How to start with OEMiRoT on STM32H503

Revision as of 11:28, 9 March 2023 by Registered User (→‎STM32H503 device specific behaviors)

How to start with OEM-iROT on STM32H503Clock.png45min

Target description

This tutorial shows how to make a provisioning and then a full regression on a STM32H503 device. Provisioning process goes through 3 steps :

  • Initial Option Bytes programming
  • Code image generation and flashing
  • Password provisioning

The last step shows a full regression.


  • knowledge of STM32CubeProgrammer
  • knowledge of JTAG / SWD interface


  • Nucleo-STM32H503RB board revB min : MB1814-H503RB-B01

Required tools

  • STM32CubeProgrammer[1] Software programming tool for STM32 (v2.13.0 min)
    • Including STM32TrustedPackageCreator
Info white.png Information
TPC installed together with CubeProgrammer in bin folder located in default STM32CubeProgrammer path : C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin You can pin this tool to task bar to simplify the DA How to process :

Security PinToTask.png

  • STM32Cube_FW_H5_V1.0.0 [2] or upper
  • IAR Embedded Workbench v9.20.1
  • Tera Term or equivalent UART Terminal emulator


  • UM2237 STM32CubeProgrammer software description
  • UM2238 STM32 Trusted Package Creator tool software description
  • AN5054 Secure programming using STM32CubeProgrammer
  • AN2606 STM32 microcontroller system memory boot mode

Environment setup

Before starting, the first step is to prepare the environment to be able to go through the DA process.

  • Download the STM32CubeH5 package and install it

A directory NUCLEO-H503RB is included in the Projects directory

Warning white.png Warning
Place STM32CubeH5 package close to the C: root to avoid long windows path.

Warning white.png Warning
In case the STM32CubeProgrammer has not been installed in the default folder, the customized installation paths need to be updated in the following script :NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\env.bat
:: ==============================================================================
::                               General
:: ==============================================================================
:: Configure tools installation path
set stm32programmercli="C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32_Programmer_CLI.exe"
set stm32tpccli="C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\bin\STM32TrustedPackageCreator_CLI.exe"

1. STM32H503 device specific behaviors

STM32H503 devices are based on STM32H5x3 devices architecture without any Arm® TrustZone®.
In order to allow regression thanks debug authentication, the STM32H503 should be provisioned with a password.

The flash interface doesn't provide OBKeys -> OTP is used to provision password.

Warning white.png Warning
Once provisioned during the provisioning step (see Provisioning step) password can't be changed anymore. Password needs to be kept somewhere.

2. Step 1 : Configuration management - OEMiROT Keys generation

At this step the following two keys pair will be generated

  • ECDSA-256 encryption key
  • ECDSA-256 authentication key

These keys will be used to encrypt and authenticate the user application.

Run the provided script Keygen.bat :

SECURITY PATH Keygen script.png

Once you get the success message, keys are well generated in folders
Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\OEMiROT\Keys and Applications\ROT\OEMiROT_Boot\Src\key.c.

3. Step 2 : Code and data image generation

Check that the STM32H5 IAR provided patch in Utilities\PC_Software\IDEs_Patches\EWARM folder is correctly installed and check that your IAR Embedded Workbench version is recent enough.

Two code examples for IAR Embedded Workbench are provided

  • OEMiROT_Boot corresponds to the Secure Boot AKA OEMiROT.

It performs authenticity and integrity checks of the project firmware and data images.

  • OEMiROT_Appli is an example of application firmware that will be authenticate by OEMiROT before been launched.
SECURITY PATH OEMiROT applis for H503.png
Info white.png Information
In this example OEMiROT_Boot code is waiting for one user code image and one data image.

See flash_layout.h file in Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\Applications\ROT\OEMiROT_Boot\Inc folder :

SECURITY H503 device Flash Layout config.png

3.1. OEMiROT_Boot project compilation

  • Open the Project.eww located in the EWARM directory :


  • Open Project -> Option -> General Options : The device and CPU core should be automatically recognized and you should see the following windows
SECURITY H503 device on IAR.png

If the device is not recognized, check that the STM32H5 IAR provided patch is correctly installed check that your IAR Embedded Workbench version is recent enough

  • Perform: Project -> Rebuild all (don’t upload the code, only perform a compilation)

The following binary is created thanks a postbuild script:

3.2. OEMiROT_Appli project compilation and code image generation

3.2.1. OEMiROT_Appli project compilation and code image generation with IAR

  • Open the Project.eww located in the EWARM directory :


  • Open Project -> Option -> General Options

The device and CPU core should be automatically recognized.

  • Open Project -> Option -> Build Actions

Here is the command line which will create an image with the code in clear and also an encrypted and signed image thanks the STM32TrustedPackageCreator tool.

SECURITY H503 device postbuild on IAR.png
  • Perform: Project -> Rebuild all (don’t upload the code, only perform a compilation)

The following image is created:

Binary file is generated here :

Encrypted code image is create here :

3.2.2. Code image generation using STM32TrustedPackageCreator

The code image has been created directly through postbuild command in IAR but you also have the possibility to generate this image using STM32TrustedPackageCreator.

We show here how to perform manually an encrypted / signed code image (equivalent to what the postbuid command has executed)

  • Open STM32TrustedPackageCreator select H5
  • Open tab ImageGen
  • Select the template for the relevant image: OEMiRoT_Code_Image.xml (Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\OEMiROT\Images directory)
Info white.png Information
Paths of Keys used to encrypt and sign are set in the xml template file
  • Update the default configuration if required
    • Firmware area size
    • Version number
    • Dependency with the other (Data) image when simultaneous installation is required for compatibility reasons.
    • Select the binary file to be used as input file
    • Select the output file to be filled with the signed and encrypted binary (hex format)
  • Launch the generation
  • An encrypted signed file will be created : rot_app_enc_sign.hex
SECURITY H503 device Code image Generation via TPC 2.png

You get the success message :

SECURITY TPC image generation success message.png

3.3. Data image generation

During this step an image file will be created from data file provided as example for this tutorial.

Here are the steps to generate images:

  • Open STM32TrustedPackageCreator select H5
  • Open tab ImageGen'
  • Select the template for the relevant image: OEMiRoT_Data_Image.xml (Projects/NUCLEO-H503RB/ROT_Provisioning/OEMiROT/Images/OEMiRoT_Data_Image.xml directory)
  • Update the default configuration if required
    • Version number
    • Dependency with the other Data image when simultaneous installation is required for compatibility reasons.
    • Binary file to be used as input filer : rot_app.bin' file is an example of data that could be displayed by the firmware example.
    • Output file to be filled with the signed and encrypted binary (hex format)
  • Launch the generation
  • An encrypted signed file will be created : data_enc_sign.hex in Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\OEMiROT\Binary folder.
SECURITY H503 device Data image Generation via TPC.png

You get the success message :

SECURITY TPC image generation success message.png

4. Step 3 : Device provisioning

In order to allow regression thanks debug authentication, the STM32H503 should be provisioned with a password.

4.1. Password definition

If you have not yet provisioned any password in the chip, you have the possibility to update the default password in user_password.bin file located in Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\DA folder.

Warning white.png Warning
Password is provisioned on OTP. Once provisioned during the provisioning step (see Provisioning step) it can't be changed anymore

SECURITY path Pwd.png

User_passord.bin : where you define the password (16 bytes) that will be provisioned

Board_password.bin : HASH of user password which will be provisioned in the chip

Password.bin : output file in order to open the DA access for regression

Board_password.bin and Password.bin files will be automatically updated with the new password saved in user_password.bin during provisioning script (see Provisioning step). You can also use the default password.

4.2. Provisioning

The provisioning could be done thank the script NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\OEMiROT\provisioning.bat This script will  :

  • Set the option bytes of the device
  • Configure the OEMiROT on the device
  • Provision the password on the device if not yet provisioned
  • Install the images (code and data)
  • Set the final chosen product state according user selection
SECURITY Provisioning script for H503 OEMiROT.png

Before launching the script , connect STM32CubeProgrammer and check that the device is in open state. Security OPEN STATE STM32CubeProgrammer.png

If it’s not the case refer to Full regression explaining the regression. If the flash is not erased, the provisioning script will anyway erase it.

Disconnect STM32CubeProgrammer.

  • Open folder OEMiROT in : Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\ROT_Provisioning\OEMiROT
  • Run the provided provisioning.bat script (double click)
  • Steps 1 and step 2 have been previously executed : press any key to continue until Step 3
  • Step 3 : The script will proceed with the option byte programming and flashing the code and data image
Warning white.png Warning
For a first provisioning of the chip the operation may take some time
    • To the question Is your password already provisioned ? answer
      • Yes if you already did a provisioning in this device
      • No if you never did a provisioning on this device : In this case script propose you to create user.bin file. This step has been already done in Password definition .
  • Press a key to continue and the product state can be chosen (OPEN , PROVISIONED , CLOSED or LOCKED)
Warning white.png Warning
Reminder that LOCKED is a definitive product step that can’t be changed anymore.

Make a trial with CLOSED state


5. Check the installed firmware behavior

  • Open PUTTY(or another terminal emulator)
  • Select “Serial" and the COMxx port
  • Set speed to 115200
  • Data 8 bits / Parity None / Stop 1 bit
  • Click: Open
Security PuTTY Configuration.png

Reset the board (SW reset button on the board) : The code installed during previous steps will be executed

SECURITY H503 device Firmware display on Putty.png

The menu of the installed code has two options

  • The menu 1 will launch the standard bootloader located in the system flash
  • The menu 2 will display datas from data.bin

6. Flash new User application in CLOSED state

In the Terminal emulator choose Start Bootloader : Write 1 and press enter.

--> This message is displayed :

SECURITY H503 device Putty message Flash new code.png
  • Close/disconnect the terminal emulator
Warning white.png Warning
To insure the embedded bootloader is still executed, Don't power OFF/ON the board and don't Reset the device
  • Open the project Project.eww in OEMiROT_Appli folder : .\Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\Applications\ROT\OEMiROT_Appli\EWARM
  • Change const uint8_t UserAppId = 'A' line 60 in main.c file by :
const uint8_t UserAppId = B; 
SECURITY H503 device Modify OEMiROT Appli.png
  • Select: Project-> Rebuild all
  • Connect the board via UART on STM32CubeProgrammer without performing any reset or power OFF power ON (don't disconnect the board from your laptop)
SECURITY H503 device Connect UART CubeProgrammer.png
  • Select SECURITY ICON Erasing and Programming CubeProgrammer.png“Erasing & Programming” tab
  • Browse encrypted code image .hex file that we previously generated in folder Projects\NUCLEO-H503RB\Applications\ROT\OEMiROT_Appli\Binary
SECURITY H503 device flash new code on CubeProgrammer.png
  • Click Start Programming
  • Disconnect STM32CubeProgrammer
  • Open PUTTY(or another terminal emulator)
  • Select “Serial" and the COMxx port
  • Set speed to 115200
  • Click: Open
Security PuTTY Configuration.png
  • Reset the board (SW reset button on the board)
    • Boot Code and new firmware are displayed
SECURITY H503 device NEW Firmware display on Putty.png

7. Full regression

  • A full regression will erase the user stored contents.
    • Erase the user flash content
    • Set the product in open state
  • If the product is in Open state, a full regression is not needed since the device is not secured and changes can be done without any authentication.

In case the regression script is executed, it will indicate some errors

  • If the product is not in Open state, the only way to change the product state is to first do a full regression

7.1. Full regression using the provided script

The regression can be done using the provided script or using CubeProgrammer (see 4.2)

SECURITY Regression Script for H503 OEMiROT.png

To perform a full regression

  • Launch the regression.bat script located in ROT_Provisioning\DA
  • If the regression has succeeded the following message should be displayed
    Security RegressionSuccess.png

Connect STM32CubeProgrammer and check that the flash content is well erased and that the option bytes and product state are at default values.

7.2. Full regression using STM32CubeProgrammer

  • Disconnect the CubeProgrammer, remove/plug the USB cable
  • Redo the exercise starting at step1, set the “CLOSED” state
  • Select Security DA icon.png in CubeProgrammer and select “Debug Authentication”
  • Click “Discover” the information window will be filled
SECURITY H503 device Discovery cmd CubeProgrammer.png
  • Enter the password.bin file
SECURITY H503 device password for regression CubeProgrammer.png
  • Click Full regression and you get this successfull message box :
Security DA Success Message w CubeProgrammer.png
  • Check with CubeProgrammer that the flash content is well erased and that the product state and option bytes are at default values thanks ST link SWD.

8. References

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