Secure Storage for STM32H5

Revision as of 15:42, 31 July 2023 by Registered User

Target description

1. Introduction

A critical security feature is to have a dedicated memory location where secret information such as keys can be stored in a very safe way. The STM32H5 provides up to five secure storage fuflilling this requirement, called OB Keys storage. Every secure storage i

1.1. ==========

The hhhh Hardware Unique Key (HUK): to get a secure storage resistant to logical, side and physical attack. 5 secure storage domains; 4 HDPL Secure + 1 NS; Incl. Flash Secure Storage H5 Native support of key storage inside FLASH interface (enabling constraint debug feature)

5 secure storage areas • HDPL0 ➔ST (never erased) • HDPL1 ➔iROT (ST-iROT or OEM-iROT) • HDPL2 ➔uROT • HDPL3 + Secure ➔Trust Zone • HDPL3 + NS ➔Non secure appli

• Data can be Wrapped with DHUK • Based on HUK + Version counter • Different for each HDPLx

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