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1. General information

The ST Motor Profiler software tool provides you with an easy and friendly way to find profiled information for a user custom motor and save it as user motor.

The ST Motor Profiler runs on PC system, using Windows® OS, and requires an USB type A connector.

Please, refer to the STM32 MC SDK release note to get all information about the ST Motor Profiler usage possibilities.

The ST Motor Profiler software tool can be used to identify the main PMSM characteristics, which are further transferred to the ST MC Workbench.

2. Launch the ST Motor Profiler

Launch the “ST Motor Profiler” software tool by clicking either its icon (Cf. Figure 1) or either running directly from the installation folder.

Figure 1: ST Motor Profiler – Icon

The user can run “ST Motor Profiler” software tool also from the dedicated link button from the ST Motor Control Workbench GUI (Cf. Figure 2).

Figure 2: ST MC Workbench – GUI (Home page toolbar)

Then, the ST Motor Profiler starts-up a GUI window as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: ST Motor Profiler – Start-up GUI

3. Configure your hardware setup

Click on the “Select Boards” button to display the list of supported boards (Cf. Figure 3), then choose your ST application board setup. Please, note that the ST Motor Profiler software tool can be used only with the ST hardware setup listed there. Figure 4 presents an example from this list.

Figure 4: ST Motor Profiler – hardware setup list examples

Just click on the ST hardware setup to select it, thus configure the ST Motor Profiler software tool.

As an example, the Figure 4 shows the P-NUCLEO-IHM001 selection.

Then, complete the parameter fields with your motor information:

  • the number of pole pairs inside your motor (mandatory field);
  • the Max Speed of your motor (optional field);

By default, the ST Motor Profiler software tool looks for the maximum allowed speed matching the motor and the hardware setup used.

  • the Max Current admissible by your motor (optional field);

By default, it is the maximum peak current deliverable by your hardware setup.

  • the nominal DC Bus Voltage used by your hardware setup (optional field);

By default, it is the power supply stage as either the bus voltage for low voltage applications (DC voltage), or either the √2VACrms for high voltage application (AC voltage).

  • the magnetic build-in type (mandatory field);

By default, it is the SM-PMSM with is selected.

  • the Ld/Lq ratio (mandatory field) only in case of I-PMSM build-in (Cf. Figure 6).

Figure 5 provides example values for the BR2804-1700KV-1 motor provided with the P-NUCLEO-IHM001 hardware setup.

Figure 5: ST Motor Profiler – SM-PMSM parameters example
Figure 6: ST Motor Profiler – I-PMSM parameters example

4. Connect to your hardware setup

When the ST Motor Profiler is configured, click on the “Connect” button (Cf. red area in Figure 7).

Figure 7: ST Motor Profiler – Configured GUI

Then, depending on your hardware setup history, a status window appears as shown in Figure 8. In case of problem, a troubleshot message window will pop-up (Cf. Table 1) to support your recovery action.

Figure 8: ST Motor Profiler – Download status window

Table 1 : ST Motor Profiler – Possible window messages
Message type Information content Action to perform
Error STM32 MC MP figure table1 1.png

Depending on the status window:

  • If the programming procedure can’t be executed

=> check the JTAG/SWD programming cable;

  • If the programming procedure is executed but the ST Motor Profiler software tool still can’t communicate with the board

=> check the serial communication connections.

Warning STM32 MC MP figure table1 2.png When the board is new or has been erased, the correct FW is automatically loaded into the microcontroller

=> Press the “Upgrade Firmware” button to confirm proper FW upload.

Warning STM32 MC MP figure table1 3.png Acknowledge and return back to the selection of the boards used in your hardware setup.
Faults STM32 MC MP figure table1 4.png In case of Over or Under voltage detection

=> Correct the bus voltage setting and its proper connection to the power board.

When successfully connected to your hardware setup, the “Start Profile” button shall appear as surrounded in Figure 9.

Figure 9: ST Motor Profiler – Connected GUI

5. Profile your motor

Click on the “Start Profile” button as surrounded in Figure 9 to profile the motor.

First the Electrical parameters are identified, then the Mechanical ones. In case of Over-Current fault detection, the profiling is restarted with a reduced current. When profiling is successfully completed, all the motor measurements are shown in green or orange colors (Cf. Figure 10) depending on the relative accuracy. When red color is used, please check your hardware setup and restart the motor profiling sequence.

Figure 10: ST Motor Profiler – Profiled motor GUI

6. Save your profiled motor

Click on the “Save…” button (Cf. Figure 10) to store the motor measurements for a later usage with the ST MC Workbench software tool.

The Figure 11 shows the saving window in that case, then you may provide the motor information:

  • Naming of your profiled motor;
  1. Provides with details about your profiled motor.

Figure 11: ST Motor Profiler – Save window

7. Play with your motor

Click on the “Play” button (Cf. Figure 10) to spin your just profiled motor.

The Figure 12 shows the spin control window. Preset the maximum acceleration and click on the “Start” button to activate your motor control. Then, select your “Speed [RPM]” with the cursor.

Figure 12: ST Motor Profiler – Spin control window (Start)

The Figure 13 presents how to stop properly playing with your motor.

Figure 13: ST Motor Profiler – Spin control window (Stop)

8. End the ST Motor Profiler

Click on the “Disconnect” button (Cf. Figure 10) to stop properly the ST Motor Profiler software tool, then close the window using the upper right cross icon.

If you have forget to save your motor parameters, then select the “No” button (Cf. Figure 14), click on the “Connect” button (Cf. Figure 7) and save your motor parameters (Cf. 3.5). However, clicking on the “Yes” button will lost your unsaved motor parameters and close the ST Motor Profiler software tool.

Figure 14: ST Motor Profiler – Tool closure confirmation window
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