3.3. HSM provisioning

3.4. SFI image programming

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