How to start with DA access on STM32H503

Revision as of 11:29, 15 June 2023 by Registered User

How to start with Debug authentication (DA) access on STM32H503Clock.png45min

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This tutorial describes provisioning and full regression on STM32H503 product lines.

The provisioning process goes through 3 steps:

  • Programming of Initial option bytes.
  • Generating and flashing the code image.
  • Provisioning of password.

The fourth step provides details on full regression.



  • Nucleo MB1814 with STM32H503

Required tools

  • STM32CubeProgrammer[1] Software programming tool for STM32 (v2.13.0 min), including STM32TrustedPackageCreator
  • STM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.0.0 [2] or higher version
  • IAR Embedded Workbench© v9.20.1 or higher version
  • Tera Term or equivalent UART Terminal emulator


Environment setup

The environment used in the Debug authentication process must be prepared beforehand.

  • Download the STM32CubeH5 package and install it.
  • A directory NUCLEO-H503RB is included in the Projects directory.
Warning white.png Warning
Place STM32CubeH5 package close to the C: root , to avoid longer paths.

Warning white.png Warning
When STM32CubeProgrammer is not installed in the default folder, custom installation paths need to be updated in the script NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\env.bat
:: ==============================================================================
::                               General
:: ==============================================================================
:: Configure tools installation path
set stm32programmercli="C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe"
set stm32tpccli="C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32TrustedPackageCreator_CLI.exe"

1. STM32H503 specific behavior

The STM32H503 product lines are based on the STM32H5x3 device architecture, without any Arm® TrustZone®.
To make regression possible with Debug Authentication , a password must be provisioned on the STM32H503 product line.

The flash interface does not provide OBKeys --> OTP is used to provision the HASH of the password.

Warning white.png Warning
The password is provisioned during the provisioning step. It cannot be changed afterwards. The user must remember the password.

2. Provisioning

The script NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\DA\provisioning.bat does the provisioning.
This script performs the following actions :

  • Setting the option bytes of the device.
  • Setting a password to the board.
  • Setting the final chosen product state according to user selection.
SECURITY Provisioning Script for H503 OEMiROT.png

2.1. Provisioning - Step1 : Programming of Initial option bytes

  1. Connect the board.
  2. Run the provided provisioning.bat script (double click).The script proceeds with the programming of option bytes.
  3. Remove all the protections.
  4. Erase the user flash.

Security ProvisioningScript Step1-1.png

2.2. Provisioning - Step2 : Generating and flashing the code image

Once the option bytes are successfully programmed, the script asks to flash your application. Follow the instructions.

Warning white.png Warning
Do not close the provisioning script window.

Do not disconnect the board.

Security ProvisioningScript Step2.png

In the example, we use the GPIO_IOToggle application located in : Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_IOToggle\EWARM

Security Path GPIO IOToggle .png

Make sure that the STM32H5 IAR patch is installed properly. This patch is available in the Utilities\PC_Software\IDEs_Patches\EWARM folder.

  • Open the Project.eww, located in the EWARM directory:Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\Examples\GPIO\GPIO_IOToggle\EWARM
  • Go to Project > Rebuild all
Security IAR RebuildAll.png
  • Once the project is correctly built, go to : Project > Download > Download active application to flash the code.
Security IAR Download active app.png
  • Reset the board using the black button. The green led must blink at that stage.

2.3. Provisioning - Step3 : Provisioning the password and setting the final product state

2.3.1. Password not yet provisioned

Warning white.png Warning
If the password has already been provisioned, go to 3.2 - Password already provisioned

On STM32H503 MCUs, the password is provisioned on OTP. Once provisioned, the password cannot be changed.

  • Go back to provisioning script window and press a key to continue.
  • The script asks whether the password was already provisioned.

Before answering "No", you have the possibility to update the default password in the user_password.bin file.

SECURITY path Pwd.png

User_passord.bin : the password (16 bytes) that will be provisioned is defined here.

Board_password.bin : HASH of user password, which will be provisioned in the chip.

Password.bin : output file opening the DA access for regression.

Board_password.bin and Password.bin files are automatically updated with the new password saved in user_password.bin when the provisioning script is run.

The script can continue to be run even if the default password is not updated. Answer “No” to continue.

Warning white.png Warning
The password cannot be updated after this step.
  • Follow the script and choose the product state: PROVISIONED or CLOSED.
Warning white.png Warning
LOCKED is a definitive product step. It cannot be changed at a later stage.

Make a first trial setting the product in PROVISIONED state:

Security ProvisioningScript ALLsteps1.png

The installed code must run, and the led blinks.

Ignore next paragraph 3.2, and go to step4 : Full regression

2.3.2. Password already provisioned

Warning white.png Warning
If you already provisioned the password, go to 4- Full Regression
  • Go back to the provisioning script window. Press a key to continue.
  • The script asks whether the password was already provisioned. Answer "Yes" to continue.
  • Follow the script and choose the product state: PROVISIONED or CLOSED.
Warning white.png Warning
Reminder that LOCKED is a definitive product step. It cannot be changed at a later stage.

As a test, set the product to PROVISIONED state:

Security ProvisioningScript ALLsteps1-yES.png

The installed code must run, and the led blinks.

Follow this tutorial until the end.

3. Full regression

A full regression erases the user stored content and sets the product to open state. This can be done by following these steps:

  • Erase the user flash memory content.
  • Set the product to open state.

If the product is already in open state, a full regression is not needed since the device is not secured and changes can be done without any authentication. In this case, if the regression script is executed, errors are found.

If the product is not in open state, the product state can only be changed with a full regression.

3.1. Full regression using the provided script

The regression can be done using the provided script, or using CubeProgrammer (see 4.2).

SECURITY Regression Script for H503 OEMiROT.png

For a full regression, follow these steps:

  • Launch the regression.bat script located in ROT_Provisioning\DA
  • If the regression is successful, the following message is displayed:
    Security RegressionSuccess.png

Connect STM32CubeProgrammer to check that the flash content is properly erased, and that the option bytes and product state are at default values.

3.2. Full regression using STM32CubeProgrammer

  • Disconnect the CubeProgrammer, remove/plug the USB cable.
  • Redo the exercise starting at step1, set the “CLOSED” state.
  • Select Security DA icon.png in CubeProgrammer and select “Debug Authentication”.
  • Click “Discover”. The information window is filled.
SECURITY H503 device Discovery cmd CubeProgrammer.png
  • Enter the password.bin file.
SECURITY H503 device password for regression CubeProgrammer.png
  • Click Full regression. When performed successfully, the following message will be displayed :
SECURITY DA Success Message w CubeProgrammer debug reopen.png
  • Check with CubeProgrammer that the flash content is sucessfully erased, and that the product state and option bytes are at default values using ST link SWD.

4. References