Debug Authentication STM32H5 How to Introduction

Revision as of 12:38, 13 March 2023 by Registered User

Introduction to Debug Authentication for STM32H5 MCUs

1. Debug Authentication

  • Debug authentication controls
    • Debug opening
    • Regressions
  • It can be used
    • During development
    • During manufacturing
    • For field return analysis
  • Features
    • When TZ disabled: usage of a password (very similar to U5). Only regression possible
    • When TZ enabled: usage of cryptography (certificates). Regressions and debug opening
  • Debug Authentication principle
SECURITY Debug Authentication principle.png

2. Debug Authentication Provisioning

3. Debug Authentication Control

4. How to start with STM32 and DA Access

You can refer to the following pages for getting started examples of DA access.

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