STM32CubeWBA: Flash management

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1. Introduction

Flash management proposes a simple interface to the upper layers to execute operations in FLASH. It manages synchronization between flash operations and the RF activity. Thus, users do not have to bother with RF timing and flash operations.

2. Concepts

This chapter deals with the major concepts and features of the Flash management. The flash management is a multi-layer organization and rely on different concepts. Among these concepts, here are the most important ones:

2.1. Organization

Flash management is based upon a 5 layers distribution composed by:

Flash Management overview.png
Simple NVM Arbiter
Specific flash interface that emulates the behavior of multiple NVMs.
Flash manager
Main user interface for flash operation (Flash write, flash erase, etc.).
RF Timing synchro
Module that realizes synchronization between BLE LL and Flash operations by activating or deactivating the dedicated flash control status.
Flash Driver
Low level driver abstraction layer. Controlled by the flash control statuses.
HAL Flash
Low level driver that interacts directly with the Flash HW.

2.2. Asynchronous Operations

The whole flash operations are either executed via the Flash Manager interface or via the Simple NVM Arbiter interface. Both work on an asynchronous behavior, which means that the user is requesting operations to be performed and is notified later on, once the operation is over.
However, since the operation is asynchronous, during write operation, the user shall hold his buffer allocation as long as the write operation is not done. In case of a content change in this buffer, the user shall restart a brand-new flash operation.

2.3. Synchronous flash access with RF

Flash operations achieved with Flash manager or Simple NVM Arbiter are synchronized with RF activity. Meaning that flash operations are achieved only during free RF activity time slot.
This feature is transparent to the user and is fully handled by the Flash manager or the Simple NVM Arbiter. Therefore, the user does not have to bother with RF and Flash synchro. This is all, already, managed.

2.4. Flash Access

In this Flash management implementation, the Flash access is protected at two distinct levels:

Flash semaphore
A semaphore is required to share the flash interface between several SW modules. The owner of the semaphore is the only one that can request flash operations. The semaphore is attributed to the first requester and released once its operation is over.
Flash control statuses
Independently from the flash semaphore, the flash driver provides flags – Flash Control Status – to prevent flash operation depending on the system activity. These flags/statuses are checked before any flash operation by the flash driver.

2.5. Typical use case

A classic flash operation routine is represented in the following schema:

FM Classic routine.png

According to the RF state, the flash manager adapts its behavior. During RF activity, it will request the help of the RF timing synchro to synchronize flash operation and radio activity. Otherwise, the flash manager will simply execute the flash operation until all work is done.

3. Modules

3.1. Flash Driver

The Flash Driver is an overlay of the HAL driver with a flash access management. Here are its main features:

  • HAL driver abstraction for flash operations - i.e.: Write and Erase
  • Flash access protection based on different flags

Flash operations are not intended to be achieved with this modules. Since no RF synchronization is achieved at this level, you may have a a look at the Flash Manager and the Simple NVM Arbiter parts for a better approach regarding flash operations. And manage the accesses of the Flash.

However, this module is mandatory for any flash access management. There are three flags managing the flash access:

  • LL_RFTS:
Flag managed by the RF Timing Synchro module. It shall always be set to DISABLE at the start of the application and during RF activity.
When a time slot is granted by the LL, the RFTS module enables this flag leading to the possibility to access the Flash without any risk of breaking the RF activity.
When the time slot is about to close, the RFTS module disable this flag leading to no more flash operation possible - RF activity protection.
Flag managed by the user. It allow the user to bypass the impact of the above mentioned flag leading to the possibility to directly access the flash even if the LL_RFTS flag is disabled.
This flag is intended to be used as an optimization flag. For instance, it can be set or reset at ends and restarts of RF activities.
This flag is updated based on any other request than the SNPS FW LL. When it is set to DISABLE, the Flash Driver will stop any flash operation and wait for the the flag to go back to ENABLE.

The following schema highlights the typical check of flash access:

Flash Access view.png
Info white.png Information
This check routine is achieved each time a new flash operation has to be performed

3.2. RF Timing Synchro

The RF Timing Synchro is the manager of the synchronization between the flash operations and the RF activity. It is managed by the Flash manager and rely on the RF LL to determine whether or not flash operations can be achieved. This module is not intended to be managed by the user. Concepts are here presented for pure user understanding.

To achieve the synchronization between the RF and the Flash domains, the RF Timing Synchro set up timing slots during which flash operations can be proceed without harming the RF activity.
These timing slots are the only moment when the flash access is authorized by the LL_RFTS flag - See the Flash Driver. The RFTS module enables the flag at the start of the timing slot and disables it at the end of the slot - Whether the timing slot is over or the Flash manager released the slot before its end.

3.3. Flash Manager


3.4. Simple NVM Arbiter

The Simple NVM Arbiter is a different interface for flash operations. It relies on the flash manager but adds the possibility to create and manage NVMs – Up to 32 NVMs.
NVMs are identified by a unique ID and are composed of multiples banks - at least 2, 1 for restore and 1 ready for write. Banks have a sector boundary.

SNVMA overview.png

The user can register up to 4 buffers in 1 NVM. During write operation, all the registered buffers are written in Flash – a whole bank update – and during restore operation, the user restores only one identified buffer.
The classic “way of use” of the Simple NVM Arbiter is like the schema below:

SNVMA Wow.png
  1. Initialize the SNVMA
  2. Register the buffer to work with
  3. Execute, as many times as you want, write or restore operation

4. Interfaces

Here comes a list of the available functions for the different Flash management modules:

4.1. Flash Driver

4.1.1. Flash driver error codes

Error code Description
FD_FLASHOP_SUCCESS Flash operation success
FD_FLASHOP_FAILURE Flash operation failure

4.1.2. Flash driver functions



Update Flash Control status.
void FD_SetStatus(FD_Flash_ctrl_bm_t Flags_bm, FD_FLASH_Status_t Status);
[in] Flags_bm
Type: FD_Flash_ctrl_bm_t
Description: Bit mask identifying the caller
[in] Status
Type: FD_FLASH_Status_t
Description: Action requested (enable or disable flash access)
Return Value


Write a block of 128 bits (4 32-bit words) in Flash
FD_FlashOp_Status_t FD_WriteData(uint32_t Dest, uint32_t Payload);
[in] Dest
Type: uint32_t
Description: Address where to write in Flash (128-bit aligned)
[in] Payload
Type: uint32_t
Description: Address of data to be written in Flash (32-bit aligned)
Return Value


Erase one sector of Flash
FD_FlashOp_Status_t FD_EraseSectors(uint32_t Sect);
[in] Sect
Type: uint32_t
Description: Identifier of the sector to erase
Return Value

4.2. RF Timing Synchro

4.2.1. RF Timing synchro error codes

Error code Description
RFTS_CMD_OK The RF Timing synchronization command was successfully executed
RFTS_WINDOW_REQ_FAILED The RF Timing synchronization module failed to register the window request
RFTS_WINDOW_REL_ERROR An error occurred during the window release procedure

4.2.2. RF Timing synchro functions



Request a time window to the SNPS FW LL
RFTS_Cmd_Status_t RFTS_ReqWindow(uint32_t Duration, void (*Callback)(void));
[in] Duration
Type: uint32_t
Description: Duration in us of the time window requested
[in] Callback
Type: void (*Callback)(void)
Description: Callback to be called when time window is allocated
Return Value


Execute necessary tasks to allow the time window to be released
RFTS_Cmd_Status_t RFTS_RelWindow(void);
Return Value

4.3. Flash Manager

4.3.1. Flash manager error codes

Error code Description
FM_OK The Flash Manager is available and a window request is scheduled
FM_BUSY The Flash Manager is busy and the caller will be called back when it is available
FM_ERROR An error occurred while processing the command

4.3.2. Flash manager functions



Request the Flash Manager module to initiate a Flash Write operation
FM_Cmd_Status_t FM_Write(uint32_t *Src, uint32_t *Dest, int32_t Size, FM_CallbackNode_t *CallbackNode);
[in] Src
Type: uint32_t *
Description: Address of the data to be stored in FLASH. It shall be 32bits aligned
[in] Dest
Type: uint32_t *
Description: Address where the data shall be written. It shall be 128bits aligned
[in] Size
Type: int32_t
Description: This is the size of data to be written in Flash. The size is a multiple of 32bits (size = 1 means 32bits)
[in] CallbackNode
Type: FM_CallbackNode_t *
Description: Pointer to the callback node for storage in list
Return Value


Request the Flash Manager module to initiate a Flash Erase operation
FM_Cmd_Status_t FM_Erase(uint32_t FirstSect, uint32_t NbrSect, FM_CallbackNode_t *CallbackNode);
[in] FirstSect
Type: uint32_t
Description: Index of the first sector to erase
[in] NbrSect
Type: uint32_t
Description: Number of sector to erase
[in] CallbackNode
Type: FM_CallbackNode_t *
Description: Pointer to the callback node for storage in list
Return Value


Execute Flash Manager background tasks
void FM_BackgroundProcess (void);
Return Value


Request to the user scheduler to be scheduled
void FM_ProcessRequest (void);
Return Value

4.4. Simple NVM Arbiter

4.4.1. Simple NVM Arbiter error codes

Error code Description
SNVMA_ERROR_OK No error code
SNVMA_ERROR_NOK Error that occurred before any check
SNVMA_ERROR_NOT_INIT Error code for a module not yet initialized
SNVMA_ERROR_ALREADY_INIT Error code for a module already initialized
SNVMA_ERROR_CMD_PENDING Error code for a command pending
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_NULL Error code for a NULL NVM pointer
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_NOT_ALIGNED Error code for a not aligned NVM address
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_OVERLAP_FLASH Error code for a NVM size that overlaps flash capacities
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_BUFFER_FULL Error code for a full NVM Buffer
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_BANK_EMPTY Error code for an empty NVM Buffer
SNVMA_ERROR_NVM_BANK_CORRUPTED Error code for a corrupted NVM Buffer
SNVMA_ERROR_CRC_INIT Error code for a CRC initialization fail
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFERID_NOT_KNOWN Error code for an unknown Buffer ID
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFERID_NOT_REGISTERED Error code a non-registered Buffer ID
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFER_NULL Error code for a NULL Buffer pointer
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFER_NOT_ALIGNED Error code for a not aligned Buffer address
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE Error code for a Buffer size that is not OK
SNVMA_ERROR_BUFFER_CONFIG_MISSMATCH Error code for a mismatch between the registered buffer and the buffer to restore
SNVMA_ERROR_FLASH_ERROR Error code for a flash error
SNVMA_ERROR_UNKNOWN Error code for an unknown error

4.4.2. Simple NVM Arbiter functions



Initialize the Simple NVM Arbiter
SNVMA_Cmd_Status_t SNVMA_Init (const uint32_t * p_NvmStartAddress);
[in] p_NvmStartAddress
Type: const uint32_t *
Description: Start address of the NVM to work with - Shall be aligned 128 bits
Return Value


Register a user buffer to a NVM.
Buffer IDs are hardcoded, please refer to SNVMA_BufferId_t enumeration
SNVMA_Cmd_Status_t SNVMA_Register (const SNVMA_BufferId_t BufferId,
                                   const uint32_t * p_BufferAddress,
                                   const uint32_t BufferSize);
[in] BufferId
Type: const SNVMA_BufferId_t
Description: Id of the user which ask for buffer registration
[in] p_BufferAddress
Type: const uint32_t *
Description: Address of the buffer to be registered - Shall be aligned 32 bits
[in] BufferSize
Type: const uint32_t
Description: Size of the buffer to be registered - Shall be a multiple of 32bits
Return Value


Restore a user buffer from a NVM.
The user buffer information shall first be provided by calling SNVMA_Register.
Buffer IDs are hardcoded, please refer to SNVMA_BufferId_t enumeration
SNVMA_Cmd_Status_t SNVMA_Restore (const SNVMA_BufferId_t BufferId);
[in] BufferId
Type: const SNVMA_BufferId_t
Description: Id of the user which ask for buffer registration
Return Value


Register a user buffer to a NVM.
The user buffer information shall first be provided by calling SNVMA_Register.
Buffer IDs are hardcoded, please refer to SNVMA_BufferId_t enumeration.
A buffer write request cannot be scheduled once its NVM is already on a write operation. This will lead to a SNVMA_OPERATION_FAILED callback status.
SNVMA_Cmd_Status_t SNVMA_Write (const SNVMA_BufferId_t BufferId,
                                void (* Callback) (SNVMA_Callback_Status_t));
[in] BufferId
Type: const SNVMA_BufferId_t
Description: Id of the user which ask for buffer registration
[in] Callback
Type: void (* Callback) (SNVMA_Callback_Status_t))
Description: Callback function for operation status return - Can be NULL
Return Value

5. How to


FM erase
FM write
FM write / no RF
SNVMA config
SNVMA register
SNVMA write
SNVMA restore - after reset ?

6. Revisions

Rev. number Description
0.1 First wiki version.