STM32WB1M Discovery Kit Out Of Box Demonstration

Revision as of 10:29, 27 July 2023 by Registered User (→‎Hands On)

1. Setup Part


2. Hands On

2.1. Application Interface

To begin using your B-WB1M-WPAN1 board, you will require an interface for communication and interaction.

Here are two application interface solutions, one available on IOS and Android, and the second available with a compatible web browser

2.1.1. Android / IOS ST BLE Sensor Application

Make sure the board is powered and running.
Open the ST BLE Sensor Application.

ST BLE Sensor App

2.1.2. ST Web Bluetooth Application Interface

2.2. Let's Get Started

You should now see your WB1M board on the homepage. Note that the Bluetooth Device Address and the RSSI are stated just below. Click on your WB1M board to connect. If you don’t see it, try clicking the refresh button at the bottom.

Connection to the B-WB1M-WPAN1 board with ST BLE Sensor App
WB1M ST BLE Sensor Connection.jpg

2.2.1. Home Page

Here is the main page where you can find all the features implemented with the embedded application.

Now let's have a look at all the implemented services:

  • Heartrate
  • p2pServer (Led Control)
  • BLE Sensor (Environmental / Plot Data)

You can now click on them to play with.

ST BLE Sensor Features Page
WB1M ST BLE Sensor Features Page.jpg

STM32StepByStep:STM32WB1M Discovery Kit Out Of Box Demonstration#HeartRateSTM32StepByStep:STM32WB1M Discovery Kit Out Of Box Demonstration#HeartRateSTM32StepByStep:STM32WB1M Discovery Kit Out Of Box Demonstration#Led ControlSTM32StepByStep:STM32WB1M Discovery Kit Out Of Box Demonstration#HeartRateImage map example

2.2.2. HearRate Service

ST BLE Sensor HeartRate.jpg

2.2.3. Led Control

Led Control
ST BLE Sensor Led Control.jpg

2.2.4. Sensors Service

Environmental Sensor
ST BLE Sensor Environmental Sensor.jpg

Motion Sensor (1/2)
STM32StepByStep OOB WB1M ST BLE Sensor Motion Sensor 1 2.jpg

Motion Sensor (2/2)
STM32StepByStep OOB WB1M ST BLE Sensor Motion Sensor 2 2.jpg