Certification guideline/Bluetooth Qualification Process example with STM32WBx

Revision as of 18:08, 31 August 2023 by Registered User (→‎STM32WB_BLE_STACK)

We will follow the 7 different steps described in Launch studio webpage but before going through this process, let's see the information of our STM32WB55RG & its associated BLE stack.

1. STM32WB55 Component (Tested) & its associated BLE stack information

The listing search [1] is provided by Bluetooth® SIG to help find previously qualified designs and declared products. Search by Declaration ID, Qualified Design ID, product name, or model number.

1.1. STM32WB55 Component (Tested)

In this windows, you will find the QDID number for the STM32WB55 127495 [2]. Notice that you have different STM32WB55 versions depending on the flash size. In our example, let use the STM32WB55RG (1 MB flash)

This RF PHY has been qualified in 2019, with Core specification 5.0

You can notice that this component has been qualified with Test Case Reference List version 2023 -1
the details of the TCRL test list are there TCRL information [3]


In this windows, you will find the QDID number for the STM32_BLE_STACK 216169 [4].

You can see that the STM32WB _BLE stack has been qualified with core Bluetooth® 5.3 & Bluetooth® 5.4. This STM32WB_BLE_STACK_Full_Ext includes new Bluetooth® 5.4 features such as Encrypted advertising data and LE GATT security levels characteristics along with GAP/GATT/SM & L2CAP layers on M0+.

If you start to develop your platform, ST recommends using BLE STACK supporting latest Bluetooth® version 5.4 even if your RF PHY has been only qualified with lower Bluetooth® core version.

2. Qualification process

You can find different links on Bluetooth® website detailing the different steps.

Bluetooth® qualification listing [5]
Bluetooth® Project Basics [6]

2.1. Project Basics

You must select 1 RF_PHY & 1 HOST stack at least for your end project.
the HOST stack is linked to an SDK version. In our case (STM32WB55RG), you will find the latest SDK version in our ST website.
STM32CubeWB [7].

After having selected your project as End Product, we must select the Controller & Host core configuration as LE controller. Indeed, ST RF-PHY & Host stack previously selected are BLE only oriented.
Then select Layer Selection step

2.2. Layer Selection

All different layers have been pre-checked based on component features.
However, no Standard Profile have been qualified for STM32WBx. If you need any, we must select it and provide your own test evidence.
then, you can continue to next section ICS selection

2.3. ICS Selection

This section could be confusing because you must solve all potential inconsistencies.
Capabilities of each layer are pre-selected, but depending on the TCRL version used for qualification of the RF PHY & Host stack, some inconsistencies could appear.

To evaluate the inconsistencies, you must click on consistency check button on top right.

You must check all different inconsistencies highlighted & correct the pre-selected features, See, for example, the inconsistency related to your Product & Controller Core Specification.

Your End Project should support only 1 Core specification. However, by default, since the RF-RHY has been qualified with Core 5.0 & the Host stack with Core 5.4, the tool has selected these 2 Core specifications ( 5.0 to 5.4). Since you use ST BLE stack 5.4, you must unselect all previous Core specification.

You must proceed like this for all inconsistencies. When all inconsistencies have been fixed, you can proceed to next section.

2.4. Testing

In this section, you will have to download a test plan. It is an excel sheet built based on the different features you have selected previously.

Once downloaded, you must complete & insert the reference of the existing QDID as described below. The associated QDID should be the one related to the Host Stack.

You can go to next section Test Documentation

2.5. Test Documentation

In this section, you must re-upload the document you have previously completed.

2.6. Product Declaration

In this section, you must insert all information related to your product.

2.7. Declaration ID

In this section, you must go & pay the Declaration fees related to the qualification path you have selected (path without test required & path with test required).

2.8. Review & Submit

This final section will permit you reviewing all information you have declared previously.

For more details about certification process please visit our Certification Guideline page

3. References