X-CUBE-AI documentation

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This article describes the content of X-CUBE-AI embedded documentation and how to access it. The embedded documentation is installed with X-CUBE-AI which ensure to provide the accurate documentation for the considered version of X-CUBE-AI.

Info white.png Information
  • STM32Cube.AI is a software aiming at the generation of optimized C code for STM32 and neural network inference. It is delivered under the Mix Ultimate Liberty+OSS+3rd-party V1 software license agreement (SLA0048).

1. Documentation content

The embedded documentation describes in details the following topics (for X-CUBE-AI version 7.0.0):

  • User Guide
    • Installation: specific environment settings to use the Command Line Interface in a console
    • Command Line Interface: the stm32ai application is a console utility which provides a complete and unified Command Line Interface (CLI) to generate from a pre-trained DL/ML model, the X-CUBE_AI optimized library for STM32 device family. This section describes in detail the CLI.
    • Embedded inference client API: this section describes the embedded inference client API which must be used by a C-application layer (AI client) to use a deployed C-model.
    • Evaluation report and metrics: this section describes the different metrics (and associated computing flow) which are used to evaluate the performance of the generated C-files (or C-model) mainly through the validate command.
    • Quantized model and quantize command: X-CUBE-AI code generator can be used to deploy a quantized model (8b integer format). Quantization (also called calibration) is an optimization technique to compress a 32-bit floating-point model by reducing the size, by improving CPU/MCU usage and latency with a small degradation of accuracy. This section describes the way X-CUBE-AI support quantized model and the CLI internal post-training quantization process.
  • Advanced features
    • Relocatable binary network support : a relocatable binary model designates a binary object which can be installed and executed anywhere in a STM32 memory sub-system. It contents a compiled version of the generated NN C-files including the requested forward kernel functions and the weights. The principal objective is to provide a flexible way to upgrade an AI-based application w/o re-generating and flashing the whole end-user firmware. This is the primary element to use for example the FOTA (Firmware Over-The-Air) technology. This section describes how to build and use a relocatable binary.
    • Keras LSTM stateful support: this section describes how X-CUBE-AI v7 provides an initial support for the Keras stateful LSTM.
    • Keras Lambda/custom layer support: the goal of this section is to explain how you can import a Keras model containing Lambda or Custom layers. Depending on the nature of your model you will have to follow one way or another.
    • Platform Observer API:
    • STM32 CRC IP as shared resources
    • TensorFlow lite for micro-controller support
  • HowTo
    • How to use USB-CDC driver for validation
    • How to run locally a c-model
    • How to upgrade a STM32 project
  • Supported DL/ML frameworks
    • Embedded Python modules - Deep-Learning framework versions
    • Keras toolbox
    • TensorFlow Lite toolbox
    • ONNX toolbox
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Generic aspects
    • Validation aspects
    • Quantization and post-training quantization process

2. Documentation access

To access the embedded documentation, you shall first install X-CUBE-AI. Installation process is described in the Getting Started document. Once installed, the documentation is installed in the directory installation directory under X-CUBE-AI/7.0.0/Documentation/index.html (the version shall be adapted to the one used, here the 7.0.0). For Windows, by default the documentation is located here (replace <username> by your Windows user name): file:///C:/Users/<username>/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/7.0.0/Documentation/index.html

The embedded documentation can also be accessed through the UI once the X-CUBE-AI Software Package has been selected and loaded by clicking on the "Help" menu then "X-CUBE-AI documentation":