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1. STM32WB - BLE AT Server Overview

This application note describes the set of AT commands to control the STM32WB Series. AT commands are instructions used to control a modem. AT is the abbreviation of ATtention. For this concept, the Cortex®-M4 application microcontroller contains an AT project able to manage the concepts of GAP, GATT, Security and low-power. This document explains how to interface with the STM32WB Series microcontroller to manage multi BLE apps handling (such as AT P2P server, AT Heart Rate) and GAP/GATT custom applications using AT instructions.

The BLE_AT_Server application is available by downloading STM32CubeWB[1] release

This project implements a set of AT commands used to build GAP/GATT custom server or client, peripheral or central application. It also implements P2P Server or Heart Rate applications that could be directly selected. The objective is to have an intermediate abstraction layer in order to allow a user to develop a basic application with a limited sets of commands to send.

The following sections contain the interface description, the AT commands definition, and the description of some use cases.

1.1. AT commands

The AT instruction set is a standard developed by Hayes to control modems. The command set consists in a series of short text strings for performing operations: • at GAP level such as advertising, discovery, connection, security. • at GATT level such as services and characteristics management and discovery, and operation on characteristics.

The AT instructions are transfered through Cortex®-M4 application microcontroller low-power UART (LPUART) without flow control. The STM32WB Series microcontroller can be controlled either through a terminal emulator such as Tera Term or Termite, or through an embedded microcontroller AT client module.

ATT Write - 20 bytes

1.2. How to increase the data throughput

  • by increasing the size of the OTA RAW data characteristic to 248 - done with CubeWB 1.12.0 release
#define OTAS_STM_RAW_DATA_SIZE    (248)                                                //otas_stm.h
#define OTA_RAW_DATA_CHAR_SIZE    OTAS_STM_RAW_DATA_SIZE      //otas_stm.c

   *  Add Raw Data Characteristic
                    (Char_UUID_t *)OTA_RAW_DATA_CHAR_UUID,
  • by increasing the size of ATT Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) which is the maximum length of an ATT packet
 * Maximum supported ATT_MTU size
 * This parameter is ignored by the CPU2 when CFG_BLE_OPTIONS is set to 1"
#define CFG_BLE_MAX_ATT_MTU             (251)
  • by managing with GATT Client remote application the negotiation of the ATT MTU to increase the data payload for the transmitted packets
ATT MTU Exchange

1.3. GATT CLIENT - ANDROID - ST BLE Sensor v4.12.0

The Android ST BLE Sensor application version v4.12.0 is available on Google Play[2]

This is the version which supports the FAST FUOTA by requesting the maximum ATT MTU and by maximizing the payload of the OTA RAW data characteristic.

ST BLE Sensor Fast FUOTA Procedure

Most of the Android smart phone requests a Connection interval around 45ms which is enough for the BLE OTA Application to receive the packets and write the data to the flash.

Fast FUOTA Connection Interval - Ellisys Air Trace

The packet size is maximized to 248 bytes for the ATT Packet OTA RAW Characteristics

Fast FUOTA ATT Packet - Ellisys Air Trace

So few seconds are necessary to update the P2P server application (32.1KB)

Fast FUOTA file transfer - Ellisys Air Trace

1.4. Video related to Fast FUOTA - to be placed on Youtube???

pc videol.png

Fast FUOTA for P2P server application

1.5. References