Debug Authentication STM32H7RS How to Introduction

Revision as of 11:37, 23 January 2024 by Registered User

DA and FW update How to Introduction

1. Debug Authentication

Debug authentication controls debug opening and regressions. It can be used during development, manufacturing and for field return analysis.

  • Features
    • the usage of a password is the only regression possible.
    • the usage of cryptography (certificates) can be used for regressions and debug opening.
  • Debug authentication principle
    • Use of JTAG dedicated access point (ap0) to communicate with the chip.
    • Secure protocol defined by ARM : ARM PSA ADAC V1.0. (Authenticated Debug Access Control)[1]
SECURITY Intro to DA for H7S.png

2. Debug Authentication for STM32H7S with password method

SECURITY Product lifecycle H7S password method.png

3. Debug Authentication for STM32H7S with certificate method

SECURITY Product lifecycle H7S certif method.png