Thread Certification Process for STM32WB and STM32WBA

Revision as of 17:38, 3 October 2023 by Registered User

1. Introduction


  • Full Thread Device certification (FTD)
    • Every Thread role is supported but Border Router
  • Minimum Thread Device certification (MTD)
    • Only End Device / Sleepy End Device roles are supported

802.15.4 PHY certification has to be performed before Thread stack certification.

Thread Certification Types
Connectivity Thread Certif types.png

2. Thread Certification Environment

  • Thread certification is performed using GRL Tool.
  • Various golden devices are used :
    • ARM - FRDM K64F / NXP – KW24D512
    • Silabs - ZM3588S / TI - CC2538
  • Fully automated test bench
  • Up to 32 devices are used to form Thread Mesh network (TC Leader 5.2.3)
  • GRL Tool is available to Thread Group Member
    • Certification tests can be run at ST premise before going to the test house.
GRL Thread Certification Tool
Connectivity Thread Certif GRL.png
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