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1. BLE-Mesh Lighting Example

1.1. Presentation

This page describes how to quickly handle a first ST BLE-Mesh example.

Some of the following information can be retrieved in the linked video: STM32WB BLE MESH hands-on
ST BLE-Mesh examples can be found on latest STM32Cube_FW_WB package:

BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project generates a basic Node supporting Proxy-Relay-Friend features, this project is the easier to handle and have a first approach of ST BLE-Mesh solution.

BLE-MeshLightingLPN project generates a basic Low Power Node, which requires a Friend Node into the network to receive messages, see Friendship page for more information.

BLE-MeshLightingProvisioner project generates a basic node managing ST proprietary solution of Embedded Provisioner, this Node can configurate itself and provision other nodes into the mesh network.

1.2. Functioning

For the project description, we focus on the BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project as it is the simplest demonstration to handle.

This project demonstrates STM32WB application capabilities using ST BLE-Mesh with basic models.

1.3. Getting Started

For a first test of the ST BLE-Mesh solution, BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project should be the best demonstration to handle.

1.3.1. Requirements

Software and System requirements Software and System requirements are listed in the ST BLE-Mesh Application Note: AN5292 - How to build a Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh application for STM32WBx5 line microcontrollers

Hardware requirements A Nucleo board ( STM32WB55RG) is necessary to setup the demonstration.

More details about the board and other hardware required are available in the Application Note: AN5292 - How to build a Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh application for STM32WBx5 line microcontrollers Or in the online ST BLE-Mesh MOOC: STM32WB Networking – BLE MESH MOOC