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1. Introduction

BLE-mesh connects multiple Bluetooth® Low Energy technology (BLE) devices with mesh networking capability for internet of things (IoT) solutions.

Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh illustration

Mesh network has a many-to-many topology, with each device able to communicate with every other device in the network.
The BLE-mesh communication is done using messages relayed by the devices which are part of the mesh network (called nodes). In this way, the end-to-end communication range is extended far beyond the radio range of each individual node.

2. Topology

There are different types of nodes:

  • Simple Nodes
  • Proxy Nodes
  • Relay Nodes
  • Low-Power Nodes
  • Friend Nodes

For more information about the node types, please refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note [1].

A typical BLE mesh topology is illustrated in the figure below.

BLE-mesh topology

3. Elements and Models

Each BLE-mesh node contains one or more elements, and each element can support different models.

BLE-mesh node architecture

3.1. Elements

The elements define the functionalities of a single node, each element can be independently controlled.

3.2. Models

Models define the functionality of a specific element. Several models are defined by the Bluetooth® SIG, and many of them are deliberately defined as “generic” models, having potential use across a wide range of device types.

Refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note[1] for more details about Element and Models.

4. Provisioning

The process of adding a device into a BLE-mesh network, and configuring it, is called provisioning.

This process is started by a device called “provisioner”, which can be a smartphone with a BLE mesh application installed on it, or a mesh platform as STM35WBx5 line microcontroller. The provisioned device is now known as a node.

Refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note[1] for more details about provisioning steps.

5. BLE-Mesh with STM32WB

5.1. Node Feature Examples

STM32CubeWB package provides 3 ST BLE-Mesh example covering the different types of Nodes.

  • BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project generates a basic Node supporting Proxy-Relay-Friend features, this project is the easier to handle and have a first approach of ST BLE-Mesh solution. See Proxy-Relay-Friend Lighting Example for more information.
  • BLE-MeshLightingLPN project generates a basic Low Power Node, which requires a Friend Node into the network to receive messages. See Friendship for more information.
  • BLE-MeshLightingProvisioner project generates a basic node managing ST proprietary solution of Embedded Provisioner, this Node can configurate itself and provision other nodes into the mesh network. See Embedded Provisioner.

With these 3 types of project, user can create his own mesh network:

BLE-mesh projects illustration

5.2. Node Model Demonstrations

STM32CubeWB package also provides ST BLE-Mesh projects demonstrating different Models use cases:

  • Light LC Model demonstration shows how to setup complete Light Control System including a Light and Controller node, a presence sensor node and a dimmer. This demonstration can be found on the Light LC demonstration page.
  • Sensor Model demonstration illustrate the Sensor Client and Server relation by implementing sensor request mechanism. The client send a sensor request to the server which reply with temperature of Time of Flight measurements. The demonstration setup and description can be found on the Sensor Server/Client demonstration page.
  • Vendor Model project demonstrate how to define and use Vendor commands through a thermometer/temperature indicator system. The demonstration setup and description can be found on Vendor Model Demonstration page.

6. Certifications

ST BLE Mesh 1.0 solution has been certified for STM32WB platforms. Certifications are available on Bluetooth SIG website.

7. Video

STM32WB Getting Started videos:

pc videol.png

STM32WB Series

8. References