NanoEdge AI Library for n-class classification (nCC)

Revision as of 12:06, 5 November 2021 by Registered User (clarify references to NEAI "steps")

1. What is NanoEdge AI Library for classification?

NanoEdge™ AI Library is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) static library originally developed by Cartesiam, for embedded C software running on Arm® Cortex® microcontrollers.

When embedded on microcontrollers, it gives them the ability to easily "classify" sensor patterns, by themselves, without the need for the user to have additional skills in Mathematics, Machine Learning, or data science.

The NanoEdge AI static library for classification is the code that contains an AI model (for example, as a bundle of signal treatment, Machine Learning model, or optimally tuned hyperparameters) designed to identify a sensor pattern in a class. All classes are defined by the user in NanoEdge AI Studio (NanoEdgeAIStudio), also called the Studio) and are used during the training process of the AI model.

Info white.png Information
The library is not available in the free version of the Studio.

2. Install / Getting started

The main functions available via the library are:

knowledge_init() run first before the classification process to load the knowledge
classifier() run a classification iteration (inference)

2.1. Static library

The static NanoEdge AI Library is only available via NanoEdge AI Studio in its full version.

  • In NanoEdge AI Studio, after obtaining a library, click Compile (on the "Deploy" screen, which follows the "Optimize and Benchmark" and "Emulator" screens)
  • Open the .zip file obtained
  • Select and copy the static library libneai.a
  • Link this static library to your project code

2.2. NanoEdge AI Library functions

2.2.1. Initialization

uint8_t NanoEdgeAI_knowledge_init(const float knowledge_buffer[]);

Initialization must be called at the beginning to load the knowledge.

  • Input:
const float knowledge_buffer[], this buffer is defined in the header file knowledge.h provided in the .zip file containing the static NanoEdge AI Library.
  • Output:
0 means success (the knowledge has been loaded), other values mean that loading has failed.
123: the library is being used on a board that is not authorized (only for libraries that are limited to partner/authorized development boards).

2.2.2. Classification

uint16_t NanoEdgeAI_classifier(float input_buffer[], float output_buffer[], uint8_t class_threshold);

This function returns the class identifier.

  • Input:
float input_buffer[], the length of the buffer is DATA_INPUT_USER * AXIS_NUMBER.
float output_buffer[], the length of the buffer is CLASS_NUMBER .
uint8_t class_thresold, 0 or 1.
  • Output:
The class identifier (the input signal has been classified).
Info white.png Information
  • The class identifier returned by the function is a number between 0 and CLASS_NUMBER.
  • The user can easily get the name of the class associated with the identifier returned by the function using the array id2class[], defined in the header file NanoEdgeAI.h. The name of classes is defined by the user in the Studio.
  • output_buffer[] contains the probabilities of all classes.
  • The sum of the all class probabilities is equal to 1.
  • If class_threshold = 0 the function returns the identifier of the class that has the highest probability.
  • If class_threshold = 1 the function returns the identifier of the class that has a probability strictly greater than 0.5. If there is no probability strictly greater than 0.5, it returns 0 which means that the class is unknown.
Warning white.png Warning
NanoEdge AI Library uses float data types instead of int. If you are using intdata types, convert (cast) them into float.

2.2.3. Getting status

uint8_t NanoEdgeAI_get_status_classifier(void)

This function returns the current status of the library.

  • Input: None
  • Output: The status of the library.
0: the library is successfully deployed and ready to be used.
123: the library is being used on a board that is not authorized (only for libraries that are limited to partner/authorized development boards).

2.3. Example "Hello World!"

Header files:

NanoEdgeAI.h and knowledge.h (provided in the .zip file that you download by clicking Compile in NanoEdge AI Studio (on the "Deploy" screen after obtaining a library)

Example of NanoEdge AI Library header file:

This snippet is provided AS IS, and by taking it, you agree to be bound to the license terms that can be found here for the component: Application.
* Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

/* Includes */
#include <stdint.h>

/* Define */
#define NEAI_ID "5d5fd41ec8e0327c934"
#define AXIS_NUMBER 3
#define DATA_INPUT_USER 256
#define CLASS_NUMBER     

/* Input and output buffers */
float input_user_buffer[DATA_INPUT_USER * AXIS_NUMBER];
float output_class_buffer[CLASS_NUMBER];

/* Array for mapping class id to class name */
const char *id2class[CLASS_NUMBER + 1] = {

/* Function prototypes */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
   uint8_t NanoEdgeAI_knowledge_init(const float knowledge_buffer[]);
   uint16_t NanoEdgeAI_classifier(float input_buffer[], float output_buffer[], uint8_t class_threshold);
   #ifdef __cplusplus
Warning DB.png Important
  • The input buffer collected from your sensor is already declared in the header file NanoEdgeAI.h, float input_user_buffer[DATA_INPUT_USER * AXIS_NUMBER];, feel free to comment this line, and then rename and declare your input buffer in the main program.
  • The knowledge buffer knowledge is declared in the header file knowledge.h.

Main program: main.c

This program must be completed by the user (depending on the applications or the desired features).

This snippet is provided AS IS, and by taking it, you agree to be bound to the license terms that can be found here for the component: Application.
* Copyright (c) 2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license
* SLA0044, the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

/* Includes -------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "NanoEdgeAI.h"
#include "knowledge.h"

/* Private define -------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Private variables defined by user ------------------------------------------*/

/* Private function prototype defined by user ---------------------------------*/
 * @brief  Collect data process
 * This function is defined by user, depends on applications and sensors
 * @param  sample_buffer: [in, out] buffer of sample values 
 * @retval None

void get_buffer(float sample_buffer[]) 
   /* USER BEGIN */

   /* USER END */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
int main()
   /* Initialization ----------------------------------------------------------*/
   uint8_t error_code = NanoEdgeAI_knowledge_init(knowledge);

   if (error_code != 0) {
      /* This happens if the knowledge is not loaded. */

   /* Classification ----------------------------------------------------------*/
   uint16_t id_class;
   while (true) {
      id_class = NanoEdgeAI_classifier(input_user_buffer, output_class_buffer, 0);
      /* USER BEGIN */
       * e.g.: Trigger functions depending on id_class
       *       (print output class probabilities using output_class_buffer[],
       *       print the name of the identified class using id2class[id_class],
       *       blink LED, ring alarm, etc.).
      /* USER END */

3. Resources

All NanoEdge AI Studio documentation is available here.

Step-by-step tutorials, to use NanoEdge AI Studio to build a smart device from A to Z.