How to implement HKDF with the Cryptographic library

Revision as of 09:49, 28 April 2021 by Registered User (→‎HKDF theory)

The CMOX does not provide hash-based key derivation function (HKDF) utilities, but HKDF can be constructed based on the available CMOX HMAC services.

1. HMAC-based Key Derivation Function theory

Extract from rfc5869

2.  HMAC-based Key Derivation Function (HKDF)

2.1.  Notation

   HMAC-Hash denotes the HMAC function [HMAC] instantiated with hash
   function 'Hash'.  HMAC always has two arguments: the first is a key
   and the second an input (or message).  (Note that in the extract
   step, 'IKM' is used as the HMAC input, not as the HMAC key.)

   When the message is composed of several elements we use concatenation
   (denoted |) in the second argument; for example, HMAC(K, elem1 |
   elem2 | elem3).

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [KEYWORDS].

2.2.  Step 1: Extract

   HKDF-Extract(salt, IKM) -> PRK

      Hash     a hash function; HashLen denotes the length of the
               hash function output in octets

      salt     optional salt value (a non-secret random value);
               if not provided, it is set to a string of HashLen zeros.
      IKM      input keying material

      PRK      a pseudorandom key (of HashLen octets)

   The output PRK is calculated as follows:

   PRK = HMAC-Hash(salt, IKM)

2.3.  Step 2: Expand

   HKDF-Expand(PRK, info, L) -> OKM

      Hash     a hash function; HashLen denotes the length of the
               hash function output in octets

      PRK      a pseudorandom key of at least HashLen octets
               (usually, the output from the extract step)
      info     optional context and application specific information
               (can be a zero-length string)
      L        length of output keying material in octets
               (<= 255*HashLen)

      OKM      output keying material (of L octets)

   The output OKM is calculated as follows:

   N = ceil(L/HashLen)
   T = T(1) | T(2) | T(3) | ... | T(N)
   OKM = first L octets of T

   T(0) = empty string (zero length)
   T(1) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(0) | info | 0x01)
   T(2) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(1) | info | 0x02)
   T(3) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(2) | info | 0x03)

2. HKDF implementation example using HMAC-SHA256 Cryptographic library services

  /* Computed data buffer */
  uint8_t computed_hash[CMOX_SHA256_SIZE];
  uint8_t computed_PRK[CMOX_SHA256_SIZE];
  uint8_t computed_OKM[82];  /* L    = 82 */

  /* HMAC context handle */
  cmox_hmac_handle_t Hmac_Ctx;
  size_t computed_size;
  /* General mac context */
  cmox_mac_handle_t *mac_ctx;
  uint8_t t;
  uint32_t index;

  /* Initialize cryptographic library */
  if (cmox_initialize(NULL) != CMOX_INIT_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();

   * Compute PRK = HMAC-Hash(salt, IKM)
  retval = cmox_mac_compute(CMOX_HMAC_SHA256_ALGO,
                            IKM, sizeof(IKM),
                            salt, sizeof(salt),
                            NULL, 0,

  /* Verify API returned value */
  if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();

   * Compute N = ceil(L/HashLen)
  N = (uint32_t)(L / CMOX_SHA256_SIZE);
  if ((N * CMOX_SHA256_SIZE) < L) N++;

   * Compute OKM = first L octets of T
   * where:
   * T(0) = empty string (zero length)
   * T(1) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(0) | info | 0x01)
   * T(2) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(1) | info | 0x02)
   * T(3) = HMAC-Hash(PRK, T(2) | info | 0x03)
  mac_ctx = cmox_hmac_construct(&Hmac_Ctx, CMOX_HMAC_SHA256);
  if (mac_ctx == NULL) Error_Handler();

  index = 0;
  for (uint8_t i = 1; i <= N; i++)
    retval = cmox_mac_init(mac_ctx);
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    /* For the last iteration, tag length may be reduced to fit requested length L */
    if (i == N)
      retval = cmox_mac_setTagLen(mac_ctx, L - index);
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    retval = cmox_mac_setKey(mac_ctx, computed_PRK, sizeof(computed_PRK));
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    if (i > 1)
      retval = cmox_mac_append(mac_ctx, computed_hash, CMOX_SHA256_SIZE);
      if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    retval = cmox_mac_append(mac_ctx, info, sizeof(info));
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    retval = cmox_mac_append(mac_ctx, &i, 1);
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    retval = cmox_mac_generateTag(mac_ctx, computed_hash, NULL);
    if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();
    if (i == N)
      memcpy(&computed_OKM[index], computed_hash, L - index);
      index = L;
      memcpy(&computed_OKM[index], computed_hash, CMOX_SHA256_SIZE);
      index += CMOX_SHA256_SIZE;
  retval = cmox_mac_cleanup(mac_ctx);
  if (retval != CMOX_MAC_SUCCESS) Error_Handler();