BLE smartphone applications

Revision as of 21:48, 2 February 2022 by Registered User (→‎ST BLE Toolbox)

1. Bluetooth® LE smartphone applications for STM32WB

The following table shows the different smartphone applications and the compatibility for each Bluetooth® LE STM32WB projects :

Smartphone applications and project compatibility
Smartphone applications / Projects
Connectivity ST BLE Sensor.png
ST BLE Sensor
Connectivity ST BLE Toolbox.png
ST BLE ToolBox
Connectivity ST BLE Mesh.png
ST BLE StarNet

2. ST BLE Sensor

ST BLE Sensor application shows the data exported by a Bluetooth® LE device using the BlueST protocol. [1]
It is an interface between the Smartphone application and the Bluetooth® Low Energy Drivers that allows easy access to the data exported via BLE such as inertial or environmental sensor data, battery information , etc. The applications shows different panels based on the data types exported by the firmware, including:

  • environmental data
  • MEMS sensor fusion,
  • BlueVoice, speech to text
  • node status.
  • ...

The applications supports as well dedicated STM32WB features such as:

  • Fast Firmware Update over the air (FUOTA)
  • Bluetooth secure pairing with numeric comparison.
ST BLE Sensor application illustration

Application store:

  • ST BLE Sensor Android Application[2]
  • ST BLE Sensor iOS Application[3]

More information available on ST website :

  • ST BLE Sensor Application[4]

3. ST BLE Toolbox

ST BLE Toolbox is a user-friendly application which interacts with and debugs ST Bluetooth®LE devices.
Upon launch, the app scans for Bluetooth®LE devices.
For each device found, it is possible to:

  • display advertisements
  • connect to it, showing all the peripheral services and characteristics.

ST BLE Toolbox allows performing read/write and notification interaction with any Bluetooth characteristic, as well as logging all the Bluetooth events by selecting the maximum number of messages to log.
It also features application examples demonstrating Bluetooth®LE profiles such as:

  • heart rate monitoring
  • blood pressure sensor
  • Data throughput measurement (upload /download/1-2Mbps)
ST BLE Toolbox application illustration

Application store:

  • ST BLE Toolbox Android Application[5]
  • ST BLE Toolbox iOS Application[6]

More information available on ST website :

  • ST BLE Toolbox Application[7]

4. ST BLE Mesh

ST BLE Mesh application allows you to create your own Bluetooth® Mesh Profile compliant mobile Apps. The App can be used for provisioning, configuring and controlling multiple Bluetooth® Mesh Profile compliant devices in a Bluetooth®LE Mesh network for Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.
More information can be found on Getting Started document for Android[8] and iOS[9].

ST BLE Mesh application illustration

Application store:

  • ST BLE Mesh Android Application[10]
  • ST BLE Mesh iOS Application[11]

More information available on ST website :

  • ST BLE Mesh Application[12]

5. ST BLE StarNet

ST BLE StarNet application allows viewing the data exported by a Bluetooth® LE gateway connected to a network of devices. The app connects to a star network master node and displays data sent by the slave nodes. For each slave node in the network, the app shows a set of sensor data (e.g. temperature, pressure and humidity) measured by the slave and read by the master node. If supported, for each node the LED status is also displayed. From the app it is also possible to change the LED status, since the related command is forwarded to the correct node by the master node. All data received by the app can be logged in CSV files end exported by e-mail.

ST BLE StarNet application illustration

Application store:

  • ST BLE StarNet Android Application[13]
  • ST BLE StarNet iOS Application[14]

More information available on ST website :

  • ST BLE StarNet Application[15]

6. References