How to create a multi-state vibrations classifier using NanoEdge AI studio

Revision as of 19:19, 22 August 2022 by Registered User (Initial submission, with skeleton. Content to be added)
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This article is a tutorial on how to use NanoEdge™ AI Studio to create a multi-state vibrations classifier running on the STWIN SensorTile Wireless Industrial Node development kit (STEVAL-STWINKT1B).

This tutorial shows you how to program the STWIN for datalogging; how to use NanoEdge™ AI Studio to collect data, label data, find the best algorithm, run the Emulator, generate the library files for deployment; how to use STM32CubeIDE to modify codes, build the project, program the STWIN; and finally run the classifier on STWIN.

1. Prerequisites

1.1. Hardware

1.2. Software

1.2.1. Source Code

1.2.2. NanoEdge™ AI Studio

1.2.3. STM32CubeIDE

1.2.4. Tera Term

2. Step 1 - Program STWIN for datalogging

2.1. Board connection

2.2. Program STWIN using binary file

3. Step 2 - Create a n-Class Classification Project in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

4. Step 3 - Datalogging in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

5. Step 4 - Benchmarking in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

6. Step 5 - Emulator in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

7. Step 6 - Deployment in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

7.1. Generate library files in NanoEdge™ AI Studio

7.2. Library files explanation

8. Step 7 - Program STWIN for Detection

9. Step 8 - Run the Classifier on STWIN

10. Resources