Introduction to touch sensing with STM32

1. How does it work

Touch Sensor is use in a one of HMI (Human Machine Interface)

Instead of using mechanical switch, using the finger touch on the surface

Three different methods

  • Capacitance switch
The electrode can be placed behind a non-conducted panel
Detect the capacitance change
  • Resistive touch switch
Two electrodes can be shorted by finger touch
Detect the short circuit
  • Piezo touch switch
By pushing/bending Piezo material, it generates the voltage
Detect the voltage change

TSC or Touch Sense Controller peripheral is based on the Capacitance switch

When human touch the surface of the sensor area, the capacitance changes

Basic TSC working mode descrition

2. Getting started with STM32 and touch sensing

Application Note AN5105 summarize all information regarding Touch Sensing Controler usage. AN5105 Getting Started with Touch control url

3. Video related to touch sensing

All videos related to TSC

4. STM32 compliant with touch sensing

Maximum sensors per serie
Peripheral TSC Hardware assist TSC TSC TSC TSC TSC
Group number 8 11 8 8 8 8 7
Channel number 32 48 32 32 32 32 28
Sampling capacitor number 8 11 8 8 8 8 7
Sensors number 24 37 24 24 24 24 21
Sensors per serie on LQFP64
Peripheral TSC Hardware assist TSC TSC TSC
Group number 8 10 4 6 6
Channel number 32 33 16 24 24
Sampling capacitor number 8 10 4 6 6
Sensors number 24 23 12 18 18

5. Specific tools

Links and explanations for TSC dedicated tools

6. ST Resources

AN5105 Getting Started with Touch control url
UM1913 Developing applications on STM32Cube with STMTouch touch sensing library url
AN4316 Tuning a STMTouch-based application url
AN4312 Guidelines for designing touch sensing applications with surface sensors url
AN4299 Guidelines to improve conducted noise robustness on STM32 series touch sensing applications url
AN4310 Sampling capacitor selection guide for MCU based touch sensing applications url
AN3960 ESD considerations for touch sensing applications url

7. Examples

The area where FAE's, collab... can put examples (linked to Github)

8. Literature