Introduction to Bluetooth LE Audio

Revision as of 08:25, 26 October 2021 by Registered User (Copied from Connectivity:BLE How To, revision 15462)
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Click here for BLE overview

1. How To...

1.1. Introduction

This wiki page is a guideline describing how to perform the main activities with .

1.2. How to find the needed delivered binary

1.3. How to set up the Teraterm parameters

  • Terminal
    • [New line]
      • [Receive]: Auto
      • [Transmit]: CR
    • [Local echo] selected
  • Serial
    • [Baud rate]: 115200
    • [Data]: 8 bit
    • [Parity]: none
    • [Stop]: 1 bit
    • [Flow control]: none
    • [Transmit delay]: 10 ms each

1.4. How to configure the modem radio band

  1. Open a Tera Term serial terminal and set the right parameters
  2. Start the firmware and select Modem power on option in the boot menu
  3. Type the modem command to get help of the modem configuration.

1.5. How to build and install delivered applications

Refer to this page to see how to build and install example application using IAR IDE or Cube IDE: Build & Install BLE example application on STM32WB platforms

1.6. How to change default behavior of the application

1.7. How to implement your own application

The easiest way to implement your application is to adapt