SMDK for STM32H5

Revision as of 10:49, 9 August 2023 by Registered User

=What is SMDK ?= The Secure Manager Development Kit (SMDK) is part of the Secure Manager package ecosystem. The SMDK provides the environment required for:

  • developing secure modules
  • developing associated APIs, to access the modules from nonsecure applications.

The SMDK complements the Secure Manager Access Kit (SMAK). Modules developed using the SMDK are installed and work on the SMAK.

The SMDK is composed of:

  • Secure Manager package, available as an encrypted image from (STM32TRUSTEE-SM[1]).
    • It must be used for development purposes only.
    • It features the UART trace capability.
    • It is available under a signed license agreement - Contact your ST representative.
  • STM32Cube embedded firmware package STM32Cube_FW_H5 [2], containing templates and examples to develop a secure module.
  • SMAK package X-CUBE-SEC-M-H5 (downloaded from STM32TRUSTEE-SM[3]).
  • STM32 Trusted Package Creator [4], to build signed and encrypted images.
  • STM32CubeProgrammer [4] Software programming tool for STM32, to program signed and encrypted images.
  • IDEs.

The SMDK can also be used to securely install and update secure modules.

Security SMDK.png

The SMDK provides the environment for developing secure modules. For this it uses a Secure Manager development version that is subject to a dedicated ST license. Please contact your ST representative to receive and process the license flow. A restriction of the SMDK is that it cannot be used for production purpose, but only for developing modules going into the SPE. Once modules are available and ready for production, they must be used with the generic Secure Manager version available at STM32TRUSTEE-SM[5] and or the SMAK available under the SLA0048[6].


The SMDK is composed of:

  • The STM32CubeH5 embedded firmware package (PLEASE MAKE LINK TO CUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • Containing all HAL, drivers, middleware, and other Secure Manager examples
  • An XCube-SMDK-H5 (PLEASE MAKE LINK) is available for each device supporting the Secure Manager, including:
  • The SMDK Secure Manager version
  • An example of secure module running inside the SPE
  • An example of applicative module usage running inside the NSPE and interfacing with the above secure module
  • Associated documentation and user guide
  • Trace capabilities for debugging the module development
  • STM32 Trusted Package Creator (PLEASE MAKE LINK TO CUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to build signed and encrypted images
  • STM32CubeProgrammer ((PLEASE MAKE LINK TO CUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to program signed and encrypted images
  • IDEs

The SMDK can also be used to securely install and update secure modules.