Debug Authentication

Revision as of 19:55, 21 February 2023 by Registered User

1. What is Debug Authentication ?

User leverages Debug Authentication mechanism to either:

  • Re-open Debug Access to the STM32 in a secured way.
  • Perform regression in a secured way, erasing user data in user Flash, SRAM and OBKeys.

Debug Authentication only grants such services to legitimate user thanks to

  • Certificate signed by a CA.


  • Password

Debug Authentication is tightly tied to:

  • STM32 life cycle
  • STM32 ARM TrustZone enablement or not.

1.1. STM32 life cycle

Prior to setting STM32 in a product state higher than "provisioning", user must provision either:

  • The hash of the CA Public Key + authorized action on Certificate reception.


  • The hash of the Password + authorised action on Password reception.

1.2. TrustZone

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