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1. BLE-Mesh Lighting Example

1.1. Presentation

This page describes how to quickly handle a first ST BLE-Mesh example.

Some of the following information can be retrieved in the linked video: STM32WB BLE MESH hands-on ST BLE-Mesh examples can be found on latest STM32Cube_FW_WB package:

BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project generates a basic Node supporting Proxy-Relay-Friend features, this project is the easier to handle and have a first approach of ST BLE-Mesh solution.

BLE-MeshLightingLPN project generates a basic Low Power Node, which requires a Friend Node into the network to receive messages, see Friendship page for more information.

BLE-MeshLightingProvisioner project generates a basic node managing ST proprietary solution of Embedded Provisioner, this Node can configurate itself and provision other nodes into the mesh network.

1.2. Functioning

For the project description, we focus on the BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project as it is the simplest demonstration to handle.

This project demonstrates STM32WB application capabilities using ST BLE-Mesh with basic models.

1.3. Getting Started

For a first test of the ST BLE-Mesh solution, BLE-MeshLightingPRFNode project should be the best demonstration to handle.

1.3.1. Requirements

Software and System requirements Software and System requirements are listed in the ST BLE-Mesh Application Note: AN5292 - How to build a Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh application for STM32WBx5 line microcontrollers

Hardware requirements A Nucleo board ( STM32WB55RG) is necessary to setup the demonstration.

More details about the board and other hardware required are available in the Application Note: AN5292 - How to build a Bluetooth® Low Energy mesh application for STM32WBx5 line microcontrollers Or in the online ST BLE-Mesh MOOC: STM32WB Networking – BLE MESH MOOC

2. Demonstration

2.1. Technical Description

This project demonstrates STM32WB application capabilities using BLE-Mesh solution and gives example on how to setup a quick luminaire system by adding some small components (sensor, LED Bar). It also shows how to support multi elements and different models:

  • Generic OnOff
  • Light Lightness
  • Light LC
  • Light HSL
  • Sensor

and the setup of a Controller element, implementing the Light LC model, and controlling the lamp on sensor message reception.

Project overview

Three STM32WB55 boards, a Blinkt LED bar and one PIR Sensor (EKMB1103111) are used for this setup:

  • 1 lamp which support Generic OnOff, Generic Level, Light Lightness and Light HSL server models in a first element, and Light LC server on the second element;
  • 1 Sensor managing Sensor Server model;
  • 1 Color Dimmer which supports Light HSL and Light LC Client.

The sensor, dimmer and lamp are Proxy and Relay nodes, and are flashed on STM32WB55 Boards. The Sensor node board is connected to a PIR Sensor. The Lamp node board is connected to the LED bar.

Project details

2.2. Demonstration Setup

2.2.1. Device Requirement

Required material to setup the demonstration is the following:

Click on Component Hyperlink to see resellers.

2.2.2. BLINKT LED Connection

Connect the LED bar to CN7 connector (left side of the board). The rounded edges of the LED bar must be placed towards the inside of the board. Let 7 Pins free from the beginning of CN7 connector, the LED are connected from PIN15.

LED bar connection

2.2.3. PIR Sensor Connection

Connect the PIR Sensor to CN7 connector or the board representing the Sensor Node:

  • VDD: CN7 - Pin 16
  • GND: CN7 - Pin 20
  • Out: CN7 - Pin 3
PIR Sensor connection

2.2.4. Software patch

The PIR Sensor, ColorDimmer and Lamp&Controller projects are not included in STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.12.0 package as it required personalized Drivers and external devices (PIR Sensor, LED bar).

A patch is available to include these projects their dependencies to the Firmware package v1.12.0: STM32Cube_FW_WB_BLEMesh_PIR_Sensor_DEMO_V1.12.0.exe

Launch this .exe file and follow the instructions. In the Select Destination Location step, select the path to your Firmware Package.

Note: be careful to remove the \New Folder added automatically at the end of the path you selected

2.2.5. Code Modification

Before building the Lamp and Controller project, ensure to disable the ENABLE_MODEL_BINDING macro in mesh_cfg.h.

Define the Macros for Enabling/disabling the binding of data between the Generic 
and Light model.
@ define the Macro for enabling the binding
@ Undefine or comment the macro for disabling the binding.
//#define ENABLE_MODEL_BINDING  //Disable Binding to not switch Light LC FSM off

Without this modification the Light LC state machine of the Controller is switched off each time the node receives another model’s command (Generic, HSL, …).

Note: Don’t forget to enable this macro before building the other projects as Dimmer and PIR Sensor.

2.3. Demonstration Handle

2.3.1. Android Application Interfaces

ST BLE Mesh Android application interfaces

2.3.2. Handle

1. Flash your boards with the different node projects.
Ensure your boards are un-provisioned by pressing RESET (1) and SW1 (2) buttons simultaneously, release RESET and keep SW1 pressed until the LED1 (3) is blinking:

Nucleo unprovisioning process

2. Launch the Smartphone application and provision the different nodes:
Lamp and Controller Node:

Lamp and Controller Node provisioning

Dimmer Node:

Dimmer Node provisioning


Sensor Node provisioning

3. Rename the different Nodes and Elements (optional):

Node renaming

4. Publication address Summary:

Publication address summary

5. Activate Light LC Mode:
This allows the Controller to switch the Light On when receiving Sensor data.
If the Light LC Mode is Off, the controller can't drive the Lamp.

Light LC interface

Note: You can either activate the light LC Mode with a long press on the SW1 button of the Dimmer Node.

Nucleo SW1 button

6. Modify Light Color Value:
From the smartphone:

HSL interface

Or from the Dimmer Node:
Pressing SW1 button switch the color values of the lamp between the below list:

  • red
  • yellow
  • green
  • cyan
  • blue
  • purple
Nucleo SW1 button

7. Switch the Light On:
From the Smartphone:

Light On/Off interface

From the Sensor Node: The Light is automatically switched On when presence is detected by the PIR Sensor, and the Light LC Mode is activated on Controller. When no presence is detected, the Light progressively switches off following the below graph.

Sensor Node

2.3.3. Summary

Light LC demonstration summary