How to develop ultra-low-power and battery less demo with STM32U0 MCUs

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This article is about STM32U0 battery less demo. It provides explanations on how the demo works, and describes step-by-step how to reproduce it.

1. Purpose of the demo

The goal of this demo is to illustrate the STM32U0 best-in class ultra-low power capabilities. It is running without battery thanks to Dracula technologies inkjet Printed Organic Photovoltaic module, which harvests energy for the STM32U0 MCU. This is a luxmeter and thermometer demo with data being displayed on an LCD segment display, and the possibility to send data thanks to a radiofrequency module. The demo can also work standalone without RF module. So, the demo exists in 2 versions without, referred as standalone version, and with the RF module, referred as RF version in this document.

2. How the demo works

2.1. Schematics

The figure below shows schematics for both standalone and RF versions. The data logger and Transmitter module of RF version is based on standalone version, on which RF module and one resistor is added has been added. Both are working with the same software, as it detects if RF module is present or not.

DemooU0 Schematics of standalone and RF versions.

2.2. Demo principle

The flowchart below describes the principle of the demo.

Flowchart describing the principle of the demo.

The graph on below shows the evolution of VDD over time.

Graph showing the evolution STM32U0’s VDD over time.

When voltage is first reaching POR voltage and reset is first released, the idea is to enter Stop2 mode as quickly as possible to save energy. To do so, only PVD is set to level 6 to wake up the STM32U0 when voltage will be at 3.0V. This is the critical part of the initialization.

Once voltage reaches 3.0V for the first time, initialization of peripheral can start. This is in this phase that GPIOs, LCD, ADC, communication with the temperature sensor, and, if used, communication with the RF module are initialized. RTC is also configured to wake-up the MCU every second. Then, the MCU enters stop2 mode until wake up from RTC.

After waking up, the measurement phase is entered. Temperature is sent by STT22H temperature sensor included in the discovery kit. Light is measured by measuring voltage provided by the panel as explained in part Light measurement. If RF module is present, measured data is sent with this module. Finally, stop 2 mode is entered again to retrieve energy.

2.3. Light measurement

3. How to reproduce

3.1. Bill of material

3.2. Reproduction of data logger

3.3. Reproduction of display

3.4. Software