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1. Introduction

BLE-mesh connects multiple Bluetooth® Low Energy technology (BLE) devices with mesh networking capability for internet of things (IoT) solutions.

Mesh network has a many-to-many topology, with each device able to communicate with every other device in the network.
The BLE-mesh communication is done using messages relayed by the devices which are part of the mesh network (called nodes). In this way, the end-to-end communication range is extended far beyond the radio range of each individual node.

2. Topology

There are different types of nodes:

  • Simple Nodes
  • Proxy Nodes
  • Relay Nodes
  • Low-Power Nodes
  • Friend Nodes

For more information about the node types, please refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note [1].

A typical BLE mesh topology is illustrated in the figure below.

3. Elements and Models

Each BLE-mesh node contains one or more elements, and each element can support different models.

3.1. Elements

The elements define the functionalities of a single node, each element can be independently controlled.

3.2. Models

Models define the functionality of a specific element. Several models are defined by the Bluetooth® SIG, and many of them are deliberately defined as “generic” models, having potential use across a wide range of device types.

Refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note[1] for more details about Element and Models.

4. Provisioning

The process of adding a device into a BLE-mesh network, and configuring it, is called provisioning.

This process is started by a device called “provisioner”, which can be a smartphone with a BLE mesh application installed on it, or a mesh platform as STM35WBx5 line microcontroller. The provisioned device is now known as a node.

Refer to ST BLE-Mesh Application Note[1] for more details about provisioning steps.

5. BLE-Mesh with STM32WB

5.1. Node Feature Examples

STM32CubeWB package provides 3 ST BLE-Mesh example covering the different types of Nodes.

  • BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project generates a basic Node supporting Proxy-Relay-Friend features, this project is the easier to handle and have a first approach of ST BLE-Mesh solution.

See Proxy-Relay-Friend Lighting Example for more information.

  • BLE-MeshLightingLPN project generates a basic Low Power Node, which requires a Friend Node into the network to receive messages.

See Friendship for more information.

  • BLE-MeshLightingProvisioner project generates a basic node managing ST proprietary solution of Embedded Provisioner, this Node can configurate itself and provision other nodes into the mesh network.

See Embedded Provisioner.

With these 3 types of project, user can create his own mesh network:

5.2. Node Model Demonstrations

STM32CubeWB package also provides ST BLE-Mesh projects demonstrating different Models use cases:

  • Light LC Model
  • Sensor Model
  • ST Vendor Model

6. Go further

BLE-Mesh basic example: Proxy-Relay-Friend Lighting Example

Friendship: Friendship

Embedded Provisioner: Embedded Provisioning

7. Video

STM32WB Getting Started videos:

pc videol.png

STM32WB Series

8. References