How to develop ultra-low-power and battery less demo with STM32U0 MCUs

Revision as of 09:58, 16 May 2024 by Registered User (minor changes)
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This article provides explanations on how the STM32U0 battery less demo works and describes step-by-step how to reproduce it.

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For the bill of material to reproduce the demo, refer here.

1. Presentation of the demo

1.1. Purpose

The aim of this demo is to illustrate the STM32U0's best-in-class ultra-low power capabilities. It is running without battery thanks to Dracula technologies inkjet Printed Organic Photovoltaic module, which harvests energy for the STM32U0 MCU. This is a luxmeter and thermometer demo with data being displayed on an LCD segment display, and the possibility to send data thanks to a radiofrequency module.

1.2. Configurations

This demo can be configured in two different versions.

  • The first one is referred as the Data logger only configuration. It consists of one STM32U083C-DK Discovery kit powered by one Layer photovoltaic module. Every second, measured temperature or luminosity is displayed on the LCD segment display. By pressing the joystick blue hat of the discovery kit, the user can change which data is being displayed.
  • The second one is referred as the Data logger & RF configuration. It consists of two modules, the Data logger & Transmitter module, and the Receiver & Display module.
    • The first one is based on the first configuration of the demo, on top of which the X-Nucleo-S2868A2, an RF expansion board is plugged. In addition to measuring temperature and luminosity, and displaying one of the two measures on the LDC segment display, it sends each second the 2 measures thanks to the RF module.
    • The second one is a module which receives the data and displays it on an LCD screen. It is made of one Nucleo-U083RC and 2 expansion kits, the X-Nucleo-S2868A2, to receive the data, and the X-Nucleo-GFX01M2, with the LCD screen. The 2 received measures are displayed in real time on a graph chart on the LCD screen.
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The software of the data logger works for both configurations. On start-up, it is detecting whether the X-Nucleo-S2868A2 is present or no, and adapts behavior depending on that.

2. How the demo works

2.1. Schematics

The figure below shows schematics of the Data logger only configuration on the left, and of the Data logger & RF configuration on the right.

DemooU0 Schematics of standalone and RF versions.
Schematics of the two configurations of the demo.

2.2. Demo principle

The following flowchart and graph describe the principle of the Data logger module.

Flowchart describing the principle of the demo, and related graph showing the evolution of MCU's VDD over time.

When voltage first reaches the POR voltage (1.65V) (2), only the minimum instructions are done before entering stop 2 mode, to consume as little energy as possible. Hence, in this time frame, only PVD is set to level 6 to wake up the STM32U0 when voltage will reach 3.0V (3). This is the critical part of the initialization.

Once voltage reaches 3.0V for the first time (4), initialization of the peripherals can start (5). GPIOs, LCD, ADC, communication with the temperature sensor, and, if present, communication with the RF module are initialized. RTC is also configured to wake-up the MCU every second. Then, the MCU enters stop 2 mode until wake-up from RTC (6).

At waking-up, it is first checked that the capacitor is charged enough by checking whether voltage is over 2V (7). If yes, the measurement phase is entered (8). Temperature is measured by the STT22H temperature sensor included in the discovery kit. Light is measured by measuring voltage provided by the panel, as explained in the following part. If the RF module is present, measured data is sent. Last step is to enter stop 2 again to retrieve energy (9).

2.3. Light measurement

The image below illustrates the flow of current outside of the light measurement phase. PA0 is in open drain configuration, so current flows to the capacitor and the STM32U0.

Image illustrating current flow when charging of capacitor
First phase: charge of capacitor.

To measure the light, the current through resistor R1 is deduced from the measuring of the voltage provided by the photovoltaic module.

Following formula is then used to deduce luminosity from measured ADC voltage.

To measure the voltage provided by the photovoltaic module, PA0 is configured in output pull-down mode. The diode prevents the current of the capacitor from flowing to the ADC. The figure below illustrates the flow of current during light measurement.

Image illustrating the current flow while measuring voltage of the PV cell
Second phase: measure of current through R1.

2.4. Power consumption

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3. How to reproduce

3.1. Bill of material

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To reproduce the Data logger only configuration, only material in bold is needed.

Data logger & Transmission module

Receiver & Display module

3.2. Reproduction of Data logger & Transmission module

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To reproduce the Data logger only configuration, only steps in bold must be done.

The image below shows the connections to do on bottom side of STM32U083-DK.

Image showing connections on bottom side of STM32U0 discovery kit
Connections on bottom side of STM32U083-DK
  • 1. Connect PV- to battery– pin
  • 2. Connect PV+ to CN7-38 (PC1)
  • 3. Add a diode between CN7-38 (PC1) and battery+ pin
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For steps 2 and 3, connections on the battery pins can be done by plugging on the pins on the front side, or wires can be soldered directly on the bottom side of the DK

The image below shows the modifications to do on the front side of STM32U083-DK and X-Nucleo-S2868A2.

Image showing modifications and connections to do on top of STM32U0 DK and RF module
Modifications and connections to do on top of STM32U0 DK and RF module
  • 4. Add 100µF capacitor
  • 5. Add 2.2kΩ resistor between A4 (PC1) and A0 (PA0)
  • 6. Add >100kΩ pull-up resistor between VREF (CN5-3) and D7 (CN9-8)
  • 7. Remove JP1

Image below shows the modifications to do on bottom side of X-Nucleo-S2868A21.

Image showing modifications and connections to do on bottom side of RF module (S2868A2)
Modifications and connections to do on bottom side of RF module (S2868A2)
  • 8. Cut CN9-9 and CN9-10
  • 9. Connect CN5-8 connected to JP1-1
  • 10. Remove R12

3.3. Reproduction of Receiver & Display module

Image below shows modifications to do on S2868A2.

Image showing modifications to do on bottom side of RF module (S2868A2) of the Receiver and display module.
Modifications to do on bottom side of RF module (S2868A2) of the Receiver and display module.

The following solder bridges are to be opened.

  • A1. R10 - Disconnect SDN from D7.
  • A2. R11 - Disconnect SPI SCLK from D3.
  • A3. R12 - Disconnect GPIO0 from A0.
  • A4. R13 - Disconnect CSN from A1.
  • A5. R14 - Disconnect GPIO1 from A2.
  • A6. R15 - Disconnect GPIO2 from A3.
  • A7. R16 - Disconnect GPIO3 from A5.

The following solder bridges are to be closed.

  • B1. R6 - Connect SPI SCLK to D13.
  • B2. R9 - Connect CSN to D10.
  • B3. R18 - Connect GPIO0 to A4.
  • B4. CN9-3 on R19 (or R10) - Connect SDN to D2. [1]

Image below shows the connections and the modification to be done on Nucleo-U08RC:

Image showing connections and modification to be done on Nucleo-U083RC
Connections and modification to be done on Nucleo-U083RC
  • C1. Cut CN7-36 (conflict on this pin between the 2 extension kits).
  • C2. Plug 2 SSQ-119-03-T-D 19x2 connectors on Nucleo-connectors.
  • C3. Plug S2868A2 on Arduino-connectors.
  • C4. Plug GFX01M2 on SSQ-119-03-T-D connectors.

3.4. Option bytes configuration

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3.5. Software

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4. External links

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  1. D6 and D7 connectors are used by the display module, so neither of them can be used for SDN pin.