How to start with Secure Manager (customized configuration) on STM32H5

Revision as of 08:33, 22 August 2023 by Registered User (→‎Troubleshooting)

This article guides STM32H573 users on their first steps with Secure Manager. Refer to the article Introduction to Secure Manager for further details on what Secure Manager is and what are the benefits of using it.

1. Preparing the installation

This section details installation of the Secure Manager Access Kit (SMAK), from the Open product state on a STM32H57x with factory settings or after a full regression, to a state where Secure Manager is installed and the product is in TZ-Closed state. When the product is in TZ-Closed state, it is ready for nonsecure application development using Secure Manager API calls.

There are different methods to install Secure Manager, from a simple provisioning_auto.bat batch execution to a step-by-step meticulous checklist. This article presents the whole selection of configurable parameters to install Secure Manager. Most of the configurable parameters are optional and can only be used in particular scenarios. Optional parts are indicated.

1.1. Prerequisites

  • A compatible STM32 MCU is needed to use Secure Manager. This article describes the use of Secure Manager with the STM32H573 product line, the device from the STM32H5 series supporting Secure Manager.
  • STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit rev C was used to test Secure Manager. The use STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit rev C is required.
  • On the software side, the STM32CubeMX toolset is needed, including the STM32CubeProgrammer and the STM32 Trusted Package Creator. The package was tested with STM32CubeProgrammer 2.14. The Trusted Package Creator is not installed by default, this is an installation option. The STM32CubeMX downloads the STM32CubeH5 Package, containing the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer), the Secure Manager binaries and the examples.
  • The package supports IAR Embedded Workbench, STM32CubeIDE and Keil IDE. It was tested with IAR v9.20.1, STM32CubeIDE V1.13 and Keil V5.37. Some IDE may need to be patched with product description files to support the STM32H5 series. These are included within the package:

The product description files placement
  • A Tera Term or similar terminal emulator is needed to communicate with the embedded software using a virtual COM port.

1.2. Package contents

The SMAK is included in the STM32CubeH5 downloadable package, similar in structure to other STM32vube packages, most visible difference being addition of ROT_Provisioning folder:

File:SM howto package structure.png
High level overview of the package structure

The relevant directories and files are detailed below:

Secure Manager package structure
Item Directory name Description
1 Drivers SMAK is using drivers as any other STM32Cube app
2 Middlewares Secure Manager API, used by SMAK project to call Secure services (PSA)
3 SMAK Appli Example from the nonsecure application project compatible with Secure Manager
4 download.bat Script to download via STM32CubeProgrammer the nonsecure image in download slot
5 DA Debug Authentication, including script to perform full regression
6 Binary Secure Manager binaries used for installation
7 Config *.xml file to configure Secure Manager for installation
8 Helper Internal scripts used during Secure Manager installation, nonsecure application build
9 Images Generic *.xml file used to generate nonsecure application
10 Keys OEM Keys used during Secure Manager installation
11 License Module with global license example used during Secure Manager installation
12 its_blob Script to create a blob for ITS factory feature
13 provisioning Script to configure and install Secure Manager
14 provisioning_auto Script to install Secure Manager with the default configuration
15 SMAK_Appli Nonsecure application project template compatible with Secure Manager
16 Certificates Utilities used to get a certificate X509
17 ITSbuilder Utilities used to provision initial secure key and data in secure storage during the Secure Manager installation
18 ROT_AppliConfig Utilities used to update projects and configuration files

2. Installation

This section introduces the automated installation by using a prepared script for the STM32H573I-DK Discovery kit in the STM32CubeH5 Package. This section also explains the configuration and the customization of the installation process.
If no customization is made, one single step is needed, which is running provisioning_auto.bat. If the Discovery board is connected and SW1 in position 0, the Secure Manager will be installed in less than a minute.

2.1. Environment configuration

A batch file called env.bat is by default placed at the following location:


This batch file needs to be reviewed. To continue with the installation, both the address must be verified and edited if necessary.

The env.bat contents

2.2. Installing Secure Manager with ST default parameters

For a first experience with Secure Manager, it is possible to skip the optional configuration and install the Secure Manager using only ST default configuration and personalization parameters. Since the keys and DA in particular are left in default value, there is no real security in without own personalization. It's only fine to use for evaluation.
The following sections describe the configurable parameters. All the changes made in configuration are applied once the provisioning.bat is executed.

2.3. SMAK Keys configuration (optional)

If customized keys are not needed, skip this part and go here.
In simple example, keys are used by the nonsecure application, but keys can also be used with external modules. The OEM keys are in the SMAK/Keys subfolder. The easiest way to modify the keys is to open the STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool:

  • Select H5 (H5 stands for STM32H5 series) in the leftmost pane, and then the OBkey tab.
  • Open the key configuration file and regenerate the keys as needed:
    • SMAK authentication key is used for the signed installed application.
    • SMAK encryption key is used to provide confidentiality on the installed user application.
The SMAK keys screen

The keys are stored in the Keys subfolder (Refer to Package contents). When done, click Generate OBKey in the lower right corner of the window. The new SM_Config_Keys.obk file will be used at the next provisioning.

2.4. Option Bytes (OB) configuration (optional)

The example works with default OB. To skip this part, go here.
The Option Bytes values can be customized using the same SM_Config_Keys file.

Option bytes configuration screen

The configured final PRODUCT_STATE must be TZ-Closed for nonsecure application development or Closed (Locked) for production purpose.
Use the OB generation path selector in lower right corner and set it to Option_Bytes.csv to align with the batches.

2.5. Memory configuration (optional)

The example works with default mapping, except if a module needs to be added. To skip this part, go here.
Memory layout and partitioning are configurable. Predefined ST configuration parameters are:

  • ITS size.
  • Module number and their size.
  • Nonsecure application size.

User customizable parameters are:

  • Module SRAM size.
  • Shared S/NS buffer size.
  • NS reserved area (shared with nonsecure application size).

Basic settings are easily accessible by opening another xml file in the STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool:

Screen of the memory layout settings

The "Secure SRAM end address" setting reserves, by default, space for a configuration with one module. Set it to minimal value if no modules are installed.
Once the settings configuration is finished, click on Generate OBKey in lower right corner. The new SM_Config_General.obk file will be used at next provisioning.
Two basic configurations are available for preselection:

Configuration index Nonsecure application Active slot address Download slot address ITS Module 0 Module slot address Module download
0 584kB 0x0806E000 0x081000000 40kB 0 - -
1 456kB 0x0808E000 0x081000000 40kB 128kB 0x0806E000 0x08172000

Using provisioning_auto.bat, if a SMAK_1 configuration is selected, the module is installed without a license. The provisioning.bat displays a prompt for license options. 3 choices are available:

  1. Module without license
  2. Module with global license
  3. Module with chip specific license

The license authentication method is selected within the STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool:

Screenshot of Trusted Package Creator module license selector

Choosing "Modules with license shall be signed by OEM" results in using the keys and authentication stored in ROT_Provisioning/SM/Keys. Refer to OEM Keys section for further information.
Choosing "Modules with license shall not be signed by OEM" means a third party authentication will be provided later.
In handling the module and the license file, the provisioning batch will give clear instructions. The idea is to copy the files provided from the module provider and replace the placeholder dummy files in the package.

Files associated with the module

An straightforward and recommended way to replace the module is to rename the new file using the name of the former file (config_1_module_0_with_global_license_not_oem_sign.smu). The other option is to manually edit the batch file. To learn more about memory configuration, refer to SMAK Memory mapping.

2.6. Other configuration (optional)

This category contains the smaller configuration articles, which do not fit into other categories. When getting familiar with Secure Manager for the first time, all these can be skipped. Third customization xml file is the SM_Config_Other.xml, opened and regenerated analogically to the general and key configuration. The settings include SM initialization clock settings, of configuration of behavior in case of image corruption. They are probably going to be kept unchanged for most projects, but they can be reviewed.

2.7. Debug authentication (DA) configuration (optional)

Generating own debug authentication (DA) keys and certificate is strongly recommended in any case, except for initial evaluation purposes. You can however skip it, and unique DA configuration will not be generated.
Configuration consists of setting the key and the root permission mask.
The article introduction to Debug Authentication details the process.
When modifying the default settings, consider the debug of the nonsecure application in the TZ-Closed state. Removing the debug certificate would block such development.

2.8. Customization of ITS Blob (optional)

Internal storage be initialized securely with preloaded initial keys and data. It is only relevant for production purposes, and can be skipped. There is no visual aid to the ITS Blob modifications. All the changes are made using the its_blob.bat ( For further details, refer to package structure. The batch calls the ITSBuilder tool, which comes with built-in help (run ITSBuilder --help).
The result is a file called ITS_Factory_Blob.bin and contains keys and data according to the modifications of the its_blob batch file.

2.9. SFI preparation (optional)

For unique production SFI license and encryption key continue reading, otherwise skip and go here. The STM32Trusted Package Creator tool can also be used to cryptographically link the output binary to SFI manufacturing process.

Screenshot of Trusted Package Creator SFI license generation

Choose the "License Gen" tab and select SFIG license type (SFIG for SFI generating). Then, the tool can regenerate SFI_Encryption_Key.bin and SFI_Encryption_Nonce.bin for unique SFI handling. On the right pane, select the file to generate the license. By default, the previous one will be overwritten.
Complete the license customization process by clicking "Generate License" in lower right corner.

2.10. Installation process

In the basic scenario, all that is required is to execute the provisioning.bat and follow the instructions on the screen. The process requires you to manipulate the SW1 switch on the STM32H573I-DK board to complete the provisioning correctly.

Execution of provisioning.bat, part 1

The batch file works in two steps. In step 1, it prepares the SFI package, which contains the following:

  • keys configuration ( details here )
  • layout configuration (details here )
  • DA configuration ( details here )

All these are prepared in the STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool.
On the board, SW1 must be set to position 0.

SM howto batch2.png

In case of failure, return to the default state using regression.bat and check the provisioning log for troubleshooting.
The previously updated environment configuration is now used to communicate with the STM32H573I-DK board and to upload the SFI package.
Follow the instructions to manipulate the SW1, to assert the correct state on the BOOT0 pin. When finished, Secure Manager is installed.
After installation:

  • Secure Domain is closed. It can no longer be accessed by the debugger.
  • Boot Path is configured to start from STiRoT, with boot lock.
  • Memory mapping for the nonsecure application is fixed. Regression is necessary to change the layout.
  • Keys to manage the nonsecure application images are fixed until regression.
  • Regression solution is based on the OEM Certificate.

3. Using Secure Manager

Secure Manager is now installed, with the STM32H573 in TZ-Closed state. It is possible to develop and debug application in the nonsecure domain of the MCU by using the usual development tools, for example STM32CubeIDE. The STM32Cube package for STM32H5 MCUs contains a example called SMAK_Appli ( number 3 referred here ) and template of the same name (number 15 in the same figure). Just add a functionality and download it using, for example, STM32CubeProgrammer.
During evaluation of the tools and early experiments with the Secure Manager Application Kit and the nonsecure application development, it is possible to keep the default DA configuration intact and highly recommended to complete each experiment by running regression.bat, and safely get back to the product Open state.
As soon as the DA and the associated tools are understood, switch to own DA configuration. This should be a priority.

3.1. Direct download of application in IDE

The IAR EWARM is used as an example, but the scenario should be similar on other IDEs. This is the suggested workflow for development in TZ-Closed state, not applicable to other Product State values.

  1. Open SMAK_Appli project file. The SMAK_Appli template is by default available at C:\Users\***\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.1.0\Projects\STM32H573I-DK\Templates\ROT\SMAK_Appli\
  2. Edit your application as intended.
  3. When ready, click Download and Debug as with normal application development.
  4. The IDE may display a warning at this point. This is due to the unusual program entry point, and can be safely ignored.
    The warning popup in IAR
  5. A breakpoint must be placed to your main in order to start a debug session. The debug authentication session is valid as long as the debugger is connected to the target.

3.2. The example application

The template application contains a user interface. This user interface works with the terminal application on the host PC, using the virtual COM port with baudrate 115200, 8bit data, no parity. It showcases the PSA functionality, provided by the Secure Manager, in service of the user application.

The suggested way of upgrading the nonsecure User App, in Closed or even Locked Product State, is described below.
To be able to check the changes made, the application can be edited in a way that it is visible on the terminal screen.

For example, edit the main.c as follows:

const uint8_t UserAppId = 'A';


const uint8_t UserAppId = 'B';

and rebuild the application normally. The postbuild script will produce an encrypted binary.

Running the template application, use the terminal to enter:

  • 4 to select Firmware update, then
  • 3 to select Download nonsecure app.

Send the encrypted binary using YMODEM on your software terminal. Once it is sent and the test is passed, select 2 for Installation Application.

Results are immediate. Unless you select the option Validation nonsecure app, the application is reverted to the previous version on next reboot. This two-slot system is the default behavior, implemented to have the reset option as a panic button in case the newly downloaded firmware is not working properly.

3.3. Update of the user application

The project is packed with batch files that automate necessary post-build actions and patch downloads using the CLI STM32CubeProgrammer.
The development of the application part that interfaces with Secure Manager or its modules needs to be compliant with the workflow followed by the secure TrustZone isolation. The new application binary must be installed using the means of the Secure Manager update services, and then executed in TZ-closed or Closed product state.

  1. This scenario starts with a SMAK and previous application loaded into the DK.
  2. Update the new version as usual.
  3. Build new version using "Make" command. The idea is that the pre-build and post-build commands are executed properly. The prebuild updates the memory configuration with the one selected during the secure manager installation. In the postbuild.log, you can see STM32 Trusted Package Creator is used to encrypt and sign the firmware.
    File:SM howto postbuild.png
    The postbuild actions log
  4. Encrypted and signed binary is stored in the Binary subfolder of the app
    The files generated and the download.bat location
  5. Using the download.bat the appli_enc_sign.hex file is installed on the DK. The appli_enc_sign.bin is an intermediate.

Alternatively, instead of using the batch file, the installation can be done step-by-step:

  1. In the example, nonsecure user App start by selecting "Firmware Update" menu option.
  2. Select "Download Non-Secure app". App displays PSA API calls used for that action.
  3. In the PC terminal app, select YMODEM data sending - select the appli_enc_sign.bin.
  4. The Application should confirm successful programming.
  5. Still from within the Firmware Update Menu, select "Request Install Non-Secure App". The App displays the PSA API calls used for that action.
  6. To conclude the installation, a reboot is required. Select "Install all requested Applications (reboot)" from the Firmware Update Menu.
  7. The PSA API manages the secure reboot and the installation is concluded. The new FW is running after the boot.
  8. The previous FW is still preserved, for a case of a new update running into a problem. Unless the new FW is validated, old FW will be installed back on the next reboot. Validate the new FW using the Firmware Update Menu option "Accept Non-Secure App".
  9. Selecting "Get all applications Status" from the Firmware Update Menu lists the current state of both the Active slot (from which the FW is running) and the Download slot.

3.4. Cryptography example

The Nonsecure User App example includes calls to the PSA API cryptography services. Here is their list:

  • RNG
  • AES
    • AES-GCM
    • AES-CBC
    • AES-CCM
  • Hash
    • SHA224
    • SHA256
  • Asymmetric
    • RSA 2048
    • ECDSA (DUA User Key)
    • ECDSA (Factory ITS Key)

All the menu options in the "Cryptography" section are self-contained tests with no user interaction. They are however complete and can be used to learn about use of cryptography in nonsecure application under Secure Manager.

3.5. Working with the certificates

Certificate handling in the example application provides functions to build a certificate of X509 structure for DUA Key pairs. Key pairs can be used for authentication with a cloud service (Initial Attestation), or to create a secure communication (TLS). These keys are generated unique per device and are based on ECC - ECDSA.

Terminal listing of the certificate

The application only offers one choice in the "Certificates" menu option, which calls the SM APIs to display the certificate size and the certificate.pem file contents. By copying the text from the screen and saving it as a pem file, the file can be parsed using openssl tools.
To use the exported certificate, it must be verified using a certification authority certificate. In a real world application that would be, for example, an OEM certificate. For this example, dummy certificate is provided. Save the exported certificate.pem to this folder:

Certificate location in package

Then verify the certificate by running:

openssl verify -CAfile st_ca_01_dua_user_certificate.pem certificate.pem

This admits the certificate to be used in secure communication session initiation.

To try the Initial Attestation, change the certificate type in the application code. In cert.c source file, look for DUA_USER being used as a parameter to the function call (there should be two such calls, one for UTIL_CERT_GetCertificateSize and the other for UTIL_CERT_GetCertificate).

Finding the parameter to modify

Change these two values to DUA_INITIAL_ATTEST.
Rebuild and download the new firmware. There is no visible change to the example execution, but parsing the exported certificate.pem file will yield:

To admit the device into the cryptographic system, extract the public key using:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -pubkey -noout > pubkey.pem

This public key can be used with the Initial Attestation token to verify the token signature.

3.6. Initial attestation

The Initial Attestation menu allows you to obtain the attestation token. The token contains information about the installed firmware and device state. Terminal screenshot of the action follows:

As with the certificate, copy the token to a text file. To work with the generated token, a tool is included in the package under:


To use it:

  • Save the token as eat.txt to the folder.
  • Make sure Python version 3 or higher is installed.
  • Check other prerequisites in st_tools/readme.txt.
  • Run to decode the token.

The token covers all the installed components using hash values. The token can optionally be signed using the certificate described in the previous section.

4. Troubleshooting

This section summarizes common errors generated when using the Secure Manager, the provided scripts and tools, and the nonsecure application example.
The analysis starts with finding the error message on the provisioning.bat, the regression.bat, the terminal or the command screen.

Error message Probable root cause Remedy
Cannot connect to access port 1 SW1 in wrong position during script execution Run again the script with correct switch position
Debug Authentication failed (after "Writing magic number") Debugger is attached Run again the script with debugger disconnected
SM howto tbst.png
Product is open while trying to run regression script No need to regress
SM howto tbst2.png
DA certificate is not updated after generating a new DA root key Use Trusted Package Creator tool to generate the correct certificate chain
Nonsecure application does not boot after update Configuration error Check relative paths in batch files. Rebuild the whole project