Zigbee Realistic Use Case Lighting

Revision as of 19:10, 14 December 2023 by Registered User (→‎Zigbee implementation)

1. Introduction

This page describes how to quickly handle an On/Off Light Device with On/Off Light Switch.
The project generates basic node (Light Device) supporting Router features and End Devices (Light Switch).
It is a good introduction to handle and have a first approach of ST Zigbee mesh solution.

2. Functioning

This example demonstrates STM32WB applications using the ST Zigbee network to connect switch and Light bulb together in different cases.
From a basic example with one switch is connected to one light bulb, it is possible to connect multi-switch at the same light bulb or to connect one switch to multiple light bulbs and all other combinations to test the ST Zigbee functionalities.

RUC Lighting

3. Getting started

This project implements a ST Zigbee mesh supporting Coordinator (ZC), Router (ZR) and End Device (ZED) features.
These features are sufficient to set up a first Zigbee network [1]

Hardware requirements
P-NUCLEO-WB55[2] and STM32WB5MM-DK[3] are required to set up the demonstration.
For more information, please visit STM32WB Development ecosystem

Connectivity nucleo-description.png
Connectivity DK board.png

Software and system requirements
For more information to build Zigbee application, please visit STM32WB Build Zigbee Project
To check messages from the board, use any convenient terminal software via the UART Interface, please visit Wiki: Zigbee Log via UART

4. Zigbee implementation

In this example, the topology used is a Light bulb used as ZR to relay messages in the Zigbee network and switches as ZED. In addition, the ZR and ZED will use the cluster "On/Off". So, the basis topology uses 1 ZC, 2 ZR and 4 ZED, both ZR bound to 2 ZED each.

The Zigbee cluster On/Off [4] is used for this example.
It is possible to extend devices with Zigbee clusters Level control [5], Color control[6]… to add features.

A crucial point to note is that the server holds the attribute values, i.e., the state of the light in this case. If the client wants to know the light's state, it needs to send a "read the attribute" command to the server. When two devices are bound together, they can set up a link where the server sends the state of some attributes when they are modified. These attributes are called reportable. For instance, in a network with 2 switches and one light, if both switches are bound to the light, Switch 1 can turn the light on, and Switch 2 will be informed of the change in the light's state.

4.1. Client cluster side

The client command (switch) sends a message (On/Off/Toggle) to the server (light bulb). The implementation is straightforward and high-level, allowing you to choose the messages delivery method: broadcast, group or unicast. In this example, the message has sent in unicast mode, which requires binding the devices together. This approach enables configuring the reporting process and receiving an acknowledge from server.

4.2. Server cluster side

After reception of a command from a client, an appropriate callback function is executed by the server.
If attribute modification, the server sends this modification to each client according to the report configuration in the local binding table.

4.3. Binding and Report process

To manage many configurations, attribute reports are used to troubleshoot issues.
So, each time a client binds to a server, a configuration report is created to notify the client of the attribute modification.
For more information please see Wiki: Zigbee Binding
Please find below the Binding process used in this example.

Binding Process

In case of multi-client, the report attribute is using to maintain a coherence between each client when the state of light is changed on the server.
Please find below the Report attribute process for two clients:

Report attribute Process

4.4. Retry process

To make it more reliable, a “retry” process has created when a Zigbee command form client failed.
As explained before, for all applications, all the command are sent in unicast. Once the command is sent, the server responds with an acknowledgement, if this one includes a failure message, the message will resend to the server.

Please find below the retry process and the flow chart inplemented in source code:

Retry process Flow chart

These are three possible situations:

  • The client doesn’t receive any response from server, indicating a communication issue.
  • The client receives an acknowledgement from server, but it implies a failure in processing the command.
  • Everything works fine, and the client receives successful acknowledgement from server.

By implementing this mechanism, the number of failed commands has significantly decreased.

5. Extension possible

A first extension is to add multi-server to observe when clients send commands and server behavior.
Another extension possible is an addition of the PIR occupancy sensor to light on automatically.
Below, the example shows extension with a PIR sensor and dimmable cient :

RUC Lighting extension

6. Tests and Results

To stress the system and verify its proper functioning, a series of tests has conducted.

Test Passed/Failed
Adding a server (ZR) and getting current service value Passed
Adding a client (ZED) and getting current service value Passed
Detecting and handling the case of report not received Passed
Correcting the issue of report not received by reading service value Passed
Same Zigbee cmd from multiple clients at the same time Passed
Different Zigbee cmd from multiple clients at the same time Passed
Overloading the system with sending Zigbee cmd on time (with PIR) Passed
Latency test Passed
Distance (multiple hops) Passed

7. Acronyms and definitions

Term Definition
ZC Zigbee Coordinator
ZR Zigbee Router
ZED Zigbee End Device
RUC Realistic Use Case
PIR Passive Infra-Red sensor, motion detectors

8. References