Welcome to the STM32 Motor Control (STM32 MC) Knowledge Database

Revision as of 09:58, 3 May 2021 by Registered User

motor control.pngThis category groups together all articles related to the Motor control

Under construction.png Category under construction

1. Proposition 1

Let's start with an overview of our STM32 Motor control ecosystem overview and of the X-CUBE-MCSDK, our main STM32 Software package:

The goal of this wiki site is to centralize as much information as possible, either through dedicated pages, or redirecting you to the most interesting ST information source on the web.

You can have a look on the STM32 MC SDK Getting Started:

There is a dedicated area for the most frequently asked questions:

and articles such as:

and as the articles describing the new features of the latest version of STM32 MC SDK:

2. Proposition 2

Let's start with the STM32 Motor Control ecosystem.

2.1. Motor Control introduction

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Motor Control overview

Let's start with an overview of our STM32 Motor control ecosystem overview and of the X-CUBE-MCSDK, our main STM32 Software package
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Advance MotorControl tutorial

In this tutorial, learn how to install and use ST Motor Profiler / STM32 Motor Control SDK and increase your skills by running an engine.

2.2. Learn more on STM32 Motor Control

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How To manually configure the motor parameters

Learn how to set manually the motor control parameters
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STM32 Motor Control SDK tutorial

Have a look on the STM32 MC SDK Getting Started
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Single Shunt Phase Shift

Learn how to use the new feature of the 5.Y version: the Single Shunt Phase Shift
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Discontinuous PWM

Learn how to use the new feature of the 5.Y version: the Discontinuous PWM
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AC Induction Motor

Learn how to use the new feature of the 5.Y version: AC induction Motor
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Learn how to use the new feature of the 5.Y version: Overmodulation

STM32 Motor Control FAQ
