STM32WB-WBA Zigbee memory requirements

1. Introduction

The Zigbee stack is a software component designed to enable Zigbee communication on the STM32WB/WBA microcontroller. Like any software, the Zigbee stack requires memory to operate. There are two main types of memory that are relevant to the stack: RAM and Flash memory.

RAM (Random Access Memory) is a type of volatile memory that is used for temporary storage of data and program code. The Zigbee stack uses RAM to store data structures, variables, and other runtime objects.
Flash memory, on the other hand, is a type of non-volatile memory used for long-term storage of program code and data. The Zigbee stack uses Flash memory to store the code and data that make up the Zigbee stack itself. The amount of Flash and RAM required depends on the application and the features used.

Memory Types in Microcontroller
Connectivity Types of memory in Microontroller.png

Another important concept to understand is memory allocation. The application uses a heap to allocate memory dynamically at runtime. This means that the Zigbee stack can allocate memory as needed, rather than requiring a fixed amount of memory to be allocated at compile time. However, this also means that the Zigbee stack requires some amount of overhead to manage the heap.
Developers should carefully consider their application's requirements and consult the Zigbee stack's documentation to determine the appropriate memory requirements.

2. Memory Layout of C Code

Microcontrollers memories contain different segments of application code such as, interrupt vector table, code segment, initialized data segment, uninitialized data segment, constant data segment etc. The linker script file defines where each of these segments will be stored in flash memory or RAM.
These are the typical sections of a given C binary:

  1. Text Section: This section contains the machine code of the compiled C program. It is read-only and contains the instructions that the processor executes.
  2. Data Section: This section contains the initialized global and static variables of the program. It is writable and read-only.
  3. BSS Section: This section contains the uninitialized global and static variables of the program. It is writable and read-only.
  4. Heap Section: This section is dynamically allocated by the program during runtime. It is used for dynamic memory allocation. The heap area begins at the end of the BSS segment and grows upwards to higher memory addresses.
  5. Stack Section: This section is used for storing local variables and function parameters. It grows and shrinks as functions are called and returned. On the ARM architecture it grows downwards to lower addresses.
Simple Memory Layout of C Program
Connectivity memory organization.png

3. Startup File and Linker Script

The startup file and the linker script allow to initialize the microcontroller's hardware and link the various sections of the code together. The startup file includes functions that set up the stack, initialize the memory, and configure the clock and other peripherals so that the user application can run. The linker script determines how the code and data are organized in memory; it defines the ROM_start, ROM_end, RAM_start and RAM_end for example.

3.1. Linker file on STM32WB

The following figure shows the memory map representation of the On/Off STM32WB55.Nucleo application example of the STM32Cube MCU Package. We have two separate linker files: the first for M4 and the second for M0, which is common and necessary to ensure that the code and data are placed in the correct memory regions for each core.

Connectivity Zigbee Memory map file example.png

3.2. Linker file on STM32WBA

On the STM32WBA, a single linker file is used to map all the code and data to the correct memory regions. Typically, this linker file also defines a specific region for the NVM. The example below shows a typical linker file (based on the IAR toolchain) defining the different regions used by a standard Zigbee application on the STM32WBA.

Connectivity:Connectivity Zigbee Memory map file STM32WBA example.png

4. STM32WB series

4.1. STM32WB Zigbee software architecture

As a reminder, the STM32WB MCUs are built with two separate cores, Arm® Cortex®-M4 and Arm® Cortex®-M0+ cores. The architecture is depicted in the figure below. Mainly, the M0 core contains the Zigbee stack, and the M4 core contains clusters and the developer’s application.

STM32WB Zigbee architecture
Connectivity Zigbee MCU STM32WB.png

STM32WB contains up to 1 Mbyte of flash memory single bank architecture, can be accessed starting from address 0x0000 0000 or 0x0800 0000, internal SRAM1 (up to 192 KB) and internal SRAM2a (32 KB) + SRAM2b (32 KB).

4.2. STM32WB stack memory requirements

4.2.1. STM32WB stack heap

During the initialization of the Zigbee stack, the M0 core allocates memory for the stack through IPCC calls to the M4 core. When the Zigbee stack running on the M0 core invokes `ZbMalloc()`, it triggers the sending of a `MSG_M0TOM4_ZB_MALLOC` message to the IPCC. Upon receiving this message, the M4 core allocates memory from its heap (using `malloc`) and returns a pointer to the M0 core. This mechanism ensures that memory passed between the two cores via IPCC API calls is accessible to both cores. However, the M4 core is restricted from accessing other memory areas within the M0 core

The application can configure the heap size and the number of network tables using the `ZbInit()` function. The Zigbee stack requires a certain amount of heap memory at startup to allocate various network tables, runtime objects, endpoints, and packets.

 ZbInit(uint64_t extAddr, struct ZbInitTblSizesT *tblSizes, struct ZbInitSetLoggingT *setLogging)

If the tblSizes parameter is set to NULL, default values are used for the number of network tables (as detailed in the chapters below), and the heap size is set as follow:

- FFD SW : 32 KB

- RFD SW : 16 KB

Depending on the topology and use case, the application can modify these default settings by adjusting the tblSizes parameter. The tblSizes structure contains two key parameters, heapPtr and heapSz, which can be used to configure the heap utilized by the stack. Additionally, it includes fields to set the number of tables in use.

Connectivity Zigbee MCU STM32WB Memory.png

4.2.2. STM32WB Zigbee Application footprint

Note : Those values are based on the V1.20 Cube Firmware release

Application Flash (KB) RAM (KB)
M0 ZigbeeR22 FFD stack


  • ZIGBEE_STACK= 271.3
  • MAC_802_15_4= 21.6
  • LLD_802.15.4= 12.2
  • MAIN= 19.7
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 10.9

Total= 335.7

  • MAC_802_15_4= 9
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 1.6
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 6.9

Total= 19.5

ZigbeeR22 RFD stack


  • MAC_802_15_4= 16.9
  • LLD_802.15.4= 11.9
  • MAIN= 22.8
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 11.4

Total= 276

  • MAC_802_15_4= 4.3
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 1.6
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 6.9

Total= 14.8

Dynamic concurrent mode: BLE + ZigbeeR22 RFD stack


  • ZIGBEE_STACK= 271.8
  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 106.2
  • MAC_802_15_4= 21.6
  • LLD_802.15.4= 12.2
  • MAIN= 35.6
  • NVM= 16
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 52.2

Total= 480

  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 0.1
  • MAC_802_15_4= 9
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 36.7
  • NVM= 0
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 5.8

Total= 53.7

Dynamic concurrent mode: BLE + Zigbee R22 RFD stack


  • ZIGBEE_STACK= 213.5
  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 106.2
  • MAC_802_15_4= 16.9
  • LLD_802.15.4= 12
  • MAIN= 38.6
  • NVM= 16
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 16.8

Total= 420

  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 0.1
  • MAC_802_15_4= 4.3
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 36.7
  • NVM= 0
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 5.8

Total= 49

Static concurrent mode: BLE + Zigbee R22 RFD dynamic stack


  • ZIGBEE_STACK= 271.5
  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 106.2
  • MAC_802_15_4= 21.6
  • LLD_802.15.4= 12.2
  • MAIN= 28.9
  • NVM= 16
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 9.8

Total= 472

  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 0.1
  • MAC_802_15_4= 9
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 33.8
  • NVM= 0
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 6

Total= 51

Static concurrent mode: BLE + Zigbee R22 RFD static stack


  • ZIGBEE_STACK= 213.1
  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 106.2
  • MAC_802_15_4= 17
  • LLD_802.15.4= 12
  • MAIN= 32
  • NVM= 16
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 15.2

Total= 411.5

  • BLE_HOST_LIB= 0.1
  • MAC_802_15_4= 4.3
  • LLD_802.15.4= 0.4
  • MAIN= 33.8
  • NVM= 0
  • +(runtime, env, etc.) 6


M4 Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord (FFD) 59 114
Zigbee_OnOff_Client_Router (FFD) 59 114
Zigbee_OnOff_Client_SED (RFD) 54 109
Zigbee_Find_Bind_Coord (FFD) 71 114
BLE_Zigbee_Dyn (BLE + FFD) 64 114

4.2.3. STM32WB stack tables size and SRAM memory configuration

The ZbHeap size should be carefully tuned according to the topology. As explained in chapter 5.2.7, the number of tables allocated at startup by the stack can be configured via the function ZbInit through the parameter tblSizes.
All the Zigbee tables are allocated dynamically at startup when calling ZbInit().

 ZbInit(uint64_t extAddr, struct ZbInitTblSizesT *tblSizes, struct ZbInitSetLoggingT *setLogging)

If the parameter tblSizes is set to NULL, the default number of tables in use are as follow.

Default config until v1.20 FFD RFD
Number of NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE 16 15
Number of ZB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE 16 16

For the new upcoming releases, the default number of tables (starting from firmware version v1.21), is as follow:

Upcoming Release config FFD RFD
Number of ZB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE 16 9

The meaning of these definitions is described in chapter 5.2.7

The following table describes the impact on memory usage for each additional entry:

Entry Type Table Name Memory Usage Per Entry (bytes)
Network Neighbor Table entry (nwkNeighborTblSz) NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE 144
Network Routing Table entry (nwkRouteTblSz) NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE 28
Network Address Mapping Table (nwkAddrMapTblSz) NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE 24
APS Link Key Table (apsPeerLinkKeyTblSz) APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR 48

With such configuration, overall M4 ZbHeap consumption used for the Zigbee stack is close to 52 KB with 32 KB allocated for M0 ZbHeap + fixed M0 allocation + variable memory size depending on topology.

To compute M4 heap requirement for a given topology, you can use below formula:

M4 heap size =  NB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE * 144 
              + NB_NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE * 28 
              + NB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE * 24 
              + NB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT * 48
              + (32+16)*1024
Info white.png Information
Formula is accurate +/-10%

5. STM32WBA series

5.1. STM32WBA Zigbee software architecture

As a reminder, the STM32WBA MCUs are built with Arm® Cortex®-M33 core. The architecture is depicted in the figure below.

STM32WBA Zigbee architecture
Connectivity Zigbee MCU STM32WBA.png

STM32WBA5x devices contain a 1 Mbyte flash memory from address offset 0x00 0000 to 0x0F FFFF, and 128 KB of SRAM defined below:

  • SRAM1 region start = 0x20000000
  • SRAM1 region end = 0x2000FFFF
  • SRAM2 region start = 0x20010000
  • SRAM2 region end = 0x2001FFFF

STM32WBA6x devices contain a 2 Mbyte flash memory, and 512 KB of as defined below:

  • SRAM1 region start = 0x20000000
  • SRAM1 region end = 0x2003FFFF
  • SRAM2 region start = 0x20040000
  • SRAM2 region end = 0x2007FFFF

5.2. STM32WBA stack memory requirements

5.2.1. Memory consideration

The stack allocates run-time objects, such as packets, timers, and endpoints, using the ZbHeap. The stack needs also to configure different tables which depend on device capabilities and network topology. These values depend on the use case which is targeted. This is the reason why dynamic memory allocation is being used inside the stack. The FFD library requires more memory than the RFD library so it can handle routing packets and the overhead that entails.
Inside the Zigbee stack, two functions are used to allocate memory : ZIGBEE_PLAT_HeapMalloc() and ZIGBEE_PLAT_ZbHeapMalloc()

  • ZIGBEE_PLAT_HeapMalloc() is used to allocate memory from the system during stack initialization (via ZbInit()), and it is not freed until calling ZbDestroy().
  • ZIGBEE_PLAT_ZbHeapMalloc() is used to allocate memory during the run-time operation of the stack. These are mostly short-lived memories, such as packets, timers, etc. Once the memory is no longer needed, it is freed by calling ZbHeapFree().

By default, these memory allocation APIs are linked to the ST memory manager. The relevant functions, including ZIGBEE_PLAT_HeapInit(), ZIGBEE_PLAT_HeapMalloc(), ZIGBEE_PLAT_HeapFree(), ZIGBEE_PLAT_ZbHeapInit(), ZIGBEE_PLAT_ZbHeapMalloc(), and ZIGBEE_PLAT_ZbHeapFree(), are defined within the zigbee_plat.c file. By default, in the examples provided inside our Cube firmware, the ZIGBEE_PLAT_xx APIs are mapped to our Advanced Memory Manager (AMM). The size of the memory pool which is used by the advanced memory manager is available in the app_conf.h file and is specific to each example. These APIs are customizable and can be redefined to meet specific application requirements if necessary. Additionally, using STM32CubeMX, the AMM can be easily customized.

Connectivity:Connectivity Mem AMM.png

For more detailed information about the ST memory manager, please consult the resource provided in the STM32CubeWBA Memory Management wiki

5.2.2. Typical memory footprint of a Zigbee Application

The measurements are derived from our default Zigbee library, which notably contains trace functions that are highly beneficial for debugging and support tasks. It should be noted that these figures do not account for any Flash memory that might be utilized to store persistent data, if such storage is necessary. Removing the traces from the lib may save several tens of kilobytes, but for support and maintenance reasons, it has been decided to activate those traces. Regarding the NVM, 16KB at minimum should be reserved.

In our standard application examples, as included in our regular releases, we have used default parameters of the Zbheap size and various Zigbee table sizes for all applications including SED ones. To optimize memory usage, we have adjusted the configurations of the tables and memory pool size. These adjustments are tailored based on whether the application uses RFD or FFD Zigbee stack. Below is a table that illustrates memory consumption values for some applications examples on the Nucleo board: Apart from the Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord_ThreadX application, all the other applications shown below are using a baremetal implementation.

Application Flash (KB) RAM (KB) (*)
Zigbee R23 Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord (FFD) 434 73
Zigbee_OnOff_Client_SED (RFD) 360 47
Zigbee_FindBind_Coord (FFD) 446 73
Zigbee_TempMeas_Client_Coord (FFD) 434 73
Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord_ThreadX (FFD) 443 105
Zigbee_OnOff_Client_Router (FFD) 434 73
Zigbee R22 Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord (FFD) 375 72
Zigbee_OnOff_Client_SED (RFD) 309 46
Zigbee R22 Smart Energy Zigbee_SE_Server_Router_R22 (internal example) (FFD) 375 82

Note(*) : RAM consumption depends on the topology and can be tuned if necessary

5.2.3. Typical memory footprint of a Zigbee/BLE Application

In addition to the standard Zigbee applications, ST also delivers examples showing how to manage Zigbee and BLE concurrently. Inside the Firmware package, a dedicated application is provided demonstrating the activation of the BLE Heart Rate profile and an Zigbee OnOff Toggle transmission. To handle this use case, the standard Zigbee stack (ZigBeeProR23_FFD.a) and Zigbee Cluster (ZigbeeClusters.a) libraries are being used. Regarding the linklayer, a dedicated library (WBA6_LinkLayer_BLE_Mac_lib.a) is being used

Application Flash (KB) RAM (KB)
Zigbee R23_FFD + BLE BLE_HeartRate_Zigbee (FFD) 574 105

5.2.4. Details of the memory consumed by the OnOff coordinator application example

The details for a typical Zigbee Application acting as an OnOff coordinator (Example :Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord) based on the R23 Zigbee stack are summarized below (based on the v1.5 cube firmware release):

Component Type Flash consumption RAM consumption Comment
Zigbee stack
(R23 FFD)
Library: ZigBeeProR23_FFD.a 325 KB 41 KB of dynamic memory (ZbHeap)
3 KB of static memory.

Refer to Note (1) for more details.

Full R23 FFD Zigbee stack library including Green Power Proxy feature, Touch link and traces
MAC Library: wba_mac.lib.a 15 KB 3.1 KB
LinkLayer Library: LinkLayer15_4.a 56 KB 5.3 KB
Clusters Library: ZigbeeClusters.a

Can be delivered in source code on demand

1 KB (at minimum)

See Comment

12 KB of ZbHeap for clusters and run time operations

Refer to Note (2) for more details.

This is fully dependent on the Clusters selection done by the Application. To give some rough data, we can consider:
  • OnOff clusters less than 1 KB bytes
  • All  Cluster Server  : 57 KB
  • All Zigbee Cluster Client: 22 KB
Appli Source  code 4 KB (at minimum)

See Comment

1.6 KB of static memory
4 KB (Overall CSTACK default values for the whole application as defined in the Linker file)

Refer to Note(3) for more details

This is fully dependent on the application (Here it is Zigbee _OnOff_Server_Coord example)
Infra Source code 33 KB (at minimum) 3 KB of static memory (at minimum including traces) This includes the standard framework and drivers used in the Applications provided inside the Firmware Cube delivery
TOTAL Binary ready to be flashed 434 KB (at minimum) 73 KB (at minimum) The Zigbee_OnOff_Server_Coord application provided in the firmware package consume 434 KB of flash and 73 KB of RAM. This doesn’t include Flash used for persistent data

Note (1): The 41 KB value can be adjusted via the #define CFG_AMM_VIRTUAL_STACK_ZIGBEE_INIT_BUFFER_SIZE. This value is by default set to 10500 for the Zigbee Coordinator Application. It is expressed in words (32bits) and is defined in app_conf.h file. As explained in chapter 5.2.7, this value can be adjusted according to the size of the tables requested by the topology. In our example, we are using the default setting. The theoretical value requested can be computed using the following formula.

Note (2): The 12 KB of heap for clusters and run-time operations can be adjusted via the #define CFG_AMM_VIRTUAL_STACK_ZIGBEE_HEAP_BUFFER_SIZE. This value is by default set to 3000, is expressed in words (32bits) and is defined in app_conf.h file.

Note (3): On this Application, the AMM (Advanced Memory Manager) is used only for the Zigbee stack. No specific buffers are used by the Application. After the subtraction of CFG_AMM_VIRTUAL_STACK_ZIGBEE_INIT_BUFFER and the CFG_AMM_VIRTUAL_STACK_ZIGBEE_INIT_BUFFER buffers, no buffers are being left for the Application. Refer to the figure above for more details.:

5.2.5. Zigbee stack size for standard configuration

The choice of the stack flavor depends on the use case and the targeted role. For an application in which the device will act as a sleepy end device for example, the RFD flavor of the stack should be used.

The typical values as tuned inside the V1.5 Cube Firmware are defined below:

Component Flash consumption RAM consumption Comment
Zigbee R23 FFD 325 KB Depends on the topology in use.

For instance 41 KB of ZbHeap reserved for allocation of the routing tables (to address a large mesh network with 64 devices) and 10 KB for run time operations Refer to chapter 5.2.7 for more details)

Full R23 FFD Zigbee stack library including Green Power Proxy feature, touchlink feature and traces
ZigBee R23 RFD 265 KB Depends on the topology in use.

For instance, on the default configuration as shown on the Zigbee_OnOff_Client_SED example, 26 KB of ZbHeap are reserved for allocation of the network tables and 10 KB for run time operations. Refer to chapter 5.2.7 for more details

Full 23 RFD Zigbee stack library including traces
ZigBee R22 FFD 266 KB Depends on the topology in use.

Refer to chapter 5.2.7 for more details.

Full R22 FFD Zigbee stack library including Green Power Proxy feature, touchlink feature and traces
ZigBee R22 RFD 215 KB Depends on the topology in use.

Refer to chapter 5.2.7 for more details.

Full 22 RFD Zigbee stack library including traces
ZigBee R22 FFD_SmartEnergy 261 KB Depends on the topology in use.

Refer to chapter 5.2.7 for more details.

Full 22 FFD Zigbee stack supporting SmartEnergy features and including traces


a) Flash size: The Flash size includes the traces which are integrated by default. Delivering a stack without trace can save up to 88 KB, as shown in the next chapter.

b) RAM size: The RAM required depends on the topology and depends on the number of tables allocated when initializing the Zigbee stack. The number of tables used by default are defined below

On Cube firmware releases prior to V1.5 version

Default config (Prior to V1.5 Cube Firmware release) FFD RFD
Number of NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE 32 32
Number of NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE 32 32

On the upcoming cube firmware releases (starting from V1.5), these values are tuned as follow:

Default config (Actual releases) FFD RFD
Number of NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE 64 16
Number of NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE 32 9

5.2.6. Zigbee stack size for small mesh network and without traces

For small mesh network, 5 neighbor tables, 10 address map tables, 5 routing tables, 3 broadcast transaction tables, 3 route request tables, and 5 APS device key pair tables might be sufficient. In this case the RAM values are as follows:

Component Flash consumption (without traces) RAM consumption (small topology) Comment
Zigbee R23 FFD 236 KB 28 KB Full R23 FFD Zigbee stack library including Green Power Proxy feature and touchlink feature
ZigBee R23 RFD 200 KB 18 KB Full 23 RFD Zigbee stack library

Note : The stack flavor without traces is not provided inside the Cube Firmware package.

In this small mesh network configuration, the number of tables used for this topology are as follows:

Config to address a small mesh network FFD RFD
Number of NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE 3 3

5.2.7. STM32WBA stack heap size configuration for a Zigbee device

From an application point of view, we can consider two types of heaps.

  • The standard heap (Heap) which can be used by any application using dynamic memory allocation (typically using malloc or free function calls).
  • The zigbee heap (ZbHeap) which is used only by the Zigbee stack when it needs to allocate memory either at initialization or in real time.

The ZbHeap size should be carefully tuned according to the targeted use case. A router that wants to support a large mesh network will need to allocate larger routing tables than a simple router connected to one or two end devices. With the default setup available on the V1.4 Cube release, the Zigbee Router is able to address 32 end devices in parallel and will require at minimum 44 KB of RAM.

For both the Coordinator and Router device types, the number of neighbors or children that the device can support depends on the size of the Network Neighbor Table (NNT). The NNT must be large enough to maintain direct contact with other routers to route packets through the network, and also large enough to accommodate any potential end-device children that want to join.

All the Zigbee tables are allocated at startup dynamically when calling ZbInit().

ZbInit(uint64_t extAddr, struct ZbInitTblSizesT *tblSizes, struct ZbInitSetLoggingT *setLogging)

If the parameter tblSizes is set to NULL, default table sizes are used by the stack to manage typical use cases (e.g., FFD : Router addressing 32 neighbors , RFD : End device addressing 16 neighbors in the V1.5 release)

The meanings of these tables are described below:

Parameter name Comment
NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE This table stores information about devices that are within the radio range of a particular device. It typically includes the device's network address, extended address, relationship (parent, child, sibling), device type (coordinator, router, end device), and other link quality indicators.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field nwkNeighborTblSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_ZB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (64 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE define.

NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE The Address Map table is used to map between the network address and the corresponding extended (IEEE 64-bit) address. This is useful for routing and for various network layer operations.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field nwkAddrMapTblSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_ZB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (32 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE define.

NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE This table contains the routing information that a device uses to send packets to other devices in the network. It includes entries for destination addresses and the next hop addresses to which frames should be forwarded to reach the destination.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field nwkRouteTblSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (32 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE define.

ZB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE Size of the NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE. The Broadcast Transaction Table is used to track broadcast messages and ensure they are only relayed once through the network. It helps prevent broadcast storms by keeping a record of the recent broadcasts and their transaction sequence numbers.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field nwkBttSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (32 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE define.

ZB_NWK_NLME_RREQ_TABLE When a device needs to discover a route to another device, it uses a route request. This table keeps track of these route requests to avoid redundant requests and manage the route discovery process.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field nwkRReqSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_ZB_NWK_NLME_RREQ_TABLE in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (16 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_NWK_NLME_RREQ_TABLE_DEFAULT_SIZE define.

ZB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT This table is part of the Application Support Sublayer (APS) and is used for storing security key material related to other devices in the network. It includes the network address of the partner device and the associated link keys for secure communication.

The number of those tables can be configured by the user via the parameter tblSizes (field apsPeerLinkKeyTblSz) passed through the ZbInit(..) function. This number is named NB_ZB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT in the formulas below. Its defaults value is available in the tables above (32 in the case of an FFD on version V1.5 Cube Firmware). Inside the stack, this value is set via the ZB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_DEFAULT_COUNT define.

5.2.8. STM32WBA memory requirements estimation formula

Knowing the size of each table, and the content of each of them, it is possible to compute the necessary ZbHeap to be allocated when initiating the Zigbee stack. R23 revision

The formula to be used is described below:

Total (ZbHeap requested to start R23 FFD Zigbee stack) = NB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE * 136                                                   
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE * 8 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE * 16 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE * 32 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_RREQ_TABLE * 72 
                                                       + NB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT * 88 
                                                       + 27520

According to this formula, when using the default table sizes for an FFD R23 stack, the minimum ZbHeap to be allocated is equal to 41 KB. As explained in Note (1) chapter 5.2.4, These 41 KB are reserved and defined via the CFG_AMM_VIRTUAL_STACK_ZIGBEE_INIT_BUFFER_SIZE parameter.

Total (ZbHeap requested to start R23 RFD Zigbee stack) = NB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE * 136                                                    
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE * 8 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE * 16  
                                                       + NB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT * 88 
                                                       + 9500 R22 revision

The formula to be used is described below:

Total (ZbHeap requested to start R22 FFD Zigbee stack) = NB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE * 136                                                   
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE * 8 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE * 16 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ROUTE_TABLE * 32 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_RREQ_TABLE * 72 
                                                       + NB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT * 48 
                                                       + 18248
Total (ZbHeap requested to start R22 RFD Zigbee stack) = NB_NWK_NEIGHBOR_TABLE * 136                                                    
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLDE_BTT_TABLE * 8 
                                                       + NB_NWK_NLME_ADDRMAP_TABLE * 16  
                                                       + NB_APS_DEVICE_KEY_PAIR_COUNT * 48 
                                                       + 6712

6. Acronyms and definitions

Term Definition
RAM Random Access Memory
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
ROM Read Only Memory
FFD Full Function Device
RFD Reduced Function Device
SED Sleepy End Device
NVM Non-Volatile Memory


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