Introduction to Cellular LTE CatM / NBIoT

Revision as of 19:48, 23 March 2020 by Registered User

1. What is Cellular LTE CatM and NBIoT

The place where you can write how does work your tech domain.
Be careful, this article must be very high level and a general information on the topic

2. Getting started with STM32 and Cellular LTE CatM and NBIoT

The place where you can explain how to start and use the feature. You can also put za link to an AN

3. Video related to Cellular LTE CatM and NBIoT

All videos related to your tech domain

4. STM32 compliant with Cellular LTE CatM and NBIoT

The place to put a table with all STM32 compliant with the feature

5. Specific tools

Links and explanations for the tech domain dedicated tools

6. STMicroelectronics Resources

Doc Number Title
DB3582 Cellular connectivity software expansion for STM32Cube
UM2567 Getting started with the X-CUBE-CELLULAR cellular connectivity Expansion Package for STM32Cube
UL2426 X-CUBE-CELLULAR cellular connectivity Expansion Package for STM32Cube

7. Examples

The area where FAE's, collab... can put examples (linked to Github)